Collection of Tools for PD Rating Model Development and Validation

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Documentation for package ‘PDtoolkit’ version 1.2.0

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auc.model Area under curve (AUC)
bivariate Bivariate analysis
boots.vld Bootstrap model validation
cat.bin Categorical risk factor binning
cat.slice Slice categorical variable
confusion.matrix Confusion matrix
constrained.logit Constrained logistic regression
create.partitions Create partitions (aka nested dummy variables)
cutoff.palette Palette of cutoff values that minimize and maximize metrics from the confusion matrix
decision.tree Custom decision tree algorithm
dp.testing Testing the discriminatory power of PD rating model
embedded.blocks Embedded blocks regression
encode.woe Encode WoE
ensemble.blocks Ensemble blocks regression
evrs Modelling the Economic Value of Credit Rating System
fairness.vld Model fairness validation
heterogeneity Testing heterogeneity of the PD rating model
hhi Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)
homogeneity Testing homogeneity of the PD rating model
imp.outliers Imputation methods for outliers Imputation methods for special cases
interaction.transformer Extract risk factors interaction from decision tree
kfold.idx Indices for K-fold validation
kfold.vld K-fold model cross-validation
loans German Credit Data
normal.test Multi-period predictive power test
num.slice Slice numeric variable
nzv Near-zero variance
power Power of statistical tests for predictive ability testing
pp.testing Testing the predictive power of PD rating model
predict.cdt Predict method for custom decision tree
psi Population Stability Index (PSI)
replace.woe Replace modalities of risk factor with weights of evidence (WoE) value
rf.clustering Risk factor clustering
rf.interaction.transformer Extract interactions from random forest
rs.calibration Calibration of the rating scale
scaled.score Scaling the probabilities
segment.vld Model segment validation
smote Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
staged.blocks Staged blocks regression
stepFWD Customized stepwise regression with p-value and trend check
stepFWDr Customized stepwise regression with p-value and trend check on raw risk factors
stepMIV Stepwise logistic regression based on marginal information value (MIV)
stepRPC Stepwise logistic regression based on risk profile concept
stepRPCr Stepwise regression based on risk profile concept and raw risk factors
univariate Univariate analysis
ush.bin U-shape binning algorithm
ush.test Testing for U-shape relation
woe.tbl Weights of evidence (WoE) table