benchmarkData |
Data for performing a benchmark |
benchmarkResults |
Results from running a performance benchmark on a personal computer including the time for parameter transformation |
benchmarkResultsNoTransform |
Results from running a performance benchmark on a personal computer excluding the time for parameter transformation |
BenchmarkRvsCpp |
A log-likelihood calculation time comparison for different numbers of traits and option-sets |
MiniBenchmarkRvsCpp |
Evaluate the likelihood calculation times for example trees and data |
PCListInt |
Converts the logical matrix pc into a list of vectors denoting the (0-based) TRUE-indices in each column |
PCMBaseCppIsADevRelease |
Check if the PCMBaseCpp version correpsonds to a dev release |
PCMInfoCpp |
A S3 generic for creating C++ backend objects given a model, data and a tree. |
PCMParamGetFullVector |
Get a vector with all model parameters unrolled |
PCMTreePreorderCpp |
Fast preorder of the edges in a tree |