PCMListParameterizations {PCMBase}R Documentation

Specify the parameterizations for each parameter of a model


These are S3 generics. 'PCMListParameterizations' should return all possible parametrizations for the class of 'model'. 'PCMListDefaultParameterizations' is a handy way to specify a subset of all parametrizations. 'PCMListDefaultParameterizations' should be used to avoid generating too many model parametrizations which occupy space in the R-global environment while they are not used (see PCMGenerateParameterizations). It is mandatory to implement a specification for 'PCMListParameterizations' for each newly defined class of models. 'PCMListDefaultParameterizations' has a default implementation that calls 'PCMListParameterizations' and returns the first parametrization for each parameter. Hence, implementing a method for 'PCMListDefaultParameterizations' for a newly defined model type is optional.


PCMListParameterizations(model, ...)

PCMListDefaultParameterizations(model, ...)



a PCM.


additional arguments used by implementing methods.


a named list with list elements corresponding to each parameter in model. Each list element is a list of character vectors, specifying the possible S3 class attributes for the parameter in question. For an example, type 'PCMListParameterizations.BM' to see the possible parameterizations for the BM model.

See Also


[Package PCMBase version 1.2.14 Index]