PCM {PCMBase} | R Documentation |
Create a phylogenetic comparative model object
This is the entry-point function for creating model objects
within the PCMBase framework representing a single model-type with one or
several model-regimes of this type associated with the branches of a tree.
For mixed Gaussian phylogenetic models, which enable multiple model-types,
use the MixedGaussian
modelTypes = class(model)[1],
k = 1L,
regimes = 1L,
params = NULL,
vecParams = NULL,
offset = 0L,
spec = NULL,
model |
This argument can take one of the following forms:
The Details section explains how these two types of input are processed. |
modelTypes |
a character string vector specifying a set (family) of model-classes, to which the constructed model object belongs. These are used for model-selection. |
k |
integer denoting the number of traits (defaults to 1). |
regimes |
a character or integer vector denoting the regimes. |
params |
NULL (default) or a list of parameter values (scalars, vectors, matrices, or arrays) or sub-models (S3 objects inheriting from the PCM class). See details. |
vecParams |
NULL (default) or a numeric vector the vector representation of the variable parameters in the model. See details. |
offset |
integer offset in vecParams; see Details. |
spec |
NULL or a list specifying the model parameters (see
... |
additional parameters intended for use by sub-classes of the PCM class. |
This is an S3 generic. The PCMBase package defines three methods for it:
A default constructor for any object with a class inheriting from "PCM".
- PCM.character:
A default PCM constructor from a character string specifying the type of model.
- PCM.default:
A default constructor called when no other constructor is found. When called this constructor raises an error message.
an object of S3 class as defined by the argument model
See Also
# a Brownian motion model with one regime
modelBM <- PCM(model = "BM", k = 2)
# print the model
# a BM model with two regimes
modelBM.ab <- PCM("BM", k = 2, regimes = c("a", "b"))
# print a single parameter of the model (in this case, the root value)
# assign a value to this parameter (note that the brackets [] are necessary
# to preserve the parameter attributes):
modelBM.ab$X0[] <- c(5, 2)
# number of numerical parameters in the model
# Get a vector representation of all parameters in the model
# Limits for the model parameters:
lowerLimit <- PCMParamLowerLimit(modelBM)
upperLimit <- PCMParamUpperLimit(modelBM)
# assign the model parameters at random: this will use uniform distribution
# with boundaries specified by PCMParamLowerLimit and PCMParamUpperLimit
# We do this in two steps:
# 1. First we generate a random vector. Note the length of the vector equals PCMParamCount(modelBM)
randomParams <- PCMParamRandomVecParams(modelBM, PCMNumTraits(modelBM), PCMNumRegimes(modelBM))
# 2. Then we load this random vector into the model.
PCMParamLoadOrStore(modelBM, randomParams, 0, PCMNumTraits(modelBM), PCMNumRegimes(modelBM), TRUE)
# generate a random phylogenetic tree of 10 tips
tree <- ape::rtree(10)
#simulate the model on the tree
traitValues <- PCMSim(tree, modelBM, X0 = modelBM$X0)
# calculate the likelihood for the model parameters, given the tree and the trait values
PCMLik(traitValues, tree, modelBM)
# create a likelihood function for faster processing for this specific model.
# This function is convenient for calling in optim because it recieves and parameter
# vector instead of a model object.
likFun <- PCMCreateLikelihood(traitValues, tree, modelBM)