suggestPath {PBSadmb}R Documentation

Suggest a Path to a Specified Program


Suggest a directory path from the system PATH where a program specified by the user might be located.


suggestPath(progs, ipath = NULL, file_ext = NULL)



string vector of program names without the extension (assumes .exe in Windows). Unix programs do not have extensions.


string specified by the user as the initial path (directory) to check before checking all other directories on the PATH.


user can specify an alternative extension if the program does not end in .exe



This function determines whether the specified programs can be located on the user's system.

A wrapper function called .win.suggestPath is used by the PBSadmb GUI to suggest paths for the ADMB home, the Windows MinGW home, and an editor.


Returns a logical vector where each element corresponds to a program searched. If the element is TRUE, then the program was found on the path, which is supplied as the name of the vector element. If the element is FALSE, the program may exist on the user's system, but is not in any of the directories specified by the PATH environment of the system.

The returned vector has a list attribute where each item in the list corresponds to each element in the vector, and shows the results of the search for each of the directories.


Rowan Haigh, Program Head – Offshore Rockfish
Pacific Biological Station (PBS), Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO), Nanaimo BC
locus opus: Offsite, Vancouver BC
Last modified Rd: 2023-11-09

See Also


[Package PBSadmb version 1.1.6 Index]