setupAD {PBSadmb}R Documentation

Set Up Paths for PBSadmb


Set up path information by reading from a pathfile (default = ADpaths.txt) and checking that certain executable files exist.





string name of 2-column text file that details the relevant paths for the R variables admbpath, gccpath, and editor.


This program is useful primarily for console-based function calls. It sets up the background options for PBSadmb functions (convAD, compAD, linkAD) by reading paths from a file and checking to make sure that they are valid (i.e., contain certain exectuable files like tpl2cpp and g++). The options are store in a PBSoptions class objects called .PBSadmb in the temporary environment .PBSadmbEnv.


To access the options manager in the temporary working environment, use the PBSadmb accessor functions (atget, atput, atcall, atprint). For eample:


On UNIX systems the MinGW compiler and UNIX tools are readily available; therefore, only the admbpath (path to ADMB's home directory) and the path to a text editor are needed.


Jon T. Schnute, Scientist Emeritus
Pacific Biological Station (PBS), Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO), Nanaimo BC
Last modified Rd: 2014-02-27

See Also

readADpaths, checkADopts, makeAD

[Package PBSadmb version 1.1.6 Index]