setADpath {PBSadmb}R Documentation

Create ADMB Options List


Creates an options list object detailing the pathways to the ADMB home directory, the GCC home directory, the MSYS (Unix utilities) bin directoy, and the user's preferred text editor. Also keeps track of software versions for ADMB and GCC.


setADpath(admbpath, gccpath, msysbin, editor)
setADver(admbver, gccver)



character – explicit path to the user's ADMB home directory.


character – explicit path to the user's GCC home directory.


character – explicit path to the user's MSYS bin directory (binary executables and libraries).


character – explicit path and program to use for editing text.


character – version number of ADMB software.


character – version number of g++ software.


Creates a global, hidden list object called .PBSadmb, located in the temporary environment .PBSadmbEnv. Use the functions atget, atput, atcall, and atprint to get, put, call, and print the object .PBSadmb. The function alisp lists all the objects in the .PBSadmbEnv environment.


These functions replace makeADopts. The old control file called ADopts.txt is retained as a backup file system, which is accessed on R session start-up and first call to the function admb to initialize the contents of the options manager .PBSadmb and the GUI. However, if a path file (e.g., ADpaths.txt) exists, the paths in this file will override those taken from ADopts.txt.

Additionally, the ‘Verify’ button always consults the admb version file (if it exists) and the g++ executable to collect version information. If not available, version information is set to an empty string.


Alex Couture-Beil, Software Engineer, Victoria BC
Rowan Haigh, Program Head – Offshore Rockfish
Pacific Biological Station (PBS), Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO), Nanaimo BC
locus opus: Offsite, Vancouver BC
Last modified Rd: 2018-09-28

See Also

readADopts, writeADopts

[Package PBSadmb version 1.1.6 Index]