Sensewear_report {PASenseWear}R Documentation

Generate Report for SenseWear activity data.


Summarize sedentary, mild, moderate, and MVPA related activity measures.





csv file from SenseWear


MVPA long bout is defined as at least 10 consecutive minutes with METs>=3 (allowing 2 min below that threshold).


Year The calendar year of recorded event

Month The calendar month of recorded event

Day The calendar day of recorded event

Dayofweek The day of that week

Time_on_body_Hrs Total time (hours) of SenseWear on body

Time_waking_wearing_Hrs Total waking time (hours) during wearing time

Time_on_body_percent Percent of wearing time of a day

Steps Total steps of the day

Time_lying_Hrs Total lying time (hours)

Time_sleeping_Hrs Total sleeping time (hours)

Time_sed_Hrs Total sedentary time (hours)

TEE_Kcal Total energy expenditure (Kcal)

Time_waking_Sedentary_Hrs When the wearer is waking, the total sedentary time (hours)

Percent_waking_sed When the wearer is waking, the percentage of sedentary time to wearing time

Time_waking_Mild_Hrs When the wearer is waking, the total mild time (hours)

Percent_waking_mild When the wearer is waking, the percentage of mild time to wearing time

Time_waking_Moderate_Hrs When the wearer is waking, the total moderate time (hours)

Percent_waking_moderate When the wearer is waking, the percentage of moderate time to wearing time

Time_waking_MVPA_Hrs When the wearer is waking, the total MVPA time (hours)

Percent_waking_MVPA When the wearer is waking, the percentage of MVPA time to wearing time

Time_waking_Vigorous_Hrs When the wearer is waking, the total vigorous time (hours)

Percent_waking_vigorous When the wearer is waking, the percentage of vigorous time to wearing time

No_sed_breaks Number of sedentary breaks (at least one minute interruption counting as a break)

Time_all_break_length_Hrs Summation of time (hours) of breaks

Average_EE_break_kcal Average energy expenditure of breaks

Time_below_1_METs_Hrs Total time (hours) of MET less than 1

Time_btw_1_2_METs_Hrs Total time (hours) of MET between 1 and 2

Time_btw_2_3_METs_Hrs Total time (hours) of MET between 2 and 3

Time_btw_3_4_METs_Hrs Total time (hours) of MET between 3 and 4

Time_btw_4_5_METs_Hrs Total time (hours) of MET between 4 and 5

Time_btw_5_6_METs_Hrs Total time (hours) of MET between 5 and 6

Time_above_6_METS_Hrs Total time (hours) of MET over 6

Steps_above_1.5_METs Summation of step count when energy expenditure is >1.5 METs with step counts not equal to 0

EE_steps_above_1.5METs_kcal Summation of energy expenditure for in Kcal when energy expenditure is >1.5 METs with step counts not equal to 0

Steps_above_3_METs Summation of step count when energy expenditure is >3 METs with step counts not equal to 0

EE_steps_above_3METs_kcal Summation of energy expenditure for in Kcal when energy expenditure is >3 METs with step counts not equal to 0

Time_100_steps_per_day_Hrs Summation of time (hours) for Steps>=100 per minute

PAEE_above_1.5METs_kcal Summation of energy expenditure in Kcal when energy expenditure is >1.5 METs

Time_PAEE_1.5METs_Hrs Summation of time (hours) when energy expenditure is >1.5 METs

PAEE_above_3METs_kcal Summation of energy expenditure in Kcal when energy expenditure is >3 METs

Time_PAEE_3METs_Hrs Summation of time (hours) energy expenditure is >3 METs

No_unBouted_10min Summation of number of MVPA bout which energy expenditure is >3 METs and length is less than 10 minutes

EE_unBouted_10min_Kcal Summation of energy expenditure of bout which energy expenditure is >3 METs and length is less than 10 minutes

Time_unBouted_10min_Hrs Summation of time (hours) of bout which length is less than 10 minutes

No_Bout_10min Summation of number of bout which length is more than 10 minutes

EE_Bouted_10min_Kcal Summation of energy expenditure of MVPA bout which length is more than 10 minutes

Time_Bouted_10min_Hrs Summation of time (hours) of MVPA bout which length is more than 10 minutes

No_Bout_20min Summation of number of MVPA bout which length is more than 20 minutes

EE_Bouted_20min_Kcal Summation of number of MVPA bout which length is more than 20 minutes

Time_Bouted_20min_Hrs Summation of time (hours) of MVPA bout which length is more than 20 minutes

No_Bout_30min Summation of number of MVPA bout which length is more than 30 minutes

EE_Bouted_30min_Kcal Summation of energy expenditure of MVPA bout which length is more than 30 minutes

Time_Bouted_30min_Hrs Summation of time (hours) of MVPA bout which length is more than 30 minutes

Mean_bout_duration Mean MVPA bout duration which bout length is more than 10 minutes: Time_Bouted_10min_Hrs/No_Bout_10min

No_Bouts_Extra_Long_steps The number of bouts of 'extra long' (>500 steps) walks in each day

No_Bouts_Long_steps The number of bouts of 'long' (100-499 steps) walks in each day

No_Bouts_Moderate_steps The number of bouts of 'moderate' (20-99 steps) walks in each day

No_Bouts_Short_steps The number of bouts of 'short' walks (<20 steps) in each day

Mean_cadence_extra_long Mean cadence (steps/min) in 'extra long' bouts of walking

Mean_cadence_long Mean cadence (steps/min) in 'long' bouts of walking

Mean_cadence_moderate Mean cadence (steps/min) in 'moderate' bouts of walking

Mean_cadence_short Mean cadence (steps/min) in 'short' bouts of walking

Mean_cadence_day Mean cadence (steps/min) in each day



[Package PASenseWear version 1.0 Index]