Pathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association Data

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Documentation for package ‘PAGWAS’ version 2.0

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PAGWAS-package Pathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association Data
create.pathway.df Creates a pathway data frame
FM.chi.pvalue Calculates the Fisher's method p-value for each tested pathway
genes A data frame of 20 artificial genes with their chromosomes and positions on the genome
genotypes Genotypes for 100 SNPs and 75 individuals
NBF Normal/Bayes factors method for finding associated pathways
PAGWAS Pathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association Data
pathways A list of 2 pathways with their gene members
SNAL Sparse Normal/Adaptive lasso method for finding associated pathways
SNAL.calculation Sparse Normal/Adaptive lasso method for finding associated variables. The SNAL method is applied to the linear regression Y= Phi beta + epsilon
SNPs A data frame of 100 artificial SNPs with their chromosomes and positions on the genome Assigns SNPs to genes Assigns SNPs to pathways