Estimate a grouped panel data model given an observed group structure. Slope parameters are homogeneous within groups but heterogeneous across groups.
This function supports both static and dynamic panel data models, with or without endogenous regressors.
index = NULL,
n_periods = NULL,
method = "PLS",
bias_correc = FALSE,
rho = 0.07 * log(N * n_periods)/sqrt(N * n_periods),
verbose = TRUE,
parallel = TRUE,
## S3 method for class 'gplm'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gplm'
formula(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gplm'
df.residual(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gplm'
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gplm'
coef(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gplm'
residuals(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gplm'
fitted(object, ...)
a formula object describing the model to be estimated.
a data.frame or matrix holding a panel data set. If no index variables are provided, the panel must be balanced and ordered in the long format Y=(Y1′,…,YN′)′, Yi=(Yi1,…,YiT)′ with Yit=(yit,xit′)′. Conversely, if data is not ordered or not balanced, data must include two index variables that declare the cross-sectional unit i and the time period t of each observation.
a numerical or character vector of length N that indicates the group membership of each cross-sectional unit i.
a character vector holding two strings. The first string denotes the name of the index variable identifying the cross-sectional unit i, and the second string represents the name of the variable declaring the time period t. In case of a balanced panel data set that is ordered in the long format, index can be left empty if the the number of time periods n_periods is supplied.
the number of observed time periods T. If an index is passed, this argument can be left empty.
the estimation method. Options are
for using the penalized least squares (PLS) algorithm. We recommend PLS in case of (weakly) exogenous regressors (Mehrabani, 2023, sec. 2.2).
for using the penalized Generalized Method of Moments (PGMM). PGMM is required when instrumenting endogenous regressors, in which case a matrix Z containing the necessary exogenous instruments must be supplied (Mehrabani, 2023, sec. 2.3).
Default is "PLS".
a NT×qmatrix or data.frame of exogenous instruments, where q≥p, Z=(z1,…,zN)′, zi=(zi1,…,ziT)′ and zit is a q×1 vector. Z is only required when method = "PGMM" is selected. When using "PLS", the argument can be left empty or it is disregarded. Default is NULL.
logical. If TRUE, a Split-panel Jackknife bias correction following Dhaene and Jochmans (2015) is applied to the slope parameters. We recommend using the correction when working with dynamic panels. Default is FALSE.
a tuning parameter balancing the fitness and penalty terms in the IC. If left unspecified, the heuristic ρ=0.07NTlog(NT) of Mehrabani (2023, sec. 6) is used. We recommend the default.
logical. If TRUE, helpful warning messages are shown. Default is TRUE.
logical. If TRUE, certain operations are parallelized across multiple cores. Default is TRUE.
of class gplm.
of class gplm.
Consider the grouped panel data model
where yit is the scalar dependent variable, γi is an individual fixed effect, xit is a p×1 vector of explanatory variables, and ϵit is a zero mean error.
The coefficient vector βi is subject to the observed group pattern
with ∪k=1KGk={1,…,N}, Gk∩Gj=∅ and ∥αk−αj∥=0 for any k=j, k=1,…,K.
Using PLS, the group-specific coefficients for group k are obtained via OLS
where Wk is a q×q p.d. symmetric weight matrix and Δ denotes the first difference operator Δxit=xit−xit−1 (first-difference transformation).
An object of class gplm holding
a data.frame containing the dependent and explanatory variables as well as cross-sectional and time indices,
a K×p matrix of the group-specific parameter estimates,
a list containing (i) the total number of groups K and (ii) a vector of group memberships g1,…,gN), where gi=k if i is assigned to group k,
a vector of residuals of the demeaned model,
a vector of fitted values of the demeaned model,
a list of additional arguments,
a list containing (i) the value of the IC and (ii) the MSE,
the function call.
A gplm object has print, summary, fitted, residuals, formula, df.residual, and coef S3 methods.
Paul Haimerl
Dhaene, G., & Jochmans, K. (2015). Split-panel jackknife estimation of fixed-effect models. The Review of Economic Studies, 82(3), 991-1030. doi:10.1093/restud/rdv007.
Mehrabani, A. (2023). Estimation and identification of latent group structures in panel data. Journal of Econometrics, 235(2), 1464-1482. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2022.12.002.
# Simulate a panel with a group structure
sim <- sim_DGP(N = 20, n_periods = 80, p = 2, n_groups = 3)
y <- sim$y
X <- sim$X
groups <- sim$groups
df <- cbind(y = c(y), X)
# Estimate the grouped panel data model
estim <- grouped_plm(y ~ ., data = df, groups = groups, n_periods = 80, method = "PLS")
# Lets pass a panel data set with explicit cross-sectional and time indicators
i_index <- rep(1:20, each = 80)
t_index <- rep(1:80, 20)
df <- data.frame(y = c(y), X, i_index = i_index, t_index = t_index)
estim <- grouped_plm(
y ~ ., data = df, index = c("i_index", "t_index"), groups = groups, method = "PLS"