MonoisotopicMass {OrgMassSpecR} | R Documentation |
Calculate the monoisotopic mass or monoisotopic m/z value of an organic molecule.
Given an elemental formula, the relative atomic masses of the isotopes, and the charge state, determine the monoisotopic mass or monoisotopic m/z value.
MonoisotopicMass(formula = list(), isotopes = list(), charge = 0)
formula |
a list describing the uncharged elemental formula. The allowed elements are C, H, N, O, S, P, Br, Cl, F, Si, and a user defined "x". See Examples. |
isotopes |
a list specifing the relative atomic masses of the isotopes. |
charge |
an integer specifying the number of positive or
negative charges. If a charge is specified, the m/z of the
molecule is calculated by adding or subtracting the specified
number of protons. If |
The elemental formula describes the uncharged molecule; the charge argument will add or remove hydrogens as needed. This assumes an electrospray or MALDI type ionization. In electron impact ionization a positive charge is generated by loss of an electron, not additon of H+, therefore to calculate the correct m/z, the charge should be set to zero as a workaround.
The relative atomic masses of the most abundant isotopes (carbon-12, hydrogen-1, nitrogen-14, and oxygen-16) are set as the default values. For reference, the relative atomic masses of some common isotopic labels are:
carbon-13 | 13.0033548378 |
hydrogen-2 | 2.0141017780 |
nitrogen-15 | 15.0001088984 |
oxygen-18 | 17.9991604 |
The user defined element x
can be used to define an additional element, such as a metal, or to specify a certain number of isotopically labeled atoms in a molecule. See Examples.
This function will accept values that do not correspond to known physical reality, such as a fractional number of elements, a fractional charge, or the wrong relative atomic mass value for an isotope.
The monoisotopic mass of the unchaged molecule or the monoisotopic m/z value of the charged molecule.
Nathan G. Dodder and Katharine M. Mullen
The relative atomic masses of the isotopes are from the NIST Physical Reference Data Website The molar mass of a proton (H+) is from the NIST CODATA Website
See Also
, FragmentPeptide
, MolecularWeight
## monoisotopic m/z of creatinine (C4H7N3O), +1 charge
## unlabeled
MonoisotopicMass(formula = list(C=4, H=7, N=3, O=1), charge = 1)
## with all carbon-13 atoms
MonoisotopicMass(formula = list(C=4, H=7, N=3, O=1),
isotopes = list(C = 13.0033548378),
charge = 1)
## with 2 carbon-12 atoms and 2 carbon-13 atoms
MonoisotopicMass(formula = list(C=2, H=7, N=3, O=1, x=2),
isotopes = list(x = 13.0033548378),
charge = 1)
## monoisotopic mass of cyanocobalamin (C63H88CoN14O14P)
MonoisotopicMass(formula = list(C=63, H=88, N=14, O=14, P=1, x=1),
isotopes = list(x = 58.9332002))