Confidence Regions for Optima of Response Surfaces

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Documentation for package ‘OptimaRegion’ version 1.2

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OptimaRegion-package OptimaRegion package description
CRcompare Confidence interval for the distance between two response surface optima (2 regressors)
cubic_5D Simulated dataset based on a cubic function (5 factors)
Drug Mixture-amount experiment dataset (2 factors)
GloptiPolyR Global optimization of up to cubic polynomial functions (up to 5 variables)
GloptiPolyRegion Confidence region for optima of higher order polynomial models in multiple factors
OptRegionQuad Confidence region for optima of quadratic polynomial models (2 regressors)
OptRegionTps Confidence region for optima of Thin Plate Spline Models (2 regressors)
quad_3D Central composite design experiment dataset (3 factors)