Analyze, Process, Identify, and Share Raman and (FT)IR Spectra

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Documentation for package ‘OpenSpecy’ version 1.0.8

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-- A --

adj_intens Adjust spectral intensities to absorbance units.
adj_intens.default Adjust spectral intensities to absorbance units.
adj_intens.OpenSpecy Adjust spectral intensities to absorbance units.
adj_neg Normalization and conversion of spectral data
adj_res Normalization and conversion of spectral data
ai_classify Identify and filter spectra
ai_classify.default Identify and filter spectra
ai_classify.OpenSpecy Identify and filter spectra Generic Open Specy Methods Generic Open Specy Methods
as_hyperSpec Read and write spectral data
as_OpenSpecy Create 'OpenSpecy' objects Create 'OpenSpecy' objects
as_OpenSpecy.default Create 'OpenSpecy' objects
as_OpenSpecy.hyperSpec Create 'OpenSpecy' objects
as_OpenSpecy.list Create 'OpenSpecy' objects
as_OpenSpecy.OpenSpecy Create 'OpenSpecy' objects

-- C --

calc_window_points Smooth spectral intensities
calc_window_points.default Smooth spectral intensities
calc_window_points.OpenSpecy Smooth spectral intensities
check_lib Manage spectral libraries
check_OpenSpecy Create 'OpenSpecy' objects
collapse_spec Define features
collapse_spec.default Define features
collapse_spec.OpenSpecy Define features
conform_res Normalization and conversion of spectral data
conform_spec Conform spectra to a standard wavenumber series
conform_spec.default Conform spectra to a standard wavenumber series
conform_spec.OpenSpecy Conform spectra to a standard wavenumber series
cor_spec Identify and filter spectra
cor_spec.default Identify and filter spectra
cor_spec.OpenSpecy Identify and filter spectra
c_spec Manage spectral objects
c_spec.default Manage spectral objects
c_spec.list Manage spectral objects
c_spec.OpenSpecy Manage spectral objects

-- D --

def_features Define features
def_features.default Define features
def_features.OpenSpecy Define features

-- F --

fill_spec Identify and filter spectra
fill_spec.default Identify and filter spectra
fill_spec.OpenSpecy Identify and filter spectra
filter_spec Identify and filter spectra
filter_spec.default Identify and filter spectra
filter_spec.OpenSpecy Identify and filter spectra
flatten_range Range restriction and flattening for spectra
flatten_range.default Range restriction and flattening for spectra
flatten_range.OpenSpecy Range restriction and flattening for spectra

-- G --

gen_grid Create 'OpenSpecy' objects
get_lib Manage spectral libraries
get_metadata Identify and filter spectra
get_metadata.default Identify and filter spectra
get_metadata.OpenSpecy Identify and filter spectra

-- H --

head.OpenSpecy Generic Open Specy Methods
heatmap_spec Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
heatmap_spec.default Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
heatmap_spec.OpenSpecy Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
human_ts Create human readable timestamps

-- I --

ident_spec Identify and filter spectra
interactive_plot Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
interactive_plot.default Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
interactive_plot.OpenSpecy Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
is_empty_vector Normalization and conversion of spectral data
is_OpenSpecy Create 'OpenSpecy' objects

-- L --

lines.OpenSpecy Generic Open Specy Methods
load_lib Manage spectral libraries

-- M --

make_rel Make spectral intensities relative
make_rel.default Make spectral intensities relative
make_rel.OpenSpecy Make spectral intensities relative
manage_na Ignore or Remove NA intensities
manage_na.default Ignore or Remove NA intensities
manage_na.OpenSpecy Ignore or Remove NA intensities
match_spec Identify and filter spectra
match_spec.default Identify and filter spectra
match_spec.OpenSpecy Identify and filter spectra
max_cor_named Identify and filter spectra
mean_replace Normalization and conversion of spectral data

-- O --

OpenSpecy Create 'OpenSpecy' objects
os_similarity Identify and filter spectra
os_similarity.default Identify and filter spectra
os_similarity.OpenSpecy Identify and filter spectra

-- P --

plot.OpenSpecy Generic Open Specy Methods
plotly_spec Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
plotly_spec.default Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
plotly_spec.OpenSpecy Interactive plots for OpenSpecy objects
print.OpenSpecy Generic Open Specy Methods
process_spec Process Spectra
process_spec.default Process Spectra
process_spec.OpenSpecy Process Spectra

-- R --

raman_hdpe Sample Raman spectrum
read_any Read spectral data from multiple files
read_asp Read spectral data
read_envi Read ENVI data
read_extdata Read spectral data
read_jdx Read spectral data
read_many Read spectral data from multiple files
read_opus Read spectral data from Bruker OPUS binary files
read_opus_raw Read a Bruker OPUS spectrum binary raw string
read_spa Read spectral data
read_spc Read spectral data
read_spec Read and write spectral data
read_text Read spectral data
read_zip Read spectral data from multiple files
restrict_range Range restriction and flattening for spectra
restrict_range.default Range restriction and flattening for spectra
restrict_range.OpenSpecy Range restriction and flattening for spectra
rm_lib Manage spectral libraries
run_app Run Open Specy app

-- S --

sample_spec Manage spectral objects
sample_spec.default Manage spectral objects
sample_spec.OpenSpecy Manage spectral objects
share_spec Share data with the Open Specy community
share_spec.default Share data with the Open Specy community
share_spec.OpenSpecy Share data with the Open Specy community
sig_noise Calculate signal and noise metrics for OpenSpecy objects
sig_noise.default Calculate signal and noise metrics for OpenSpecy objects
sig_noise.OpenSpecy Calculate signal and noise metrics for OpenSpecy objects
smooth_intens Smooth spectral intensities
smooth_intens.default Smooth spectral intensities
smooth_intens.OpenSpecy Smooth spectral intensities
spec_res Spectral resolution
spec_res.default Spectral resolution
spec_res.OpenSpecy Spectral resolution
split_spec Split Open Specy objects
subtr_baseline Automated background subtraction for spectral data
subtr_baseline.default Automated background subtraction for spectral data
subtr_baseline.OpenSpecy Automated background subtraction for spectral data
summary.OpenSpecy Generic Open Specy Methods

-- T --

test_lib Test reference library

-- W --

write_spec Read and write spectral data
write_spec.default Read and write spectral data
write_spec.OpenSpecy Read and write spectral data