Tools to Analyze Repertory Grid Data

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Documentation for package ‘OpenRepGrid’ version 0.1.14

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S U misc

OpenRepGrid-package 'OpenRepGrid': an R package for the analysis of repertory grids.

-- A --

addAvgElement Add a new average element
addConstruct Add a new construct to an existing grid object.
addElement Add an element to an existing grid.
alignByIdeal Align constructs using the ideal element to gain pole preferences.
alignByLoadings Align constructs by loadings on first principal component.
as.gridlist Add repgrids into a gridlist

-- B --

bell2010 Grid data from Bell (2010).
bellmcgorry1992 Grid data from Bell and McGorry (1992).
bertin Make Bertin display of grid data.
bertinCluster Bertin display with corresponding cluster analysis.
bindConstructs Concatenate the constructs of two or more grids.
biplot2d Draw a two-dimensional biplot.
biplot3d Draw grid in rgl (3D device).
biplotEsa2d Plot an eigenstructure analysis (ESA) biplot in 2D.
biplotEsa3d Draw the eigenstructure analysis (ESA) biplot in rgl (3D device).
biplotEsaPseudo3d Plot an eigenstructure analysis (ESA) in 2D grid with 3D impression (pseudo 3D).
biplotPseudo3d See 'biplotPseudo3d' for its use. Draws a biplot of the grid in 2D with depth impression (pseudo 3D).
biplotSimple A graphically unsophisticated version of a biplot.
biplotSlater2d Draws Slater's INGRID biplot in 2D.
biplotSlater3d Draw the Slater's INGRID biplot in rgl (3D device).
biplotSlaterPseudo3d Draws Slater's biplot in 2D with depth impression (pseudo 3D).
boeker Grid data from Boeker (1996).

-- C --

center Centering of rows (constructs) and/or columns (elements).
cluster Cluster analysis (of constructs or elements).
clusterBoot Multiscale bootstrap cluster analysis.
constructCor Calculate correlations between constructs.
constructD Calculate Somers' d for the constructs.
constructPca Principal component analysis (PCA) of inter-construct correlations.
constructPcaLoadings Extract loadings from PCA of constructs.
constructRmsCor Root mean square (RMS) of inter-construct correlations.
constructs Get or replace construct poles
constructs<- Get or replace construct poles

-- D --

data-bell2010 Grid data from Bell (2010).
data-bellmcgorry1992 Grid data from Bell and McGorry (1992).
data-boeker Grid data from Boeker (1996).
data-fbb2003 Grid data from Fransella, Bell and Bannister (2003).
data-feixas2004 Grid data from Feixas and Saul (2004).
data-leach2001 Pre- and post therapy dataset from Leach et al. (2001).
data-mackay1992 Grid data from Mackay (1992). Data set 'Grid C'-
data-raeithel Grid data from Raeithel (1998).
data-slater1977a Drug addict's grid data set from Slater (1977, p. 32).
data-slater1977b Grid data from Slater (1977).
distance Distance measures (between constructs or elements).
distanceHartmann 'Hartmann distance' (standardized Slater distances).
distanceNormalized Standardized inter-element distances' (power transformed Hartmann distances).
distanceSlater 'Slater distances' (standardized Euclidean distances).
down Move construct or element in grid to the left, right, up or down.

-- E --

elementCor Calculate the correlations between elements.
elementRmsCor Root mean square (RMS) of inter-element correlations.
elements Get or replace element names
elements<- Get or replace element names

-- F --

fbb2003 Grid data from Fransella, Bell and Bannister (2003).
feixas2004 Grid data from Feixas and Saul (2004).

-- G --

gridlist Add repgrids into a gridlist
grids_bootstrap Resample constructs
grids_leave_n_out Resample constructs
grids_perturbate Perturbate grid ratings

-- H --

home Rotate the interactive 3D device to default views.

-- I --

importExcel Import grid data from an Excel file.
importGridcor Import GRIDCOR data files.
importGridstat Import Gridstat data files.
importGridsuite Import Gridsuite data files.
importScivesco Import sci:vesco data files.
importTxt Import grid data from a text file.
indexBias Calculate 'bias' of grid as defined by Slater (1977).
indexBieri Bieri's index of cognitive complexity
indexConflict1 Conflict measure for grids (Slade & Sheehan, 1979) based on correlations.
indexConflict2 Conflict measure for grids (Bassler et al., 1992) based on correlations.
indexConflict3 Conflict or inconsistency measure for grids (Bell, 2004) based on distances.
indexDilemma Detect implicative dilemmas (conflicts).
indexDilemmatic Dilemmatic constructs
indexIntensity Intensity index
indexPolarization Polarization (percentage of extreme ratings)
indexPvaff Percentage of Variance Accounted for by the First Factor (PVAFF)
indexSelfConstruction Self construction profile
indexVariability Calculate 'variability' of a grid as defined by Slater (1977).
is.gridlist Add repgrids into a gridlist
is.repgrid Test if object has class repgrid

-- L --

leach2001a Pre- and post therapy dataset from Leach et al. (2001).
leach2001b Pre- and post therapy dataset from Leach et al. (2001).
left Move construct or element in grid to the left, right, up or down.
leftpoles Get or replace construct poles
leftpoles<- Get or replace construct poles

-- M --

mackay1992 Grid data from Mackay (1992). Data set 'Grid C'-
makeRepgrid Make a new repgrid object.
matches Number of matches in ratings
midpoint Midpoint of the grid rating scale

-- N --

normalize Normalize rows or columns by its standard deviation.

-- O --

OpenRepGrid 'OpenRepGrid': an R package for the analysis of repertory grids.
OpenRepGrid-overview 'OpenRepGrid': Annotated overview of package functions.

-- P --

permuteConstructs Generate a list with all possible construct reflections of a grid.
perturbate Perturbate grid ratings

-- R --

raeithel Grid data from Raeithel (1998).
randomGrid Generate a random grid (quasis) of prompted size.
randomGrids Generate a list of random grids (quasis) of prompted size.
ratings Extract ratings (wide or long format)
ratings<- Extract ratings (wide or long format)
ratings_df Extract ratings (wide or long format)
reorder.repgrid Invert construct and element order
reorder2d Order grid by angles between construct and/or elements in 2D.
reverse Reverse constructs / swaps construct poles
right Move construct or element in grid to the left, right, up or down.
rightpoles Get or replace construct poles
rightpoles<- Get or replace construct poles

-- S --

saveAsExcel Save grid in a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx)
saveAsTxt Save grid in a text file (txt).
setConstructAttr Set the attributes of a construct
setElementAttr Set the attributes of an element
setScale Set the scale range of a grid.
settings global settings for OpenRepGrid
settingsLoad Load OpenRepGrid settings
settingsSave Save OpenRepGrid settings
shift Shift construct or element to first position.
show-method Show method for repgrid
slater1977a Drug addict's grid data set from Slater (1977, p. 32).
slater1977b Grid data from Slater (1977).
statsConstructs Descriptive statistics for constructs and elements of a grid.
statsElements Descriptive statistics for constructs and elements of a grid.
swapConstructs Swap the position of two constructs in a grid.
swapElements Swap the position of two elements in a grid.
swapPoles Reverse constructs / swaps construct poles

-- U --

up Move construct or element in grid to the left, right, up or down.

-- misc --

+-method Concatenate repgrid objects.
[-method Extract parts of the repgrid object.
[<--method Method for "<-" assignment of the repgrid ratings.