chunkOMLlist | Do chunked listings |
clearOMLCache | Clear cache directories |
configuration | OpenML configuration. |
convertMlrLearnerToOMLFlow | Converts an OMLFlow to an mlr learner. |
convertMlrTaskToOMLDataSet | Converts a mlr task to an OpenML data set. |
convertOMLDataSetToMlr | Convert an OpenML data set to mlr task. |
convertOMLFlowToMlr | Converts a flow to a mlr learner. |
convertOMLMlrRunToBMR | Convert 'OMLMlrRun's to a 'BenchmarkResult'. |
convertOMLRunToBMR | Convert an OpenML run set to a benchmark result for mlr. |
convertOMLTaskToMlr | Convert an OpenML task to mlr. |
deleteOMLObject | Delete an OpenML object. |
extractOMLStudyIds | Extract IDs of a OMLStudy object |
getCachedOMLDataSetStatus | Check status of cached datasets. |
getOMLConfig | Get OpenML configuration. |
getOMLDataSet | Get an OpenML data set. |
getOMLDataSetQualities | List available OpenML qualities with values for given data set. |
getOMLFlow | Download an OpenML flow. |
getOMLRun | Get an OpenML run. |
getOMLRunParList | Extract OMLRunParList from run |
getOMLSeedParList | Extract OMLSeedParList from run |
getOMLStudy | Get OpenML Study information. |
getOMLTask | Get an OpenML task. |
listOMLDataSetQualities | List available OpenML qualities names. |
listOMLDataSets | List the first 5000 OpenML data sets. |
listOMLEstimationProcedures | List available estimation procedures. |
listOMLEvaluationMeasures | List available OpenML evaluation measures. |
listOMLFlows | List all registered OpenML flows. |
listOMLRunEvaluations | List run results of a task. |
listOMLRuns | List the first 5000 OpenML runs. |
listOMLSetup | List hyperparameter settings |
listOMLStudies | list OpenML Studies. |
listOMLTasks | List the first 5000 OpenML tasks. |
listOMLTaskTypes | List available OpenML task types. |
loadOMLConfig | Load OpenML configuration. |
makeOMLDataSet | OMLDataSet. |
makeOMLDataSetDescription | Construct OMLDataSetDescription. |
makeOMLFlow | Construct OMLFlow. |
makeOMLRun | Construct OMLRun. |
makeOMLRunParList | Construct OMLRunParList. |
makeOMLSeedParList | Construct OMLSeedParList |
makeOMLStudy | OMLStudy. |
makeOMLTask | Construct OMLTask. |
OMLDataSet | OMLDataSet. |
OMLDataSetDescription | Construct OMLDataSetDescription. |
OMLFlow | Construct OMLFlow. |
OMLMlrRun | Run mlr learner on OpenML task. |
OMLRun | Construct OMLRun. |
OMLRunParList | Construct OMLRunParList. |
OMLSeedParList | Construct OMLSeedParList |
OMLStudy | OMLStudy. |
OMLTask | Construct OMLTask. |
populateOMLCache | Download a bunch of OpenML objects to cache. |
runTaskFlow | Reproduce the Run |
runTaskMlr | Run mlr learner on OpenML task. |
saveOMLConfig | Saves a list of OpenML configuration settings to file. |
setOMLConfig | Settter for configuration settings. |
tagOMLObject | Tagging of OpenML objects |
untagOMLObject | Tagging of OpenML objects |
uploadOMLDataSet | Upload a data set to the OpenML server. |
uploadOMLFlow | Upload an OpenML. |
uploadOMLRun | Upload an OpenML run. |
uploadOMLStudy | Upload OpenML Study information. |
uploadOMLTask | Upload a task to the OpenML server. |