Validate, Share, and Download Data

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Documentation for package ‘One4All’ version 0.5

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certificate_df Generate a data frame with certificate information
checkLuhn Check if a number passes the Luhn algorithm
check_exists_in_zip Check if a file exists in a zip file
check_for_malicious_files Check for malicious files
check_images Check and format image URLs
check_other_hyperlinks Check and format non-image hyperlinks
create_valid_excel Create a formatted Excel file based on validation rules
download_all Download all data alternative
invalid_example Invalid example data
is.POSIXct Check if an object is of class POSIXct
name_data Name datasets
query_document_by_object_id Query a MongoDB document by an ObjectID
read_data Read and format data from csv or xlsx files
read_rules Read rules from a file
reformat_rules Reformat the rules
remote_download Download structured data from remote sources
remote_raw_download Download raw data from remote sources
remote_share Share your validated data
rows_for_rules Check which rows in the data violated the rules
rules_broken Check which rules were broken
run_app Run any of the apps
test_profanity Test for profanity in a string
test_rules Rules data
validate_data Validate data based on specified rules
valid_example Valid example data