RoeDeerMassData {OnAge} | R Documentation |
Data on 454 roe deer
A dataset containing the age, body weight and other attributes of 454 roe deer from Chizé and Trois Fontaines.
A data frame with 1428 rows and 16 variables:
- ID
An individual specific identifier.
- age
The age of the individual (in years).
- sex
The sex of the individual (F for females, M for males).
- population
The population site of the individual: either Chizé (CH) or Trois Fontaines (TF).
- cohort
The year of birth of the individual.
- body.mass
The individual body mass measurement at this particular age (in kg).
- year.of.capture
The year of capture of the individual for this particular body mass measurement.
The age of the individual at its last capture (in years).
- last.year.of.capture
A binary variable indicating whether or not the body mass measurement was done in the last capture of individual's life (no = 0; yes = 1).
- early.mass
The predicted body mass during the first winter at the median date of capture (27th of January) (in kg).
- residual.early.mass
The difference between the individual early mass and the average early mass of individuals within each sex and population (in kg).
- adult.body.mass
Median body mass during the prime age stage between four (after body growth has ceased) and six years of age (when senescence in body mass can begin)
- mass.gain
The body mass gain corresponding to the difference between adult body mass and early mass (in kg).
- late.growth
The body mass gain once the effect of early mass has been accounted for within each sex and population (i.e. residual of the linear regression model between early mas and mass gain) (in kg)
The binary variable indicating whether the individual has an early mass less, or equal or greater than the median early mass within each sex and population (no = 0; yes =1).
The binary variable indicating whether the individual has a late growth less, or equal or greater than the median early mass within each sex and population (no = 0; yes = 1).