Data Integration with Two-Way Orthogonal Partial Least Squares

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Documentation for package ‘OmicsPLS’ version 2.0.2

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adjR2 Gridwise adjusted R2 for O2PLS
crossval_o2m Cross-validate procedure for O2PLS
crossval_o2m_adjR2 Adjusted Cross-validate procedure for O2PLS
crossval_sparsity Perform cross-validation to find the optimal number of variables/groups to keep for each joint component
impute_matrix Impute missing values in a matrix
loadings Extract the loadings from an O2PLS fit
loadings.o2m Extract the loadings from an O2PLS fit
loocv K fold CV for O2PLS
loocv_combi K-fold CV based on symmetrized prediction error
mse Calculate mean squared difference
norm_vec Norm of a vector
o2m Perform O2PLS data integration with two-way orthogonal corrections
OmicsPLS Data integration with O2PLS: Two-Way Orthogonal Partial Least Squares
orth Orthogonalize a matrix
orth_vec Orthogonalize a sparse loading vector with regard to a matrix
plot.o2m Plot one or two loading vectors for class o2m
predict.o2m Predicts X or Y
print.cvo2m Cross-validate procedure for O2PLS
print.o2m Print function for O2PLS.
print.pre.o2m Print function for O2PLS.
rmsep Root MSE of Prediction
rmsep_combi Symmetrized root MSE of Prediction
scores Extract the scores from an O2PLS fit
scores.o2m Extract the scores from an O2PLS fit
ssq Calculate Sum of Squares
summary.o2m Summary of an O2PLS fit
thresh_n Soft threshholding a vector with respect to a number of variables
thresh_n_gr Soft threshholding a vector with respect to a number of groups
vnorm Norm of a vector or columns of a matrix