installApp {OmicNavigator}R Documentation

Install the OmicNavigator web app


In order to run the OmicNavigator web app on your local machine, the app must be installed in the www/ subdirectory of the R package. If you installed the release tarball from the GitHub Releases page, then you already have the app installed. If you installed directly from GitHub with install_github, or if you want to use a different version of the app, you can manually download and install the app.


installApp(version = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, lib.loc = NULL, ...)



Version of the web app to install, e.g. "1.0.0"


Should an existing installation of the app be overwritten?


a character vector with path names of R libraries. See ‘Details’ for the meaning of the default value of NULL.


Passed to download.file. If the download fails, you may need to adjust the download settings for your operating system. For example, to download with wget, pass the argument method = "wget".


A one-element character vector with the absolute path to the directory in which the app files were installed

[Package OmicNavigator version 1.13.13 Index]