addOverlaps {OmicNavigator}R Documentation

Add overlaps between annotation gene sets


The app's network view of the enrichments results requires pairwise overlap metrics between all the terms of each annotation in order to draw the edges between the nodes/terms. These overlaps are calculated automatically when installing or exporting an OmicNavigator study. If you'd like, you can manually calculate these pairwise overlaps by calling addOverlaps prior to installing or exporting your study.


addOverlaps(study, reset = FALSE)



An OmicNavigator study created with createStudy


Reset the data prior to adding the new data (default: FALSE). The default is to add to or modify any previously added data (if it exists). Setting reset = TRUE enables you to remove existing data you no longer want to include in the study.


Returns the original onStudy object passed to the argument study, but modified to include the newly added data

[Package OmicNavigator version 1.13.13 Index]