North Temperate Lakes - Microbial Observatory 16S Time Series Data and Functions

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Documentation for package ‘OTUtable’ version 1.1.2

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OTUtable-package OTU table analysis functions
bog_subset Subset OTU table by sampling site
chao1 Chao1 Richness
clean_mothur_taxonomy Clean mothur-format Taxonomy File
clean_shared Reformat a shared file
clean_TaxAss_taxonomy Clean Taxonomy File Output by TaxAss Workflow
combine_otus Combine OTUs based on identical taxonomic assignments
extract_date Extract sampling date from a vector of sample names
filter_taxa Filter Taxa Based on Abundance and Persistence
grab_group Subset OTU table by taxonomic assignment
make_do_matrix Make matrix of dissolved oxygen data
make_temp_matrix Make matrix of temperature data
metadata Lake metadata for OTU table
obs_richness Observed Richness
OTUtable OTU table analysis functions
otu_table OTU table generated from 8 bog lakes over 4 years
pielou Pielou's Evenness
plot_column Plot DO or temperature data from a depth profile over time
reduce_names Shorten taxonomic assignment in table row names
remove_reps Remove the second replicate of each sample, when it exists
rotate Rotate a matrix
shannon Shannon's Biodiversity Index
taxonomy Taxonomic assignments of OTUs
year_subset Subset samples by a specific year
zscore Z-score normalize relative abundance data