OSTE {OSTE} | R Documentation |
Optimal Survival Tree Ensemble
Optimal survival trees ensemble is the main function of OSTE
package that grows a sufficiently large number, t.initial
, of survival trees and selects optimal survival trees from the total trees grown by random survival forest. Number of survival trees in the initial set, t.initial
, is chosen by the user. If not chosen, then the default t.initial = 500
is used. Based on empirical investigation, t.initial =1000
is recommended.
OSTE(formula = NULL, data, t.initial = NULL, v.size = NULL, mtry = NULL, M = NULL,
minimum.node.size = NULL, always.split.features = NULL, replace = TRUE,
splitting.rule = NULL, info = TRUE)
formula |
Object of class formula describing the required model to be fitted. Interaction terms are not supported in the current version. |
data |
A |
t.initial |
Number of survival trees to be grown initially. If equal to |
v.size |
Portion of data used for validation in the second phase i.e. for assessing survival trees performance in the ensemble. If equal to |
mtry |
Number of features selected at random at each node of the survival trees for splitting. If equal to |
M |
Percent of the best |
minimum.node.size |
Minimal node size. If equal to |
always.split.features |
Vector of variable names if desired to be always selected in addition to the mtry variables tried for splitting. |
replace |
Whether sampling should be done with or without replacement. |
splitting.rule |
Splitting rule." |
info |
If |
Large values are recommended for t.initial
for better performance as possible under the available computational resources. The log-rank test statistic is used as defalut,
A C-index based splitting rule (Schmid et al. 2015) and maximally selected rank statistics (Wright et al. 2016) are available. The C-index shows better predictive performance in case of high censoring rate, where logrank is best for situations where the data are noisy (Schmid et al. 2015).
unique.death.times |
Unique death times. |
Estimated cumulative hazard function for each observation. |
Survival_Prob |
Estimated survival probability for each observation. |
trees_selected |
Number of trees selected. |
mtry |
Value of mtry used. |
forest |
Saved forest for prediction purposes. |
In the case of missing values in any dataset prior action needs to be taken as the fuction can not handle them at the current version. Moreover, the status/delta variable in the data must be code as 0, 1.
Naz Gul, Nosheen Faiz, Zardad Khan and Berthold Lausen.
Marvin N. Wright, Andreas Ziegler (2017). ranger: A Fast Implementation of Random Forests for High Dimensional Data in C++ and R. Journal of Statistical Software, 77(1), 1-17. doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i01
Terry Therneau, Beth Atkinson and Brian Ripley (2015) rpart: Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees. R package version 4.1-10. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rpart
Ulla B. Mogensen, Hemant Ishwaran, Thomas A. Gerds (2012). Evaluating Random Forests for Survival Analysis Using Prediction Error Curves. Journal of Statistical Software, 50(11), 1-23. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v50/i11/.
Schmid, M., Wright, M. N. & Ziegler, A. (2016). On the use of Harrell's C for clinical risk prediction via random survival forests. Expert Syst Appl 63:450-459. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2016.07.018.
Wright, M. N., Dankowski, T. & Ziegler, A. (2017). Unbiased split variable selection for random survival forests using maximally selected rank statistics. Stat Med. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/sim.7212.
Zardad Khan, Asma Gul, Aris Perperoglou, Osama Mahmoud, Werner Adler, Miftahuddin and Berthold Lausen (2015). OTE: Optimal Trees Ensembles for Regression, Classification and Class Membership Probability Estimation. R package version 1.0. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=OTE
Gul, N., Faiz, N., Brawn, D., Kulakowski, R., Khan, Z., & Lausen, B. (2020). Optimal survival trees ensemble. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09043.
See Also
#Load the data
#Divide the data into training and test parts
predictSurvProb.ranger <- function (object, newdata, times, ...) {
ptemp <- ranger:::predict.ranger(object, data = newdata, importance = "none")$survival
pos <- sindex(jump.times = object$unique.death.times,
eval.times = times)
p <- cbind(1, ptemp)[, pos + 1, drop = FALSE]
if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
stop(paste("\nPrediction matrix has wrong dimensions:\nRequested newdata x times: ",
NROW(dts[trainind,]), " x ", length(1), "\nProvided prediction matrix: ",
NROW(p), " x ", NCOL(p), "\n\n", sep = ""))
n <- nrow(VETERAN)
trainind <- sample(1:n,n*0.7)
testind <- (1:n)[-trainind]
# Grow OSTE on the training data
OSTE.fit <- OSTE(Surv(time,status)~.,data=VETERAN[trainind,],t.initial=100)
# Predict on the test data
pred <- ranger:::predict.ranger(OSTE.fit$forest,data=VETERAN[testind,])
# Index various values
# To calculate IBS
# Create formula
frm <- as.formula(Surv(time, status) ~ trt + celltype + karno + diagtime + age + prior)
PredError <- pec(object=OSTE.fit$forest, exact==TRUE,
formula = frm, cens.model="marginal",
data=VETERAN[testind,], verbose=F)
IBS <- crps(object = PredError, times =100, start = PredError$start)[2,1]