Signal Component Analysis for Optically Stimulated Luminescence

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Documentation for package ‘OSLdecomposition’ version 1.0.0

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OSLdecomposition-package Signal Component Analysis for Optically Stimulated Luminescence
decompose_OSLcurve Multi-exponential CW-OSL decomposition
fit_OSLcurve Multi-exponential CW-OSL curve fitting
optimise_OSLintervals Find adequate integration intervals for CW-OSL decomposition
OSLdecomposition Signal Component Analysis for Optically Stimulated Luminescence
plot_OSLcurve Advanced plot function for component resolved CW-OSL curves
plot_PhotoCrosssections Plot comparison of CW-OSL component photoionisation cross sections of different models
RLum.OSL_correction Check and correct CW-OSL curves in RLum.Analysis data sets
RLum.OSL_decomposition Separate CW-OSL components in RLum.Analysis data sets
RLum.OSL_global_fitting Identify CW-OSL signal components in RLum.Analysis data sets
simulate_OSLcomponents Simulates signal component decay curves and whole CW-OSL curves
sum_OSLcurves Combine RLum OSL records to one global average curve