direction_summary {ORFID}R Documentation

Summary of movement direction for Oregon RFID antenna data


Summarizes the time difference between the first and last movement directions for each unique tag ID. Input data are created by tag_direction, which determines the direction of movement for each detection event in join_multireader_data.


direction_summary(dir_df, include_stationary = FALSE)



output from tag_direction.


if TRUE, all detections are summarized. If FALSE, only detections with a known movement direction (up or down) are included in the summary.


direction_summary isolates the first and last direction of movement from tag_direction and determines the time difference in seconds and days. Directions are U for upstream movement, D for downstream movement, and S for no movement, or consecutive detection at the same location.

It is common for a tag to be detected multiple times at the same antenna, which will result in a movement direction of S, or stationary. The user is encouraged to examine direction summaries for include_stationary = TRUE and include_stationary = FALSE to become familiar with their data. When include_stationary = FALSE, there may be fewer tag ids in the direction summary than in the full data set.


Returns a tibble object.


Annika Putt <>

See Also

import_ORFID for importing data files from Oregon RFID ORMR and ORSR antenna readers.

join_multireader_data for combining data from Oregon RFID ORMR and ORSR antenna readers into a multi-reader array.

tag_direction for determining movement direction of detections in systems with a linear migration route.


# Create a list containing compiled reader data:
readers <- list(reader_us, reader_ds)

# Join data into a multi-reader array:
PIT_data <- join_multireader_data(readers)

# List readers:

# Determine tag direction for animals moving from downstream to upstream:
dir <- tag_direction(PIT_data, c("downstream_A1", "upstream_A1"))
# Determine the time difference between first and last detections:
dir_summary <- direction_summary(dir)

[Package ORFID version 1.0.2 Index]