opiInitialise_for_Octopus900 {OPI}R Documentation

Implementation of opiInitialise for the Octopus900 machine.


This is for internal use only. Use opiInitialise() with these Arguments and you will get the Value back.



port number on which server is listening for "Octopus900"


dir name containing EyeSuite settings for "Octopus900"


eye; "right" or "left" for "Octopus900", "Octopus600"


NA or a folder name for "Octopus900"


FALSE (standard machine), TRUE for modified aperture wheel for "Octopus900"


0 (no buzzer),1, 2, 3 (max volume) for "Octopus900"


0 (no buzzer),1, 2, 3 (max volume) for "Octopus900"


Is 0 dB 10000 apostilb (TRUE) or or 4000 (FALSE) for "Octopus900"


If the chosen OPI implementation is Octopus900, then you must specify a directory and the eye to be tested.

serverPort is the TCP/IP port on which the server is listening (on localhost).

eyeSuiteSettingsLocation is the folder name containing the EyeSuite setting files, and should include the trailing slash.

eye must be either "left" or "right".

gazeFeed is the name of an existing folder into which the video frames of eye tracker are recorded. Set to NA for no recording.

bigWheel is FALSE for a standard Octopus 900 machine. Some research machines are fitted with an alternate aperture wheel that has 24 sizes, which are accessed with bigWheel is TRUE. The mapping from size to 'hole on wheel' is hard coded; see code for details.

If pres_buzzer is greater than zero, a buzzer will sound with each stimuli presented.

If resp_buzzer is greater than zero, a buzzer will sound with each button press (response). The volume can be one of 0 (no buzzer), 1, 2, or 3 (max volume). If both buzzers are more than zero, the maximum of the two will be used as the volume.

If zero_dB_is_10000_asb is TRUE then 0 dB is taken as 10000 apostilbs, otherwise 0 dB is taken as 4000 apostilbs.


A list containing err which is


## Not run: 
  res <- opiInitialize(serverPort = 50001,
                       eyeSuiteSettingsLocation = "C:/ProgramData/Haag-Streit/EyeSuite/",
                       eye = "", gazeFeed = "", bigWheel = FALSE,
                       pres_buzzer = 0, resp_buzzer = 0, zero_dB_is_10000_asb = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(res$err))
      stop("opiInitialize failed")

## End(Not run)

[Package OPI version 3.0.2 Index]