fourTwo.start {OPI}R Documentation

4-2 Staircase


fourTwo is a 4-2 dB staircase beginning at level est terminating after two reversals. The final estimate is the average of the last two presentations. It also terminates if the minStimulus is not seen twice, or the maxStimulus is seen twice.


fourTwo.start(est = 25, instRange = c(0, 40), verbose = FALSE, makeStim, ...)

fourTwo.step(state, nextStim = NULL)




Starting estimate in dB


Dynamic range of the instrument c(min,max) in dB


True if you want each presentation printed


A function that takes a dB value and numPresentations and returns an OPI datatype ready for passing to opiPresent


Extra parameters to pass to the opiPresent function


Current state of the fourTwo returned by fourTwo.start and fourTwo.step


A valid object for opiPresent to use as its nextStim.


This is an implementation of a 4-2 1-up 1-down staircase. The initial staircase starts at est and proceeds in steps of 4 dB until the first reversal, and 2dB until the next reversal. The mean of the last two presentations is taken as the threshold value. Note this function will repeatedly call opiPresent for a stimulus until opiPresent returns NULL (ie no error occurred). If more than one fourTwo is to be interleaved (for example, testing multiple locations), then the fourTwo.start, fourTwo.step, fourTwo.stop and calls can maintain the state of the fourTwo after each presentation, and should be used. See examples below.


Multiple locations

fourTwo.start returns a list that can be passed to fourTwo.step, fourTwo.stop, and It represents the state of a fourTwo at a single location at a point in time and contains the following.

fourTwo.step returns a list containing

fourTwo.stop returns TRUE if the staircase is finished (2 reversals, or maxStimulus is seen twice or minStimulus is not seen twice). returns the final estimate of threshold (mean of last two reversals). This issues a warning if called before the staircase has finished, but still returns a value.

See Also

dbTocd, opiPresent, FT


# Stimulus is Size III white-on-white as in the HFA
makeStim <- function(db, n) {
  s <- list(x=9, y=9, level=dbTocd(db), size=0.43, color="white",
            duration=200, responseWindow=1500)
  class(s) <- "opiStaticStimulus"
if (!is.null(opiInitialize(type="C", cap=6)$err))
  stop("opiInitialize failed")

# This section is for multiple fourTwos
makeStimHelper <- function(db,n, x, y) {  # returns a function of (db,n)
  ff <- function(db, n) db+n
  body(ff) <- substitute({
    s <- list(x=x, y=y, level=dbTocd(db), size=0.43, color="white",
              duration=200, responseWindow=1500)
    class(s) <- "opiStaticStimulus"
    return(s)}, list(x=x,y=y))
# List of (x, y, true threshold) triples
locations <- list(c(9,9,30), c(-9,-9,32), c(9,-9,31), c(-9,9,33))

# Setup starting states for each location
states <- lapply(locations, function(loc) {
                tt=loc[3], fpr=0.03, fnr=0.01)})

# Loop through until all states are "stop"
while(!all(st <- unlist(lapply(states, fourTwo.stop)))) {
  i <- which(!st)                         # choose a random,
  i <- i[runif(1, min=1, max=length(i))]  # unstopped state
  r <- fourTwo.step(states[[i]])               # step it
  states[[i]] <- r$state                  # update the states

finals <- lapply(states,    # get final estimates of threshold
for(i in 1:length(locations)) {
  cat(sprintf("Location (%+2d,%+2d) ",locations[[i]][1], locations[[i]][2]))
      cat(sprintf("has threshold %4.2f\n", finals[[i]]))

if (!is.null(opiClose()$err))
  warning("opiClose() failed")

[Package OPI version 3.0.2 Index]