ODEsensitivity {ODEsensitivity}R Documentation

Performing Sensitivity Analysis in ODE Models


ODEsensitivity provides methods to perform sensitivity analysis (SA) in ordinary differential equation (ODE) models. Its functions are based on the implementations of Morris and Sobol' SA in the sensitivity package (Pujol et al., 2015). However, a modified version of the sensitivity-package is required that enables morris, soboljansen and sobolmartinez to handle three-dimensional arrays as model outputs. Each element of the third dimension of the output array is then used to contain the results for one state variable of the ODE model. Each element of the second dimension of the output array is used for one timepoint.


The main functions are ODEmorris and ODEsobol, which are generic functions. They have default methods for general ODE models (ODEmorris.default, ODEsobol.default) as well as methods for objects of class ODEnetwork (ODEmorris.ODEnetwork, ODEsobol.ODEnetwork). For the latter two methods, the package ODEnetwork is required.

See the sensitivity package and its morris, soboljansen and sobolmartinez implementations for further information on sensitivity analysis in R.

[Package ODEsensitivity version 1.1.2 Index]