create_OCN {OCNet}R Documentation

Create an Optimal Channel Network


Function that performs the OCN search algorithm on a rectangular lattice and creates OCN at the flow direction (FD) level.


create_OCN(dimX, dimY, nOutlet = 1, outletSide = "S",
  outletPos = round(dimX/3), periodicBoundaries = FALSE,
  typeInitialState = NULL, flowDirStart = NULL, expEnergy = 0.5,
  cellsize = 1, xllcorner = 0.5 * cellsize, yllcorner = 0.5 *
  cellsize, nIter = 40 * dimX * dimY, nUpdates = 50,
  initialNoCoolingPhase = 0, coolingRate = 1,
  showIntermediatePlots = FALSE, thrADraw = 0.002 * dimX * dimY *
  cellsize^2, easyDraw = NULL, saveEnergy = FALSE, saveExitFlag = FALSE,
  saveN8 = FALSE, saveN4 = FALSE, displayUpdates = 1)



Longitudinal dimension of the lattice (in number of pixels).


Latitudinal dimension of the lattice (in number of pixels).


Number of outlets. If nOutlet = "All", all border pixels are set as outlets.


Side of the lattice where the outlet(s) is/are placed. It is a vector of characters, whose allowed values are "N" (northern side), "E", "S", "W". Its length must be equal to nOutlet.


Vector of positions of outlets within the sides specified by outletSide. If outletSide[i] = "N" or "S", then outletPos[i] must be a natural number in the interval 1:dimX; if outletSide[i] = "W" or "E", then outletPos[i] must be a natural number in the interval 1:dimY. If nOutlet > 1 is specified by the user and outletSide, outletPos are not, a number of outlets equal to nOutlet is randomly drawn among the border pixels. Its length must be equal to nOutlet.


If TRUE, periodic boundaries are applied. In this case, the lattice is the planar equivalent of a torus.


Configuration of the initial state of the network. Possible values: "I" (representing a valley); "T" (T-shaped drainage pattern); "V" (V-shaped drainage pattern); "H" (hip roof). Default value is set to "I", unless when nOutlet = "All", where default is "H". See Details for explanation on initial network state in the multiple outlet case.


Matrix (dimY by dimX) with custom initial flow directions. Possible entries to flowDirStart are natural numbers between 1 and 8, indicating direction of flow from one cell to the neighbouring one. Key is as follows:


+1 column


-1 row, +1 column


-1 row


-1 row, -1 column


-1 column


+1 row, -1 column


+1 row


+1 row, +1 column


Exponent of the functional sum(A^expEnergy) that is minimized during the OCN search algorithm.


Size of a pixel in planar units.


Longitudinal coordinate of the lower-left pixel.


Latitudinal coordinate of the lower-left pixel.


Number of iterations for the OCN search algorithm.


Number of updates given during the OCN search process (only effective if any(displayUpdates,showIntermediatePlots)=TRUE.).

initialNoCoolingPhase, coolingRate

Parameters of the function used to describe the temperature of the simulated annealing algorithm. See details.


If TRUE, the OCN plot is updated nUpdates times during the OCN search process. Note that, for large lattices, showIntermediatePlots = TRUE might slow down the search process considerably (especially when easyDraw = FALSE).


Threshold drainage area value used to display the network (only effective when showIntermediatePlots = TRUE).


Logical. If TRUE, the whole network is displayed (when showIntermediatePlots = TRUE), and pixels with drainage area lower than thrADraw are displayed in light gray. If FALSE, only pixels with drainage area greater or equal to thrADraw are displayed. Default is FALSE if dimX*dimY <= 40000, and TRUE otherwise. Note that setting easyDraw = FALSE for large networks might slow down the process considerably.


If TRUE, energy is saved (see Value for its definition).


If TRUE, exitFlag is saved (see Value for its definition).


If TRUE, the adjacency matrix relative to 8-nearest-neighbours connectivity is saved.


If TRUE, the adjacency matrix relative to 4-nearest-neighbours connectivity is saved.


State if updates are printed on the console while the OCN search algorithm runs.


No update is given.


An estimate of duration is given (only if dimX*dimY > 1000, otherwise no update is given).


Progress updates are given. The number of these is controlled by nUpdates


Simulated annealing temperature. The function that expresses the temperature of the simulated annealing process is as follows:

if i <= initialNoCoolingPhase*nIter:

Temperature[i] = Energy[1]

if initialNoCoolingPhase*nIter < i <= nIter:

Temperature[i] = Energy[1]*(-coolingRate*(i - InitialNocoolingPhase*nIter)/nNodes)

where i is the index of the current iteration and Energy[1] = sum(A^expEnergy), with A denoting the vector of drainage areas corresponding to the initial state of the network. According to the simulated annealing principle, a new network configuration obtained at iteration i is accepted with probability equal to exp((Energy[i] - Energy[i-1])/Temperature[i]) if Energy[i] < Energy[i-1]. To ensure convergence, it is recommended to use coolingRate values between 0.5 and 10 and initialNoCoolingPhase <= 0.3. Low coolingRate and high initialNoCoolingPhase values cause the network configuration to depart more significantly from the initial state. If coolingRate < 0.5 and initialNoCoolingPhase > 0.1 are used, it is suggested to increase nIter with respect to the default value in order to guarantee convergence.

Initial network state. If nOutlet > 1, the initial state is applied with regards to the outlet located at outletSide[1], outletPos[1]. Subsequently, for each of the other outlets, the drainage pattern is altered within a region of maximum size 0.5*dimX by 0.25*dimY for outlets located at the eastern and western borders of the lattice, and 0.25*dimX by 0.5*dimY for outlets located at the southern and northern borders of the lattice. The midpoint of the long size of the regions coincides with the outlet at stake. Within these regions, an "I"-type drainage pattern is produced if typeInitialState = "I" or "T"; a "V"-type drainage pattern is produced if typeInitialState = "V"; no action is performed if typeInitialState = "H". Note that typeInitialState = "H" is the recommended choice only for large nOutlet.

Suggestions for creating "fancy" OCNs. In order to generate networks spanning a realistic, non-rectangular catchment domain (in the "real-shape" view provided by draw_contour_OCN), it is convenient to use the option periodicBoundaries = TRUE and impose at least a couple of diagonally adjacent outlets on two opposite sides, for example nOutlet = 2, outletSide = c("S", "N"), outletPos = c(1, 2). See also OCN_300_4out_PB_hot. Note that, because the OCN search algorithm is a stochastic process, the successful generation of a "fancy" OCN is not guaranteed: indeed, it is possible that the final outcome is a network where most (if not all) pixels drain towards one of the two outlets, and hence such outlet is surrounded (in the "real-shape" view) by the pixels that it drains. Note that, in order to hinder such occurrence, the two pixels along the lattice perimeter next to each outlet are bound to drain towards such outlet.

In order to create a network spanning a "pear-shaped" catchment (namely where the width of the area spanned in the direction orthogonal to the main stem diminishes downstream, until it coincides with the river width at the outlet), it is convenient to use the option nOutlet = "All" (here the value of periodicBoundaries is irrelevant) and then pick a single catchment (presumably one with rather large catchment area, see value OCN$CM$A generated by landscape_OCN) among the many generated. Note that it is not possible to predict the area spanned by such catchment a priori. To obtain a catchment whose size is rather large compared to the size of the lattice where the OCN was generated, it is convenient to set typeInitialState = "I" and then pick the catchment with largest area (landscape_OCN must be run).

The default temperature schedule for the simulated annealing process is generally adequate for generating an OCN that does not resemble the initial network state if the size of the lattice is not too large (say, until dimX*dimY <= 40000). When dimX*dimY > 40000, it might be convenient to make use of a "warmer" temperature schedule (for example, by setting coolingRate = 0.5 and initialNoCoolingPhase = 0.1; see also the package vignette) and/or increase nIter with respect to its default value. Note that these suggestions only pertain to the aesthetics of the final OCN; the default temperature schedule and nIter are calibrated to ensure convergence of the OCN (i.e. achievement of a local minimum of Energy, save for a reasonable threshold) also for lattices larger than dimX*dimY = 40000.


A river object. It is de facto a list, whose objects are listed below. Variables that define the network at the FD level are wrapped in the sublist FD. Adjacency matrices describing 4- or 8- nearest-neighbours connectivity among pixels are contained in lists N4 and N8, respectively.


Vector (of length dimX*dimY) containing drainage area values for all FD pixels (in square planar units).


Adjacency matrix (dimX*dimY by dimX*dimY) at the FD level. It is a spam object.


Vector (of length dimX*dimY) representing the adjacency matrix at FD level in a vector form: if FD$downNode[i] = j then FD$W[i,j] = 1. If o is the outlet pixel, then FD$downNode[o] = 0.


Vector (of length dimX*dimY) containing X (Y) coordinate values for all FD pixels.


Number of nodes at FD level (equal to dimX*dimY).


Vector (of length nOutlet) indices of pixels at FD level corresponding to outlets.


Vector (of length dimX*dimY) representing a permutation of the FD pixels: perm[(which(perm==i) - FD$A[i] + 1):which(perm==i)] gives the indices of the pixels that drain into pixel i.


Initial energy value.


Vector (of length nIter) of energy values for each stage of the OCN during the search algorithm (only present if saveEnergy = TRUE).


Vector (of length nIter) showing the outcome of the rewiring process (only present if saveExitFlag = TRUE). Its entries can assume one of the following values:


Rewiring is accepted.


Rewiring is not accepted (because it does not lower energy or according to the acceptance probability of the simulated annealing algorithm).


Rewiring is invalid because a loop in the graph was generated, therefore the network is no longer a direct acyclic graph.


Rewiring is invalid because of cross-flow. This means that, for example, in a 2x2 cluster of pixel, the southwestern (SW) corner drains into the NE one, and SE drains into NW. Although this circumstance does not imply the presence of a loop in the graph, it has no physical meaning and is thereby forbidden.


Adjacency matrix (dimX*dimY by dimX*dimY) that describes 4-nearest-neighbours connectivity between pixels: N4$W[i,j] = 1 if pixel j shares an edge with i, and is null otherwise. It is saved only if saveN4 = TRUE.


Adjacency matrix (dimX*dimY by dimX*dimY) that describes 8-nearest-neighbours connectivity between pixels: N8$W[i,j] = 1 if pixel j shares an edge or a vertex with i, and is null otherwise. It is saved only if saveN8 = TRUE.

Finally, dimX, dimY, cellsize, nOutlet, periodicBoundaries, expEnergy, coolingRate, typeInitialState, nIter, xllcorner, yllcorner are passed to the river object as they were included in the input (except nOutlet = "All" which is converted to 2*(dimX + dimY - 2)).


# 1) creates and displays a single outlet 20x20 OCN with default options
OCN_a <- create_OCN(20, 20)

# 2) creates and displays a 2-outlet OCNs with manually set outlet location, 
# and a 4-outlet OCNs with random outlet position.
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
OCN_b1 <- create_OCN(30, 30, nOutlet = 2, outletSide = c("N", "W"), outletPos = c(15, 12))
OCN_b2 <- create_OCN(30, 30, nOutlet = 4)
title("2-outlet OCN")
title("4-outlet OCN")

## Not run: 
# 3) generate 3 single-outlet OCNs on the same (100x100) domain starting from different 
# initial states, and show 20 intermediate plots and console updates.
OCN_V <- create_OCN(100, 100, typeInitialState = "V", showIntermediatePlots = TRUE, 
		nUpdates = 20, displayUpdates = 2)
OCN_T <- create_OCN(100, 100, typeInitialState = "T", showIntermediatePlots = TRUE, 
		nUpdates = 20, displayUpdates = 2)
OCN_I <- create_OCN(100, 100, typeInitialState = "I", showIntermediatePlots = TRUE, 
		nUpdates = 20, displayUpdates = 2)

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# 4) generate a 2-outlet OCN and show intermediate plots. Note that different colors are used 
# to identify the two networks  (all pixels are colored because thrADraw = 0).
OCN <- create_OCN(150, 70, nOutlet = 2, outletPos = c(1, 150), outletSide = c("S", "N"),
		typeInitialState = "V", periodicBoundaries = TRUE, 
		showIntermediatePlots = TRUE, thrADraw = 0)
# The resulting networks have an irregular contour, and their outlets are located on the contour:

## End(Not run)

[Package OCNet version 1.2.2 Index]