aggregate_OCN {OCNet} | R Documentation |
Aggregate an Optimal Channel Network
Function that, given an OCN, builds the network at the river network (RN), aggregated (AG), subcatchment (SC), and catchment (CM) levels.
aggregate_OCN(OCN, thrA = 0.002 * OCN$FD$nNodes *
OCN$cellsize^2, streamOrderType = "Strahler", maxReachLength = Inf,
equalizeLengths = FALSE, breakpoints = NULL, displayUpdates = FALSE)
A |
thrA |
Threshold value on drainage area used to derive the aggregated network. If |
streamOrderType |
If |
maxReachLength |
Maximum reach length allowed (in planar units). If the path length between a channel head and the downstream confluence
is higher than |
equalizeLengths |
Logical. Only effective when |
breakpoints |
Indices of additional nodes at the RN level that should be also nodes at the AG level (beyond source, confluence, outlet nodes
and AG nodes determined via |
displayUpdates |
Logical. State if updates are printed on the console while |
Note that each node (and the corresponding edge exiting from it, in the case of non-outlet nodes) at the AG level corresponds to
a subcatchment at the SC level that shares the same index: for instance, SC$toFD[i]
contains all elements of
(that is, the indices of pixels at FD level that constitute the edge departing from node i
are also part of subcatchment i
A river
object that contains all objects contained in OCN
, in addition to the objects listed below.
New sublists RN
, AG
, SC
, containing variables at the corresponding aggregation levels, are created.
Refer to section 4.2 of the vignette for a more detailed explanation on values OCN$XX$toYY
, where XX
and YY
are two random aggregation levels.
FD$toRN |
Vector (of length |
FD$toSC |
Vector (of length |
RN$A |
Vector (of length |
RN$W |
Adjacency matrix ( |
RN$downNode |
Vector (of length |
RN$drainageDensity |
Drainage density of the river network, calculated as total length of the river network divided by area of the lattice. It is expressed in planar units^(-1). |
RN$leng |
Vector (of length |
RN$nNodes |
Number of nodes at the RN level. |
RN$nUpstream |
Vector (of length |
RN$outlet |
Vector (of length |
RN$Slope |
Vector (of length |
RN$toAG |
Vector (of length |
RN$toAGReach |
Vector (of length |
RN$toFD |
Vector (of length |
RN$toCM |
Vector (of length |
RN$upstream |
List (of length |
RN$X , RN$Y |
Vectors (of length |
RN$Z |
Vector (of length |
AG$A |
Vector (of length |
AG$AReach |
Vector (of length |
AG$W |
Adjacency matrix ( |
AG$downNode |
Vector (of length |
AG$leng |
Vector (of length |
AG$nNodes |
Number of nodes resulting from the aggregation process. |
AG$nUpstream |
Vector (of length |
AG$outlet |
Vector (of length |
AG$slope |
Vector (of length |
AG$streamOrder |
Vector (of length |
AG$upstream |
List (of length |
AG$toFD |
Vector of length |
AG$ReachToFD |
List (of length |
AG$toRN |
Vector of length |
AG$ReachToRN |
List (of length |
AG$toCM |
Vector (of length |
AG$X , AG$Y |
Vectors (of length |
AG$XReach , AG$YReach |
Vector (of length |
AG$Z |
Vector (of length |
AG$ZReach |
Vector (of length |
SC$ALocal |
Vector (of length |
SC$W |
Adjacency matrix ( |
SC$nNodes |
Number of subcatchments into which the lattice is partitioned. If |
SC$toFD |
List (of length |
SC$X , SC$Y |
Vectors (of length |
SC$Z |
Vector (of length |
Finally, thrA
is added to the river
# 1a) aggregate a 20x20 OCN by imposing thrA = 4.
OCN <- aggregate_OCN(landscape_OCN(OCN_20), thrA = 4)
draw_thematic_OCN(OCN, drawNodes = TRUE)
# 1b) same as above, but identify all RN nodes as AG nodes
mrl <- 1.5*OCN_20$cellsize
OCN2 <- aggregate_OCN(landscape_OCN(OCN_20), thrA = 4, maxReachLength = mrl)
draw_thematic_OCN(OCN2, drawNodes = TRUE)
# 2) explore the effects of thrA, maxReachLength and equalizeLengths on a large OCN
OCN <- landscape_OCN(OCN_250_T) # it takes some seconds
OCN_a <- aggregate_OCN(OCN, thrA = 200) # it takes some seconds
OCN_b <- aggregate_OCN(OCN, thrA = 1000) # it takes some seconds
OCN_c <- aggregate_OCN(OCN, thrA = 1000, maxReachLength = 20) # it takes some seconds
OCN_d <- aggregate_OCN(OCN, thrA = 1000, maxReachLength = 20,
equalizeLengths = TRUE) # it takes some seconds
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
points(OCN_a$AG$X, OCN_a$AG$Y, pch = 19, col = "#0044bb")
title(paste("No. AG nodes = ", as.character(OCN_a$AG$nNodes),
points(OCN_b$AG$X, OCN_b$AG$Y, pch = 19, col = "#0044bb")
title(paste("No. AG nodes = ", as.character(OCN_b$AG$nNodes),
points(OCN_c$AG$X, OCN_c$AG$Y, pch = 19, col = "#0044bb")
title(paste("No. AG nodes = ", as.character(OCN_c$AG$nNodes),
points(OCN_d$AG$X, OCN_d$AG$Y, pch = 19, col = "#0044bb")
title(paste("No. AG nodes = ", as.character(OCN_d$AG$nNodes),
# note the difference between OCN_c and OCN_d at the bottom right corner of the lattice
# 3) use of breakpoints
OCN <- aggregate_OCN(landscape_OCN(OCN_20), thrA = 5)
draw_thematic_OCN(OCN, drawNodes=TRUE)
# add an AG node downstream of node 1 at AG level
new_node_RN <- OCN$RN$downNode[OCN$AG$toRN[1]]
OCN2 <- aggregate_OCN(landscape_OCN(OCN_20), thrA = 5, breakpoints = new_node_RN)
draw_thematic_OCN(OCN2, drawNodes = TRUE)
points(OCN$RN$X[new_node_RN], OCN$RN$Y[new_node_RN],
pch = 19, col = "red") # this node has been added