Food Composition Information and Dietary Assessment

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Documentation for package ‘NutrienTrackeR’ version 1.3.0

Help Pages

dietBalance Nutrition calculator
findFoodName Find food names based on keywords
food_composition_data Nutritional values for common foods and products
getFoodGroups Get the names of the food groups included in a given database
getNutrientNames Get the names of nutrients included in a given database
NIH_nutrient_recommendations Nutrient recommendations
nutrientIntakePlot Visualize nutrient intake levels
nutrientPiePlot Visualize the main foods contributing to the intake levels of a nutrient
NutrienTrackeRapp Starts shiny app for NutrienTrackeR
nutrientsTimeTrend Visualize time trends of nutrient intake levels
nutrient_group Nutrient groups
sample_diet_USDA Example of a one-week diet
subsetFoodRichIn Find nutrient-rich foods