Nozzle Reports

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Documentation for package ‘Nozzle.R1’ version 1.1-1.1

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Nozzle.R1-package Nozzle: a Report Generation Toolkit for Data Analysis Pipelines

-- A --

addTo Add child elements to a parent element.
addToInput Add elements to the "Input" subsection in the "Methods & Data" section of a standard report.
addToIntroduction Add elements to the "Introduction" subsection in the "Overview" section of a standard report.
addToMeta Add elements to the "Meta" section of a standard report.
addToMethods Add elements to the "Methds & Data" section of a standard report.
addToOverview Add elements to the "Overview" section of a standard report.
addToReferences Add elements to the "References" subsection in the "Methods & Data" section of a standard report.
addToResults Add elements to the "Results" section of a standard report.
addToSummary Add elements to the "Summary" subsection in the "Overview" section of a standard report.
asCode Format text as code.
asEmph Format text with emphasis (usually resulting in text set in italics).
asFilename Format text as filename.
asLink Format text as a hyperlink.
asParameter Format text as parameter.
asReference Reference a citation, figure or table element.
asStrong Format text with strong emphasis (usually resulting in text set in bold).
asSummary Include a result in text. This is a legacy method and provided only for backwards compatibility.
asValue Format text as value.

-- D --

DEFAULT.REPORT.FILENAME Default filename for reports.
DEFAULT.SIGNIFICANT.ENTITY Name of entities that are labeled as signficiant.

-- G --

getContactInformationEmail Get contact email address for 'report'.
getContactInformationLabel Get label for contact button for 'report'.
getContactInformationMessage Get contact email default message for 'report'.
getContactInformationSubject Get contact email subject line for 'report'.
getCopyrightOwner Get name of the copyright owner for 'report'.
getCopyrightStatement Get copyright statement for 'report'. This text is linked to the copyright URL.
getCopyrightUrl Get copyright URL for 'report', which is linked to the copyright statement.
getCopyrightYear Get copyright year 'report'.
getCreatorDate Get date when 'report' was created.
getCreatorName Get name and version of the Nozzle package that was used to create 'report'.
getCustomPrintCss Get the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite the default print (not: screen) style sheet.
getCustomScreenCss Get the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite the default screen (not: print) style sheet.
getDoi Get the DOI (document object identifier, for 'report'.
getDoiCreator Get the DOI creator for 'report'.
getDoiPublisher Get the DOI publisher for 'report'.
getDoiResolver Get the DOI resolver URL (e.g. for 'report'.
getDoiTitle Get the DOI title for 'report'.
getDoiVersion Get the DOI version for 'report'.
getDoiYear Get the DOI year for 'report'.
getExportedElement Get an exported element from a report. This can be used to generate aggregate reports. This is an experimental feature of Nozzle and may not lead to the expected results.
getExportedElementIds Get the IDs of exported elements from 'report'. This is an experimental feature of Nozzle and may not lead to the expected results.
getFigureFile Get path or URL of image file associated with a figure element.
getFigureFileHighRes Get path or URL of high-resolution of vector-based image file associated with a figure element.
getGoogleAnalyticsId Get Google Analytics tracking ID for 'report'.
getLogo Get logo file for one of six positions (three at the top, three at the bottom) in 'report'.
getMaintainerAffiliation Get affiliation of maintainer of 'report'.
getMaintainerEmail Get email address of maintainer of 'report'.
getMaintainerName Get name of maintainer of 'report'.
getRendererDate Get date when 'report' was rendered.
getRendererName Get name and version of the Nozzle package that was used to render 'report'.
getReportId Get the ID (a UUID) of 'report'.
getReportSubTitle Get the subtitle of 'report'.
getReportTitle Get the title of 'report'.
getSignificantEntity Get name of entities that are called out as significant, e.g. "gene". This is currently not being used and might become obsolete in future versions of Nozzle.
getSignificantResultsCount Get the total number of significant results in 'report'.
getSoftwareName Get the name of the software that used Nozzle to generate 'report'.
getSoftwareVersion Get the version of the software that used Nozzle to generate 'report'.
getSummary Get the first element of the "Summary" subsection in the "Overview" section in a standard report.
getTableFile Get path or URL of file associatd with table element.

-- H --

HTML.FRAGMENT Output type.
HTML.REPORT Output type.

-- I --

IMAGE.TYPE.PDF Image type.
IMAGE.TYPE.SVG Image type.
isFigure Test if 'element' is a figure element.
isTable Test if 'element' is a table element.

-- L --

LOGO.BOTTOM.LEFT Logo position.
LOGO.BOTTOM.RIGHT Logo position.
LOGO.TOP.CENTER Logo position.
LOGO.TOP.LEFT Logo position.
LOGO.TOP.RIGHT Logo position.

-- N --

newCitation Create a citation element.
newCustomReport Create a new custom report without pre-defined sections.
newFigure Create a new list element.
newHtml Create a new freeform HTML element. THIS MUST BE USED WITH EXTRAORDINARTY CARE!
newJournalCitation Create a citation element that represents a document published in a journal. This is a convenience wrapper for 'newCitation'.
newList Create a new list element.
newParagraph Create a new paragraph element.
newParameterList Create a new parameter list element. A parameter list is an unnumbered list of the form param_1 = value_1, ..., param_n = value_n where param_i is formated as a parameter and value_i is formatted as a value.
newReport Create a new report with pre-defined sections Overview/Introduction, Overview/Summary, Results, Methods & Data/Input, Methods & Data/References and Meta Data.
newResult Create a new result element.
newSection Create a new section element.
newSubSection Create a new subsection element.
newSubSubSection Create a new subsubsection element.
newTable Create new table element.
newWebCitation Create a citation element that represents a document published online. This is a convenience wrapper for 'newCitation'.
nozzle Nozzle: a Report Generation Toolkit for Data Analysis Pipelines

-- P --

PROTECTION.GROUP Group visibility.
PROTECTION.PRIVATE Private visibility.
PROTECTION.PUBLIC Public visibility.
PROTECTION.TCGA Group visibility.

-- R --

RDATA.REPORT Output type.

-- S --

setContactInformation Set contact information for 'report'. This is used to create a "contact" button in the top right corner of the report, e.g. to collect feedback about the report.
setCopyright Set copyright messsage for 'report'.
setCustomPrintCss Set the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite the default print (not: screen) style sheet. Can be relative or absolute.
setCustomScreenCss Set the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite the default screen (not: print) style sheet. Can be relative or absolute.
setDoi Set the DOI (document object identifier, for 'report'. A warning will be emitted if the report has been assigned a DOI before.
setDoiCreator Set the DOI meta data creator for 'report'.
setDoiPublisher Set the DOI meta data publisher for 'report'.
setDoiResolver Set the DOI resolver URL (e.g. for 'report'. The URL must not end with a slash!
setDoiTitle Set the DOI meta data title for 'report'.
setDoiVersion Set the DOI meta data version for 'report'.
setDoiYear Set the DOI meta data year for 'report'.
setFigureFile Set path or URL of image file associated with a figure element. Paths can relative or absolute.
setFigureFileHighRes Set path or URL of high-resolution or vector-based image file associated with a figure element. Paths can be relative or absolute.
setGoogleAnalyticsId Set the Google Analytics tracking ID to be embedded in this report ("web property id", usually starts with "UA-").
setLogo Set a logo file for one of six positions (three at the top, three at the bottom) in 'report', e.g. an institute logo.
setMaintainerAffiliation Set affiliation of maintainer of 'report'.
setMaintainerEmail Set email address of maintainer of 'report'.
setMaintainerName Set name of maintainer of 'report'.
setNextReport Set the URL and title of the "next" report after 'report'. This will be accessible through the utility menu.
setParentReport Set the URL and title of the "parent" report above 'report'. This will be accessible through the utility menu.
setPreviousReport Set the URL and title of the "previous" report before 'report'. This will be accessible through the utility menu.
setReportSubTitle Set the subtitle of 'report'.
setReportTitle Set the title of 'report'.
setSignificantEntity Set name of entities that are called out as significant, e.g. "gene". This is currently not being used and might become obsolete in future versions of Nozzle.
setSoftwareName Set the name of the software that used Nozzle to generate 'report', e.g. "My Report Generator Script".
setSoftwareVersion Set the name of the software that used Nozzle to generate 'report', e.g. "Version 1.2".
setTableFile Set path or URL of file associatd with table element.

-- T --

TABLE.SIGNIFICANT.DIGITS Default number of significant digits to be used to trim numeric columns in tables.

-- W --

writeReport Write 'report' to file.