predictMMSE {NormPsy} | R Documentation |
Prediction of MMSE scores in their natural scale.
From the estimates of a linear mixed model applied on normalized MMSE scores, the function computes the predicted values of MMSE in its natural 0-30 scale. The function also provides 95% confidence intervals computed by a Monte Carlo method.
predictMMSE(model, VarTime, Timelim, nTime, Xprofile,
methInteg = "GH", nsim = 20, draws = FALSE, ndraws = 2000)
model |
a hlme object representing a latent class linear mixed model |
VarTime |
a character string containing the name of the time variable in the model |
Timelim |
a numeric vector indicating the time limits of the prediction |
nTime |
an integer indicating the number of prediction times |
Xprofile |
a named vector containing the values of the model's covariate |
methInteg |
integration method used to compute the numerical integration. If 0 or 'GH' (the default) a Gauss-Hermite numerical approximation is employed. Value 1 or 'MC' specifies a Monte Carlo method. |
nsim |
number of integration points used for the integration method specified in argument methInteg |
draws |
optional logical indicating if 95% confidence intervals of the predictions should be calculated. If TRUE, the posterior distribution of the predicted values is approximated by a Monte Carlo method. The predicted value is given by the median value, and the confidence interval is given by the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles of this distribution. If FALSE (the default), a point prediction is provided. |
ndraws |
optional integer indicating the number of draws in the Monte Carlo approximation if draws=TRUE. |
a predMMSE object consisting in a matrix containing the prediction time, the predicted values and, if draws=TRUE, the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval.
Cecile Proust-Lima, Viviane Philipps
See Also
#import data paquid from lcmm package
# computation of the normalized MMSE
paquid$MMSEnorm <- normMMSE(paquid$MMSE)
# estimation of a model on the normalized MMSE scores
m <- hlme(MMSEnorm~I(age-65)*CEP, random=~I(age-65), subject="ID", data=paquid)
# prediction from the model in the natural scale of MMSE