getFactors {NormExpression} | R Documentation |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf.
getFactors(data, method = c("sizefactor", "DESeq", "RLE", "UQ", "TMM", "TU"),
lib.size = NULL, pre_ratio = 0.5, lower_trim = 0.05, upper_trim = 0.65, min_ubq = 100)
data |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf. |
method |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf. |
lib.size |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf. |
pre_ratio |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf. |
lower_trim |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf. |
upper_trim |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf. |
min_ubq |
Please refer to the file /inst/doc/readme.pdf. |
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (data, method = c("sizefactor", "DESeq", "RLE", "UQ",
"TMM", "TU"), lib.size = NULL, pre_ratio = 0.5, lower_trim = 0.05,
upper_trim = 0.65, min_ubq = 100)
if (!is.matrix(data))
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (any(
stop("NA counts not permitted")
if (is.null(lib.size))
libsize <- colSums(data)
else libsize <- lib.size
if (any(
stop("NA libsizes not permitted")
method <- match.arg(method)
i <- apply(data <= 0, 1, all)
if (any(i))
data <- data[!i, , drop = FALSE]
f <- switch(method, sizefactor = 1e+06/libsize, DESeq = 1/estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(data,
p = 0.5), RLE = calcFactorRLE(data, p = 0.5)/libsize,
UQ = calcFactorUpperquartile(data, lib.size = libsize,
p = 0.75), TMM = {
fq <- calcFactorUpperquartile(data = data, lib.size = libsize,
p = 0.75)
refColumn <- which.min(abs(fq - mean(fq)))
if (length(refColumn) == 0 | refColumn < 1 | refColumn >
ncol(data)) refColumn <- 1
f <- rep(NA, ncol(data))
for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
f[i] <- calcFactorWeighted(obs = data[, i], ref = data[,
refColumn], libsize.obs = libsize[i], libsize.ref = libsize[refColumn],
logratioTrim = 0.3, sumTrim = 0.05, doWeighting = TRUE,
Acutoff = -1e+10)
}, TU = {
if (! data <- data.frame(data)
ubq_genes <- identifyUbq(data, lower_trim = lower_trim,
upper_trim = upper_trim, pre_ratio = pre_ratio,
min_ubq = min_ubq)
ubq_sums <- colSums(data[ubq_genes, ])
}, )
if (method == "RLE" || method == "UQ" || method == "TMM") {
f <- 1e+06/libsize/f
norm.factors <- f/exp(mean(base::log(f)))
round(norm.factors, digits = 5)
[Package NormExpression version 0.1.1 Index]