Miscellaneous Functions Used at 'Numeract LLC'

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Documentation for package ‘Nmisc’ version 0.3.7

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%if_in% Keep elements present in x and not contained in y
%if_not_in% Discard elements present in x and not contained in y
catn Concatenate with new line
clear_warnings Avoid repeated warnings
discard_at Keep or discard elements
format_utc Format Date and POSIXct
generate_install_file Generates an R file to install packages used by the project.
get_os Returns the name of the Operating System
get_packages Get information about the package used in the project
is.POSIXct Is it a POSIXct object?
keep_at Keep or discard elements
keep_if_in Keep elements present in x and not contained in y
keep_if_not_in Discard elements present in x and not contained in y
now_utc Current time in UTC time zone
pull_with_names Pull out a single column
seq_ncol Creates a sequence based on the number of rows or columns
seq_nrow Creates a sequence based on the number of rows or columns
setequal_na Check if two vectors have the same elements
str1 High level overview of the structure of an R object
str2 High level overview of the structure of an R object