allometry {NitrogenUptake2016} | R Documentation |
Data: Stem masses and heights for plants collected from Colt State Park, Rhode Island, USA, during summer 2016
A dataframe of masses and heights of stems of Spartina alterniflora and Distichlis spicata. Samples were collected from Colt State Park, Bristol, RI, USA, during May-July 2016. Column descriptions:
A dataframe with 170 observations of 6 variables:
- site
Study location (Colt State Park, RI)
- samplingDate
Sampling dates
- status
Indicates whether plant was live or dead
- height_cm
Stem height, in centimeters, from the sediment surface to the tip of the longest leaf
- sample
Biomass, grams
- spp
Species (SPAL or DISP)
Hill, T.D., N.R. Sommer, C.R. Kanaskie, E.A. Santos, A.J. Oczkowski. 2018. Data and source code from: Nitrogen uptake and allocation estimates for Spartina alterniflora and Distichlis spicata. Data In Brief. 21: 466-472.
Hill, T.D., N.R. Sommer, C.R. Kanaskie, E.A. Santos, A.J. Oczkowski. 2018. Nitrogen uptake and allocation estimates for Spartina alterniflora and Distichlis spicata. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 507: 53-60.
### export to .csv:
write.csv(allometry, file = file.path(tempdir(), "allometry.csv"))