Conesprings {NetIndices}R Documentation

Cone Spring ecosystem.


Cone spring ecosystem (Tilly, 1968) adapted for input - output analysis by Williams & Crouthamel (1972) in Szyrmer & Ulanowicz (1987, Fig. 1, p. 129) and Ulanowicz & Norden (1990, Fig. 1, p. 435).

This is example 1a from Latham (2006).

The food web comprises 5 functional compartments:

and two export compartments

and one import compartment




matrix with Tij values, where element (i,j) denotes flow from compartment j to i

rownames and columnames are the components.


Karline Soetaert <>


Latham LG. 2006. Network flow analysis algorithms. Ecological Modelling 192: 586-600.

Szyrmer, J., & Ulanowicz, R. E. (1987). Total flows in ecosystems. Ecol. Model. 35, 123..136.

Tilly, L. J. (1968). The structure and dynamics of Cone Spring. Ecol. Monogr. 38, 169..197.

Ulanowicz, R. E., & Norden, J. S. (1990). Symmetrical overhead in flow networks. Int. J. Systems Sci. 21, 429..437.

Williams, M., & Crouthamel, D. (1972). Systems analysis of Cone Spring. Unpublished manuscript. University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.


GenInd(Tij = Conesprings, Import = "Inflows",
       Export = c("Export", "Dissipation"))

AscInd(Tij = Conesprings, Import = "Inflows",
       Export = c("Export", "Dissipation"),
       Dissipation = "Dissipation")

UncInd(Tij = Conesprings,Import="Inflows",
       Export = c("Export", "Dissipation"))

EffInd(Tij = Conesprings, Import = "Inflows",
       Export = c("Export", "Dissipation"))

EnvInd(Tij = Conesprings, Import = "Inflows",
       Export = c("Export", "Dissipation"),
       full = TRUE)

[Package NetIndices version Index]