Negative Binomial and Beta Binomial Bayesian Regression Models

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Documentation for package ‘NegBinBetaBinreg’ version 1.0

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NegBinBetaBinreg-package NegBinBetaBinreg
criteria criteria for comparison the Bayesian Negative Binomial regression models with mean and shape (or variance) regression structures, and Beta Binomial regression with mean and dispersion regression structures.
dpostb Posterior value of beta
dpostg Posterior value of gamma
gammakernel the probability of a gamma parameter from the probability density funcion defined by old parameters
gammaproposal A proposal for gamma parameter
mukernel the probability of a beta parameter from the probability density function defined by old parameters
muproposal A proposal for beta parameter
NegBinBetaBinreg NegBinBetaBinreg
NegBinBetaBinregEst Negative Binomial and Beta Binomial regression
print.NegBinBetaBinreg print.NegBinBetaBinreg
print.summary.NegBinBetaBinreg print the summary of the NegBinBetaBinreg
summary.NegBinBetaBinreg summary.NegBinBetaBinreg
veros Likelihood