NVC_frequentist {NVCSSL}R Documentation

Fits frequentist penalized nonparametric varying coefficient (NVC) models


This function implements frequentist penalized nonparametric varying coefficient (NVC) models. It supports the following penalty functions: the group lasso penalty of Yuan and Lin (2006), the group minimax concave penalty (MCP) of Breheny and Huang (2015), and the group smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty of Breheny and Huang (2015). This function solves a penalized regression problem of the form,

argmaxγ1N(γ)+penλ(γ), argmax_{\gamma} \frac{1}{N} \ell(\gamma) + pen_{\lambda}(\gamma),

where NN is the total number of observations, (γ)\ell(\gamma) is the loss function, and penλ()pen_{\lambda}(\cdot) is a penalty function with regularization parameter λ>0\lambda > 0. Since the objective function is rescaled by 1/N1/N, the penalty λ\lambda is typically smaller than the spike hyperparameter λ0\lambda_0 used by the NVC_SSL function. The BIC criterion is used to select the optimal tuning parameter λ\lambda.


NVC_frequentist(y, t, X, n_basis=8, penalty=c("gLASSO","gSCAD","gMCP"),
                lambda=NULL, include_intercept=TRUE) 



N×1N \times 1 vector of response observations y11,...,y1m1,...,yn1,...,ynmny_{11}, ..., y_{1m_1}, ..., y_{n1}, ..., y_{nm_n}


N×1N \times 1 vector of observation times t11,...,t1m1,...,tn1,...,tnmnt_{11}, ..., t_{1m_1}, ..., t_{n1}, ..., t_{nm_n}


N×pN \times p design matrix with columns [X1,...,Xp][X_1, ..., X_p], where the kkth column contains the entries xik(tij)x_{ik}(t_{ij})'s


number of basis functions to use. Default is n_basis=8.


string specifying which penalty function to use. Specify "gLASSO" for group lasso, "gSCAD" for group SCAD, or "gMCP" for group MCP.


grid of tuning parameters. If lambda is not specified (i.e. lambda=NULL), then the program automatically chooses a grid for lambda. Note that since the objective function is scaled by 1/N1/N, the automatically chosen grid for lambda typically consists of smaller values than the default grid for lambda0 used by the function NVC_SSL.


Boolean variable for whether or not to include an intercept function β0(t)\beta_0(t) in the estimation. Default is include_intercept=TRUE.


The function returns a list containing the following components:


all NN time points ordered from smallest to largest. Needed for plotting.


p×1p \times 1 vector of indicator variables, where "1" indicates that the covariate is selected and "0" indicates that it is not selected. These classifications are determined by the optimal lambda chosen from BIC. Note that this vector does not include an intercept function.


N×pN \times p matrix of the estimates for varying coefficient functions βk(t),k=1,...,p\beta_k(t), k = 1, ..., p, using the optimal lambda chosen from BIC. The kkth column in the matrix is the kkth estimated function at the observation times in t_ordered.


estmate of the intercept function β0(t)\beta_0(t) at the observation times in t_ordered for the optimal lambda chosen from BIC. This is not returned if include_intercept = FALSE.


estimated basis coefficients (needed for prediction) for the optimal lambda.


the individual lambda which minimizes the BIC. If only one value was originally passed for lambda, then this just returns that lambda.


grid of all LL regularization parameters in lambda. Note that since the objective function is scaled by 1/N1/N for the penalized frequentist methods in the NVC_frequentist function, the lambda_all grid that is chosen automatically by NVC_frequentist typically consists of smaller values than the default values in the lambda0_all grid for NVC_SSL.


L×1L \times 1 vector of BIC values corresponding to all LL entries in lambda_all. The llth entry corresponds to the llth entry in lambda_all.


list of length LL of the estimated varying coefficients βk(t),k=1,...,p\beta_k(t), k = 1, ..., p, corresponding to all LL lambdas in lambda_all. The llth entry corresponds to the llth entry in lambda_all.


N×LN \times L matrix of estimated intercept function β0(t)\beta_0(t) corresponding to all LL entries in lambda_all. The llth column corresponds to the llth entry in lambda_all. This is not returned if include_intercept=FALSE.


dp×Ldp \times L matrix of estimated basis coefficients corresponding to all entries in lambda_all. The llth column corresponds to the llth entry in lambda_all.


p×Lp \times L matrix of classifications corresponding to all the entries in lambda_all. The llth column corresponds to the llth entry in lambda_all.


number of iterations it took for the group ascent algorithm to converge for each entry in lambda_all. The llth entry corresponds to the llth entry in lambda_all.


Bai, R., Boland, M. R., and Chen, Y. (2023). "Scalable high-dimensional Bayesian varying coefficient models with unknown within-subject covariance." arXiv pre-print arXiv:arXiv:1907.06477.

Breheny, P. and Huang, J. (2015). "Group descent algorithms for nonconvex penalized linear and logistic regression models with grouped predictors." Statistics and Computing, 25:173-187.

Wei, F., Huang, J., and Li, H. (2011). "Variable selection and estimation in high-dimensional varying coefficient models." Statistica Sinica, 21:1515-1540.

Yuan, M. and Lin, Y. (2006). "Model selection and estimation in regression with grouped variables." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 68:49-67.


## Load data
y = SimulatedData$y
t = SimulatedData$t
id = SimulatedData$id
X = SimulatedData[,4:103]

## Fit frequentist penalized NVC model with the SCAD penalty. 
## Can set penalty as "gLASSO", "gSCAD", or "gMCP". 
## No need to specify an 'id' argument when using NVC_frequentist() function

NVC_gSCAD_mod = NVC_frequentist(y, t, X, penalty="gSCAD")

## Classifications. First varying coefficients are selected as nonzero

## Optimal lambda chosen from BIC

## Plot first estimated varying coefficient function
t_ordered = NVC_gSCAD_mod$t_ordered
beta_hat= NVC_gSCAD_mod$beta_hat
plot(t_ordered, beta_hat[,1], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue',
     xlab="Time", ylim = c(-12,12), ylab=expression(beta[1]))

## Plot third estimated varying coefficient function
plot(t_ordered, beta_hat[,3], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue',
     xlab="Time", ylim = c(-4,2), ylab=expression(beta[3]))

## Plot fifth estimated varying coefficient function
plot(t_ordered, beta_hat[,5], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue',
     xlab="Time", ylim = c(0,15), ylab=expression(beta[5]))

[Package NVCSSL version 2.0 Index]