NVC_SSL {NVCSSL} | R Documentation |
Nonparametric Varying Coefficient Spike-and-Slab Lasso (NVC-SSL)
This function implements the Nonparametric Varying Coefficient Spike-and-Slab Lasso (NVC-SSL) model of Bai et al. (2023) for high-dimensional NVC models. The function returns the MAP estimator for the varying coefficients obtained from the ECM algorithm described in Bai et al. (2023). The BIC criterion is used to select the optimal spike hyperparameter
If the user specifies return_CI=TRUE
, then this function will also return the 95 percent pointwise posterior credible intervals for the varying coefficients obtained from Gibbs sampling. If the number of covariates
is large, then the user can additionally use the approximate MCMC algorithm introduced in Bai et al. (2023) (
) which is much faster than the exact Gibbs sampler and gives higher simultaneous coverage.
Finally, this function returns the number of iterations and the runtime for the ECM algorithms and MCMC algorithms which can be used for benchmarking and timing comparisons.
NVC_SSL(y, t, id, X, n_basis=8,
lambda0=seq(from=300,to=10,by=-10), lambda1=1,
a=1, b=ncol(X), c0=1, d0=1, nu=n_basis+2, Phi=diag(n_basis),
include_intercept=TRUE, tol=1e-6, max_iter=100,
return_CI=FALSE, approx_MCMC=FALSE,
n_samples=1500, burn=500, print_iter=TRUE)
y |
t |
id |
X |
n_basis |
number of basis functions to use. Default is |
lambda0 |
grid of spike hyperparameters. Default is to tune |
lambda1 |
slab hyperparameter. Default is |
a |
hyperparameter in |
b |
hyperparameter in |
c0 |
hyperparameter in Inverse-Gamma |
d0 |
hyperparameter in Inverse-Gamma |
nu |
degrees of freedom for Inverse-Wishart prior on |
Phi |
scale matrix in the Inverse-Wishart prior on |
include_intercept |
Boolean variable for whether or not to include an intercept function |
tol |
convergence criteria for the ECM algorithm. Default is |
max_iter |
maximum number of iterations to run ECM algorithm. Default is |
return_CI |
Boolean variable for whether or not to return the 95 percent pointwise credible bands. Set |
approx_MCMC |
Boolean variable for whether or not to run the approximate MCMC algorithm instead of the exact MCMC algorithm. If |
n_samples |
number of MCMC samples to save for posterior inference. The default is to save |
burn |
number of initial MCMC samples to discard during the warm-up period. Default is |
print_iter |
Boolean variable for whether or not to print the progress of the algorithms. Default is |
The function returns a list containing the following components:
t_ordered |
all |
classifications |
beta_hat |
beta0_hat |
MAP estimate of the intercept function |
gamma_hat |
MAP estimates of the basis coefficients (needed for prediction) for the optimal |
beta_post_mean |
beta_CI_lower |
beta_CI_upper |
beta0_post_mean |
Posterior mean estimate of the intercept function |
beta0_CI_lower |
Lower endpoints of the 95 percent pointwise posterior credible intervals (CIs) for the intercept function |
beta0_CI_upper |
Upper endpoints of the 95 percent pointwise posterior credible intervals (CIs) for the intercept function |
gamma_post_mean |
Posterior mean estimates of all the basis coefficients. This is not returned if |
gamma_CI_lower |
Lower endpoints of the 95 percent posterior credible intervals for the basis coefficients. This is not returned if |
gamma_CI_upper |
Upper endpoints of the 95 percent posterior credible intervals for the basis coefficients. This is not returned if |
post_incl |
lambda0_min |
the individual |
lambda0_all |
grid of all |
BIC_all |
beta_est_all_lambda0 |
list of length |
beta0_est_all_lambda0 |
gamma_est_all_lambda0 |
classifications_all_lambda0 |
ECM_iters_to_converge |
number of iterations it took for the ECM algorithm to converge for each entry in |
ECM_runtimes |
gibbs_runtime |
number of minutes it took for the Gibbs sampling algorithm to run for the total number of MCMC iterations given in |
gibbs_iters |
total number of MCMC iterations run for posterior inference |
Bai, R., Boland, M. R., and Chen, Y. (2023). "Scalable high-dimensional Bayesian varying coefficient models with unknown within-subject covariance." arXiv pre-print arXiv:arXiv:1907.06477.
Bai, R., Moran, G. E., Antonelli, J. L., Chen, Y., and Boland, M.R. (2022). "Spike-and-slab group lassos for grouped regression and sparse generalized additive models." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117:184-197.
## Load data
y = SimulatedData$y
t = SimulatedData$t
id = SimulatedData$id
X = SimulatedData[,4:103]
## Fit NVC-SSL model. Default implementation uses a grid of 30 lambdas.
## Below illustration uses just two well-chosen lambdas
NVC_SSL_mod = NVC_SSL(y, t, id, X, lambda0=c(60,50))
## NOTE: Should use default, which will search for lambda0 from a bigger grid
# NVC_SSL_mod = NVC_SSL(y, t, id, X)
## Classifications. First 6 varying coefficients are selected as nonzero
## Optimal lambda chosen from BIC
## Plot first estimated varying coefficient function
t_ordered = NVC_SSL_mod$t_ordered
beta_hat= NVC_SSL_mod$beta_hat
plot(t_ordered, beta_hat[,1], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue',
xlab="Time", ylim = c(-12,12), ylab=expression(beta[1]))
## Plot third estimated varying coefficient function
plot(t_ordered, beta_hat[,3], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue',
xlab="Time", ylim = c(-4,2), ylab=expression(beta[3]))
## Plot fifth estimated varying coefficient function
plot(t_ordered, beta_hat[,5], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue',
xlab="Time", ylim = c(0,15), ylab=expression(beta[5]))
## If you want credible intervals, then set return_CI=TRUE to also run Gibbs sampler.
## Below, we run a total of 1000 MCMC iterations, discarding the first 500 as burnin
## and keeping the final 500 samples for inference.
NVC_SSL_mod_2 = NVC_SSL(y, t, id, X, return_CI=TRUE, approx_MCMC=FALSE,
n_samples=500, burn=500)
## Note that NVC_SSL() always computes a MAP estimator first and then
## initializes the Gibbs sampler with the MAP estimator.
## Plot third varying coefficient function and its credible bands
t_ordered = NVC_SSL_mod_2$t_ordered
beta_MAP = NVC_SSL_mod_2$beta_hat
beta_mean = NVC_SSL_mod_2$beta_post_mean
beta_CI_lower = NVC_SSL_mod_2$beta_CI_lower
beta_CI_upper = NVC_SSL_mod_2$beta_CI_upper
plot(t_ordered, beta_MAP[,3], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue', xlab="Time", ylim=c(-5,3), lty=1,
ylab=expression(beta[3]), cex.lab=1.5)
lines(t_ordered, beta_mean[,3], lwd=3, type='l', col='red', lty=4)
lines(t_ordered, beta_CI_lower[,3], lwd=4, type='l', col='purple', lty=3)
lines(t_ordered, beta_CI_upper[,3], lwd=4, type='l', col='purple', lty=3)
legend("bottomleft", c("MAP", "Mean", "95 percent CI"), lty=c(1,4,3), lwd=c(2,2,3),
col=c("blue","red","purple"), inset=c(0,1), xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, bty="n")
## Plot fifth varying coefficient function and its credible bands
plot(t_ordered, beta_MAP[,5], lwd=3, type='l', col='blue', xlab="Time", ylim=c(-1,14), lty=1,
ylab=expression(beta[5]), cex.lab=1.5)
lines(t_ordered, beta_mean[,5], lwd=3, type='l', col='red', lty=4)
lines(t_ordered, beta_CI_lower[,5], lwd=4, type='l', col='purple', lty=3)
lines(t_ordered, beta_CI_upper[,5], lwd=4, type='l', col='purple', lty=3)
legend("bottomleft", c("MAP", "Mean", "95 percent CI"), lty=c(1,4,3), lwd=c(2,2,3),
col=c("blue","red","purple"), inset=c(0,1), xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, bty="n")