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Six-month Survival, Cardiac cost and Baseline Covariate data for 15,487 PCI patients.
Using observational data on 996 patients who received a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) at Ohio Heart Health, Lindner Center, Christ Hospital, Cincinnati (Kereiakes et al, 2000), we generated this much larger dataset via "plasmode simulation."
A data frame of 11 variables on 15,487 patients; no NAs.
- patid
Patient ID number: 1 to 15487.
- surv6mo
Binary PCI Survival variable: 1 => Survival for at least 6 months following PCI, 0 => Survival for less than 6 months.
- cardcost
Cardiac related costs incurred within 6 months of patient's initial PCI; numeric value in 1998 dollars; costs were truncated by death for the 404 patients with surv6mo == 0.
- thin
Numeric treatment selection indicator: thin = 0 implies usual PCI care alone; thin = 1 implies usual PCI care augmented by either planned or rescue treatment with a new blood thinning agent.
- stent
Coronary stent deployment; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.
- height
Height in centimeters; numeric integer from 133 to 198.
- female
Female gender; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.
- diabetic
Diabetes mellitus diagnosis; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.
- acutemi
Acute myocardial infarction within the previous 7 days; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.
- ejfract
Left ejection fraction; numeric value from 17 percent to 77 percent.
- ves1proc
Number of vessels involved in the patient's initial PCI procedure; numeric integer from 0 to 5.
Kereiakes DJ, Obenchain RL, Barber BL, et al. Abciximab provides cost effective survival advantage in high volume interventional practice. Am Heart J 2000; 140: 603-610.
Gadbury GL, Xiang Q, Yang L, Barnes S, Page GP, Allison DB. Evaluating Statistical Methods Using Plasmode Data Sets in the Age of Massive Public Databases: An Illustration Using False Discovery Rates. PLOS Genetics 2008; 4: 1-8, e1000098 (Open Access).
Obenchain RL. (2023) NU.Learning_in_R.pdf http://localcontrolstatistics.org