ac | Dataset |
adaptation.scores | Dataset |
alcohol.intake | Dataset |
ammonium.flux | Dataset |
annual.salaries | Dataset |
at.term | Dataset |
b.mrl | Dataset |
b.sf | Dataset |
beak | Dataset |
bleeding.time | Dataset |
blood.levels | Dataset |
book.value.audited.value | Dataset |
cAnsBrad | Function to compute a critical value for the Ansari-Bradley C distribution. |
cBohnWolfe | Function to compute a critical value for the Bohn-Wolfe U distribution. |
cDurSkiMa | Computes a critical value for the Durbin, Skillings-Mack D distribution. |
cen | Dataset |
cFligPoli | Computes a critical value for the Fligner-Policello U distribution. |
cFrd | Computes a critical value for the Friedman, Kendall-Babington Smith S distribution. |
ch.ro | Campbell-Hollander |
cHaySton | Computes a critical value for the Hayter-Stone W* distribution. |
cHayStonLSA | Computes a critical value for the Hayter-Stone W* asymptotic distribution. |
chemical.toxicity | Dataset |
cHollBivSym | Hollander Bivariate Symmetry |
chromium | Dataset |
cinchona | Dataset |
cJCK | Computes a critical value for the Jonckheere-Terpstra J distribution. |
cKolSmirn | Computes a critical value for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov J distribution. |
cKW | Computes a critical value for the Kruskal-Wallis H distribution. |
cLepage | Computes a critical value for the Lepage D distribution. |
cloud.seeding | Dataset |
cMackSkil | Computes a critical value for the Mack-Skillings MS distribution. |
cMaxCorrNor | Quantile function for the maximum of k N(0,1) random variables with common correlation rho. |
cNDWol | Function to compute a critical value for the Nemenyi, Damico-Wolfe Y distribution. |
cNWWM | Computes a critical value for the Nemenyi, Wilcoxon-Wilcox, Miller R* distribution. |
CorrUpperBound | Computes the upper bound for the null correlation between two overlapping signed rank statistics. |
cPage | Function to compute a critical value for the Page L distribution. |
cps71 | Dataset |
cRangeNor | Quantile function for the range of k independent N(0,1) random variables. |
cSDCFlig | Computes a critical value for the Dwass, Steel, Critchlow-Fligner W distribution. |
cSkilMack | Computes a critical value for the Skillings-Mack SM distribution. |
cUmbrPK | Computes a critical value for the Mack-Wolfe Peak Known A_p distribution. |
cUmbrPU | Computes a critical value for the Mack-Wolfe Peak Unknown A_p-hat distribution. |
cWNMT | Computes a critical value for the Wilcoxon, Nemenyi, McDonald-Thompson R distribution. |
days | Dataset |
discrepancy.scores | Dataset |
dmrl.mc | Hollander-Proschan |
e.mc | Function to compute the Monte Carlo P-value for the observed Epstein E statistic |
ecdf.ks.CI | Kolmogorov's Confidence Band |
epstein | Epstein |
ethanol | Dataset |
feedback | Dataset |
ferg.df | Ferguson's Estimator |
florida.pokeweed | Dataset |
forearm | Dataset |
framingham | Dataset |
freestyle | Dataset |
gest.age | Dataset |
gizzards | Dataset |
goose | Dataset |
gun.registration | Dataset |
hamilton | Dataset |
hodgkins.affected | Dataset |
hodgkins.total | Dataset |
HoeffD | Function to compute Hoeffding's D statistic for small sample sizes. |
HollBivSym | Hollander Bivariate Symmetry |
hydroxycortisol | Dataset |
hydroxyproline | Dataset |
hypnotic.susceptibility | Dataset |
insulin.clearance | Dataset |
JASA1994 | Dataset |
JASA1995 | Dataset |
jung.parekh | Dataset |
kendall.ci | Function to produce a confidence interval for Kendall's tau. |
kentucky.pokeweed | Dataset |
klefsjo.ifr | Klefsjo's IFR |
klefsjo.ifr.mc | Function to compute the Monte Carlo P-value for the observed Klefsjo's A* statistic. |
klefsjo.ifra | Klefsjo's IFRA |
klefsjo.ifra.mc | Function to compute the Monte Carlo P-value for the observed Klefsjo's B* statistic. |
kolmogorov | Kolmogorov |
leukemia | Dataset |
liver.scan | Dataset |
liver.scan8 | Dataset |
mayfly | Dataset |
mblm | Fitting Median-Based Linear Models (from 'mblm' oackage) |
mean.drop | Dataset |
metabolic.rate | Dataset |
methyl | Dataset |
MillerJack | Miller Jackknife |
motivational.effect | Dataset |
mrl | Mean Residual Life |
mucociliary | Dataset |
multCh7 | Possible arrangements by row for a matrix |
multCh7SM | Possible arrangements by row a matrix, where NA values are ignored |
multComb | Combinations of the first n integers in k groups |
nb.mc | Function to compute the Monte Carlo P-value for the observed Hollander-Proschan T statistic. |
net.oxygen.consumption | Dataset |
newbet | Hollander-Proschan T* |
NHANES.III | Dataset |
niacin | Dataset |
no.feedback | Dataset |
not.prednisone | Dataset |
owa | Ordered Walsh Averages |
oxidant.content | Dataset |
pAnsBrad | Function to compute the P-value for the observed Ansari-Bradley C statistic. |
pBohnWolfe | Function to compute the P-value for the observed Bohn-Wolfe U statistic. |
pDurSkiMa | Durbin, Skillings-Mack |
pFligPoli | Fligner-Policello |
pFrd | Function to compute the P-value for the observed Friedman, Kendall-Babington Smith S statistic. |
pHaySton | Hayter-Stone |
pHayStonLSA | Hayter-Sone LSA |
pHoeff | Hoeffding's D |
pHollBivSym | Hollander Bivariate Symmetry |
pigs | Dataset |
pJCK | Function to compute the P-value for the observed Jonckheere-Terpstra J statistic. |
pKolSmirn | Function to copute the P-value for the observed Kolmogorov-Smirnov J statistic. |
pKW | Kruskal-Wallis |
plasma | Dataset |
plasma.glucoose | Dataset |
plasma.healthy | Dataset |
plasma.poisoned | Dataset |
platelet.counts | Dataset |
pLepage | Lepage |
pMackSkil | Mack-Skillings |
pMaxCorrNor | Function to compute the upper tail probability of the maximum of k N(0,1) random variables with common correlation for a given cutoff. |
pNDWol | Nemenyi, Damico-Wolfe |
pNWWM | Nemenyi, Wilcoxon-Wilcox, Miller |
pokeweed | Dataset |
pPage | Page |
pPairedWilcoxon | Paired Wilcoxon |
pRangeNor | Function to compute the upper-tail probability of the range of k independent N(0,1) random variables for a given cutoff. |
pre | Dataset |
prednisone | Dataset |
print.NSM3Ch5c | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch5p | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch6c | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch6MCc | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch6MCp | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch6p | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch7c | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch7MCc | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch7MCp | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch7p | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
print.NSM3Ch9ChickFn | Methods to control displayed output of NSM3 tests. |
proline.collagen | Dataset |
pSDCFlig | Dwass, Steel, Critchlow, Fligner |
pSkilMack | Skillings-Mack |
pUmbrPK | Function to compute the P-value for the observed Mack-Wolfe Peak Known A_p distribution. |
pUmbrPU | Mack-Wolfe Peak Unknown |
pWNMT | Wilcoxon, Nemenyi, McDonald-Thompson |
qKolSmirnLSA | Quantile function for the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov J* statistic. |
rad | Dataset |
ramsay | Dataset |
relapse | Dataset |
RFPW | Randles-Fligner-Policello-Wolfe |
rhythmicity | Dataset |
rounding.times | Dataset |
RSS | Ranked-Set Sample |
ruffed.grouse | Dataset |
RVP | Dataset |
sen.adichie | Function to test for parallel lines. |
serum | Dataset |
settling.velocities | Dataset |
smp | Dataset |
SP | Dataset |
spacecraft | Dataset |
strength.index | Dataset |
svr.df | Susarla-van Ryzin |
swimming | Dataset |
table11.2 | Dataset |
tb | Dataset |
tc | Guess-Hollander-Proschan |
theil | Function to estimate and perform tests on the slope and intercept of a simple linear model. |
tuna | Dataset |
velocity | Dataset |
wechsler | Dataset |
zelen.test | Function to perform Zelen's test. |