ebpNP {NSAE} | R Documentation |
Nonparametric ebp using spatial spline for proportion under generalized linear mixed model
This function gives the nonparametric ebp and the estimate of mean squared error (mse) for proportion based on a nonstationary generalized linear mixed model.
method = "REML",
maxit = 100,
precision = 1e-04,
formula |
an object of class list of formula, describe the model to be fitted |
vardir |
a vector of sampling variances of direct estimators for each small area |
n.knot |
number of knot in spatial splines. Default is 25 knot |
Ni |
a vector of population size for each small area |
ni |
a vector of sample size for each small area |
lat |
a vector of latitude for each small area |
lon |
a vector of longitude for each small area |
method |
type of fitting method, default is "REML" method |
maxit |
number of iterations allowed in the algorithm. Default is 100 iterations |
precision |
convergence tolerance limit for the Fisher-scoring algorithm. Default value is 1e-04 |
data |
a data frame comprising the variables named in formula and vardir |
The function returns a list with the following objects:
- ebp
a vector with the values of the estimators for each small area
- mse
a vector of the mean squared error estimates for each small area
- sample
a matrix consist of area code, ebp, mse, standard error (SE) and coefficient of variation (CV)
- fit
a list containing the following objects:
estcoef : a data frame with the estimated model coefficients in the first column (beta), their asymptotic standard errors in the second column (std.error), the t statistics in the third column (tvalue) and the p-values of the significance of each coefficient in last column (pvalue)
refvar : estimated random effects variance
lambda : estimated spatial intensity paprameter
randomeffect : a data frame with the values of the area specific random effect
gamma : a data frame with the values of the spatially correlated random effect
variance : a covariance matrix of estimated variance components
# Load data set
# Fit a nonparametric generalized linear mixed model using headcount data
result <- ebpNP(y~x1, var,25, N, n, lat, long, "REML", 100, 1e-04,headcount)