Incorporating previous findings when evaluating new data


A function for revealing what happens when previous findings are taken into account when analyzing new data.


             ES_type_IN=NULL, ES_type_OUT='r',
             rawdata_type = 'for_correl',
             ma_method = 'HS',
             cor_stat = 'ZCOR',
             Bayes_type = c('Schmidt_Raju'), 
             ES = NULL, N = NULL, ES_var = NULL,
             CI_level_out = 95, CI_level_in = 95, CI_in_lb=NULL, CI_in_ub=NULL,
             grp1_mn = NULL, grp1_sd = NULL, grp1_n = NULL, 
             grp2_mn = NULL, grp2_sd = NULL, grp2_n = NULL, 
             gvar_type_OUT = 'd',
             paired_samples_ES_type = NULL,
             funnel_plot=FALSE, funnel_plot_type='png', funnel_plot_title=NULL,
             nitt = 53000, burnin = 3000, thin = 10, 



Either (1) a list with raw data for two numeric variables in each of the multiple list elements (wherein each list element consists of rows of raw data from an individual study), or (2) a dataframe or matrix wherein each row has summary data for a single study (e.g., has the group means, SDs, & Ns, or d or g or r or Fisher's z values, or effect size and variance estimates).


(optional) The type of effect sizes, if donnes is a matrix of study-level data rather than raw data. The options are 'r', 'd', 'g', 'OR', and 'z' (for Fisher's r-to-z transformation).


(optional) The type of effect sizes for the output. The options are 'r' (the default), 'z', 'd', and 'g'.


(optional) The type of raw data, if donnes is a list with raw datasets. The options are 'for_correl' (for when correlations should be computed), 'indep_groups' (for when the raw data are based on independent groups, as in for an independent groups t-test), and 'paired_samples' (for when the raw data are paired samples, as in for a paired samples t-test).


(optional) The method option for the rma function from the metafor package: 'A character string specifying whether a fixed- or a random/mixed-effects model should be fitted. A fixed-effects model (with or without moderators) is fitted when using method="FE". Random/mixed-effects models are fitted by setting method equal to one of the following: "DL", "HE", "SJ", "ML", "REML", "EB", "HS", or "GENQ". The default is "HS", for the Hunter-Schmidt estimator.


(optional) The type of correlation statistic to be used when ES_type_OUT='r'. The options are 'COR' (for using Pearson correlation coefficients), and 'ZCOR' (for using Fisher\'s r-to-z transformation').


(optional) The kind(s) of Bayesian analyses to be conducted. The options are one or all of 'Schmidt_Raju', 'generated' and/or 'raw'. The default is 'Schmidt_Raju', which is the fastest, i.e., Bayes_type = c('Schmidt_Raju'). See the Details.


(optional) The type of prior data to be used in the updating analyses (both cumulative and Bayesian). The options are 'BAYES' or 'META'. The default is 'META'. See the Details.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the effect sizes.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the total Ns.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the variances for the effect sizes.


(optional) The confidence interval for the output (in whole numbers). The default is 95.


(optional) The confidence interval for the input, if provided (in whole numbers). The default is 95.


(optional) The lower bound confidence interval for input, if provided (in whole numbers). The default is 95.


(optional) The upper bound confidence interval for the input, if provided (in whole numbers). The default is 95.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the mean for group 1.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the standard deviation for group 1.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the number of cases in group 1.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the mean for group 2.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the standard deviation for group 2.


(optional) The name of the column in donnes with the number of cases in group 2.


(optional) The kind of variance for when ES_type_OUT is set to g. The options are 'd' (the default), for d effect size variance, and 'g', for g effect size variance. (Authors of published meta-analyses sometimes report d variances when their analyses were conducted on g effect sizes.)


(optional) The kind of effect size for the analyses if rawdata_type = 'paired_samples'. Following the escalc function from the metafor package, the options are 'MC' (for raw mean change), 'SMCC' (for the standardized mean change using change score standardization; Gibbons et al., 1993), 'SMCR' (for the standardized mean change using raw score standardization; Becker, 1988), 'SMCRH' (the default, for the standardized mean change using raw score standardization with heteroscedastic population variances at the two measurement occasions, Bonett, 2008), or 'ROMC' (for the log transformed ratio of means; Lajeunesse, 2011).


(optional) Should a funnel plot be produced and saved? TRUE or FALSE (default)


(optional) The output format if funnel_plot_save = TRUE. The options are 'bitmap', 'tiff', 'png' (the default), 'jpeg', and 'bmp'.


(optional) Text that will be used to name the funnel plot file and appear as the plot main title.


(optional) The number of iterations for Bayesian analyses. The default = 53000


(optional) The burn-in period for Bayesian analyses. The default = 3000


(optional) The thinning interval for the Bayesian analyses. The default = 10


(optional) Should detailed results be displayed in console? TRUE (default) or FALSE


This function reveals what happens when effect size estimates from previous studies are taken into account when evaluating each new dataset in a study sequence. The analyses are conducted for cumulative meta-analyses and for Bayesian data analyses. The findings from these methods can be contrasted with those from null hypothesis statistical sigificance testing (NHST), which does not take previous findings into account and which often results in a back and forth ping-pong of conclusions about a phenomenon.

The function relies on the metafor package for the meta-analyses and on the MCMCglmm package for the Bayesian analyses.

The function input can be (1) a list with raw datasets, (2) a matrix with study effect size information, or (3) a matrix with study group means, standard deviations, and Ns. See the Examples below.

The function ouput includes, whenever possible, the results of meta-analyses and Bayesian analyses in four possible effect size metrics: r, Fisher's z, d, and g. Conversions between effect sizes are conducted using conventional formulas (see Borenstein, 2009).

Input data:

When the input is a list with raw datasets and the focus is on group mean differences in scores (re: rawdata_type = 'indep_groups'), then it is assumed that the grouping variable is in the first column of the input data ('donnes') and that there are only two levels of the grouping variable.

When the input is a matrix with r effect sizes (ES_type_IN = 'r'), then N should also be provided whenever possible. If r (ES) and the variance of r (ES_var) are provided but not N, then a formula is used to determine what each study N must have been: (1 - r^2) / r_var + 2.

When the input is a matrix with Fisher's z effect sizes (ES_type_IN = 'z'), then either ES_var or N must also be provided. If ES_var is provided but not N, then meta-analyses can be conducted but not the Bayesian analyses.

When the input is a matrix with d or g effect sizes (ES_type_IN = 'd' or ES_type_IN = 'g'), then it is best if grp1_N and grp2_N are also provided. If only d or g (ES) and the corresponding effect size variances (ES_var) are provided, but without the group Ns, then meta-analyses can be conducted but not the Bayesian analyses.

When the input is a matrix with odds ratios (ES_type_IN = 'OR'), then one of 'CI_in_lb' or 'CI_in_ub' must also be provided, and it is helpful if N is also provided. If one of 'CI_in_lb' or 'CI_in_ub' is provided but not N, then meta-analyses can be conducted but not the Bayesian analyses.

Bayesian analyses:

When the input is a matrix with study effect size information, then N must be provided or N must be internally computable from the provided information for the Bayesian analyses to be possible.

The Bayesian analyses are always conducted using correlation coefficient effect sizes. When the input data are not raw data nor correlation coefficients, then the correlation coefficient equivalents are computed from the input data. Conventional conversion formulae are also used when the requested output effect size metric is z, d, or g.

For the "Bayes_type" argument: The Schmidt_Raju method is the computationally fastest method of conducting the Bayesian analyses, but it is based on correlation coefficient effect sizes, or the correlation coefficient equivalents. The Bayesian analyses can also be conducted using raw data for the sequence of studies, or using data that are generated to have the same effect size as those in a raw dataset. The raw data option is generally the better approach but it is only feasible when the raw data are available. By default, the function will run the analyses for the Schmidt_Raju method, for generated data, and for raw data whenever possible.

For the "prior_type" argument: The priors used in the updating analyses (both cumulative and Bayesian) can be the effect size and standard error from previous studies based on a meta-analysis or based on Bayesian analyses. The options are 'BAYES' or 'META', and 'META' is the default.

Consistency and agreement rates are computed for the NHST analyses, for the updating MAs, and for the Bayesian analyses. The consistency rate is the proportion of times that the most common conclusion is reached for a pool of effect sizes. Three conclusions are possible for each effect size: a positive effect, a negative effect, and no effect. The signs of the effect sizes and the possible inclusion of a zero value in a confidence interval are used to make these categorizations (e.g., a negative effect conclusion is when a negative effect size has a confidence interval that does not include zero). The number of times each of the three possible conclusions occurs for a pool of effect sizes is counted, and the consistency rate is based on the most common conclusion. The agreement rate for a pool of effect sizes is the proportion of times that the conclusions for individual studies are identical to the conclusion (re: the same three categories) of the final, all-studies-combined MA. More detailed descriptions of the analytic methods were provided by O'Connor and Ermacora (2021).

The output from this function can be entered into the PLOT_NO.PING.PONG function in order to obtain a graphical display of the findings across a sequence of studies.


An object of class "NO.PING.PONG". The object is a list containing the following possible components:


The final effect size from the cumulative meta-analysis.


The lower bound of the confidence interval for the final effect size from the cumulative meta-analysis


The upper bound of the confidence interval for the final effect size from the cumulative meta-analysis


The Q heterogeneity statistic.


The statistical significance value for the Q heterogeneity statistic.


tau2 (or tau-squared) is the variation in effect sizes (between-study variance) in a random-effects meta-analysis. It is the variance in the true effect sizes.


The lower bound of the confidence interval for tau2.


The upper bound of the confidence interval for tau2.


tau is the square root of tau-squared. tau is the standard deviation of the true effect sizes.


The lower bound of the confidence interval for tau.


The upper bound of the confidence interval for tau.


isq estimates (in percent) how much of the total variability in the effect size estimates (which is composed of heterogeneity plus sampling variability) can be attributed to heterogeneity among the true effects.


The lower bound of the confidence interval for isq.


The upper bound of the confidence interval for isq.


hsq estimates the ratio of the total amount of variability in the effect size estimates to the amount of sampling variability.


The lower bound of the confidence interval for hsq.


The upper bound of the confidence interval for hsq.


The results for the NHST analyses.


The consistency rate for the NHST analyses.


The agreement rate for the NHST analyses.


The results for the cumulative meta-analyses.


The consistency rate for the cumulative meta-analyses.


The agreement rate for the cumulative meta-analyses.


The results for the Schmidt-Raju Bayesian analyses.


The consistency rate for the Schmidt-Raju Bayesian analyses.


The agreement rate for the Schmidt-Raju Bayesian analyses.


The results for the generated data Bayesian analyses.


The consistency rate for the generated data Bayesian analyses.


The agreement rate for the generated data Bayesian analyses.


The results for the raw data Bayesian analyses.


The consistency rate for the raw data Bayesian analyses.


The agreement rate for the raw data Bayesian analyses.


Publication bias statistics.


Brian P. O'Connor


OConnor, B. P., & Ermacora, D. (2021). Unnecessary ping-pong: Illustrations of why previous findings should be taken into account when evaluating new datasets. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 53(3), 328-341.

O'Connor, B. P., & Khattar, N. (2022). Controversies regarding null hypothesis testing. In W. O'Donohue, A. Masuda, & S. O. Lilienfeld (Eds.). Avoiding Questionable Research Practices in Applied Psychology (pp. 147-174). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland.


# data from SchmidtRaju (2007, p. 303)
data_Schmidt_Raju <- '
1    60   .44 
2    75   .20 
3    85   .60 
4   110   .32 
5    50   .41 
6    90   .25 
7   100   .12 
8    65   .35 
9    80   .35 
10   65   .19 '
data_Schmidt_Raju <- data.frame(read.table(text=data_Schmidt_Raju, fill=TRUE))
colnames(data_Schmidt_Raju) <- c('Study','N','r')

NO.PING.PONG(data_Schmidt_Raju, ES_type_IN='r', ES_type_OUT='r', 
             ma_method='REML', cor_stat = 'COR',
             Bayes_type = c('Schmidt_Raju', 'generated'), 
             prior_type='META', CI_level_out = 95,
             ES = 'r', N = 'N', ES_var = NULL,
             nitt=13000, burnin=3000, thin=10)      

# using only ES & ES_var (the effect size & the effect size variance for each study)
# Anxiety_Therapy
# input data = Hedges.g & ES_var for each study
# Kampmanna (2016). Meta-analysis of technology-assisted interventions for social anxiety disorder
             ES = 'Hedges.g', N = 'N', ES_var = 'Var', ES_type_IN = 'g') 


# Alcohol_Intake
# input data = Hedges g & the Ns for the experimental & control groups
# Prestwich (2016). Does Changing Social Influence Engender Changes in Alcohol Intake  Table 2
NO.PING.PONG(data_NPP$Alcohol_Intake, ES_type_IN='g', ES_type_OUT='g', 
             ES = 'g.Alcohol.Intake', grp1_n = 'Exp.n', grp2_n = 'Ctrl.n') 

# Anxiety_Therapy   
# input data = Hedges g & the N for each study
# Kampmanna (2016). Meta-analysis of technology-assisted interventions for social anxiety disorder
NO.PING.PONG(data_NPP$Anxiety_Therapy, ES_type_IN='g', ES_type_OUT='g',
             ES = 'Hedges.g', N = 'N',  ma_method='FE') 

# Cannabis_Psychosis   
# input data = Cohen's d & the N for each study
# Large (2001). Cannabis Use and Earlier Onset of Psychosis - A Systematic Meta-analysis
# Supplementary Online Content - The data are from the "eFigure".
NO.PING.PONG(data_NPP$Cannabis_Psychosis, ES_type_IN='d',
             ES = 'Std_diff_in_mean', N = 'N') 

# CBT_Autism
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Weston (2016). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy with people who have autistic 
# spectrum disorders  A systematic review and meta-analysis
             grp1_mn = 'Con_Mean', grp1_sd = 'Con_SD', grp1_n = 'Con_N', 
             grp2_mn = 'CBT_Mean', grp2_sd = 'CBT_SD', grp2_n = 'CBT_N') 

# CBT_Social_Anxiety    
# input data = Hedges g & the Ns for the experimental & control groups
# Kampmanna (2016). Meta-analysis of technology-assisted interventions for social anxiety  fig 4
NO.PING.PONG(data_NPP$CBT_Social_Anxiety, ES_type_IN='g', 
             ES = 'Hedgesg', grp1_n = 'N.exp', grp2_n = 'N.ctrl') 

# Ego_Depletion
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Hagger (2016). A multilab preregistered replication of the ego-depletion effect
             grp1_mn = 'E.Mean', grp1_sd = 'E.SD', grp1_n = 'E.N', 
             grp2_mn = 'H.Mean', grp2_sd = 'H.SD', grp2_n = 'H.N') 

# Hypomanic_BIS
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Katz (2021). The Dual-System Theory of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders   r (BIS) = -.04
             grp1_mn = 'BIS_B_MClin', grp1_sd = 'BIS_B_SDClin', grp1_n = 'Nclin', 
             grp2_mn = 'BIS_B_MHC',   grp2_sd = 'BIS_B_SDHC',   grp2_n = 'Nhealthy') 

# IAT_Discrimination
# input data = r & N for each study
# Oswald (2013). Predicting Ethnic and Racial Discrimination - A Meta-Analysis of IAT Studies
NO.PING.PONG(data_NPP$IAT_Discrimination, ES_type_IN='r', ES = 'R', N = 'N') 

# Many_Labs$Anchoring
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Klein et al. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability: A many labs replication project
             grp1_mn = 'grp1_mn', grp1_sd = 'grp1_sd', grp1_n = 'grp1_N', 
             grp2_mn = 'grp2_mn', grp2_sd = 'grp2_sd', grp2_n = 'grp2_N') 

# Many_Labs$Gamblers_Fallacy
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Klein et al. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability: A many labs replication project
             grp1_mn = 'grp1_mn', grp1_sd = 'grp1_sd', grp1_n = 'grp1_N', 
             grp2_mn = 'grp2_mn', grp2_sd = 'grp2_sd', grp2_n = 'grp2_N') 

# Many_Labs$Math_Attitudes
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Klein et al. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability: A many labs replication project
             grp1_mn = 'grp1_mn', grp1_sd = 'grp1_sd', grp1_n = 'grp1_N', 
             grp2_mn = 'grp2_mn', grp2_sd = 'grp2_sd', grp2_n = 'grp2_N') 

# Many_Labs$Sunk_Costs
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Klein et al. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability: A many labs replication project
             grp1_mn = 'grp1_mn', grp1_sd = 'grp1_sd', grp1_n = 'grp1_N', 
             grp2_mn = 'grp2_mn', grp2_sd = 'grp2_sd', grp2_n = 'grp2_N') 

# Many_Labs$Quote_Attribution
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Klein et al. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability: A many labs replication project
             grp1_mn = 'grp1_mn', grp1_sd = 'grp1_sd', grp1_n = 'grp1_N', 
             grp2_mn = 'grp2_mn', grp2_sd = 'grp2_sd', grp2_n = 'grp2_N') 

# Many_Labs$Flag_Priming
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
# Klein et al. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability: A many labs replication project
             grp1_mn = 'grp1_mn', grp1_sd = 'grp1_sd', grp1_n = 'grp1_N', 
             grp2_mn = 'grp2_mn', grp2_sd = 'grp2_sd', grp2_n = 'grp2_N') 

# Math_Performance
# input data = r & N for each study
# Chen (2014). Association between individual differences in non-symbolic number acuity and 
# math performance - A meta-analysis Table 1
NO.PING.PONG(data_NPP$Math_Performance, ES_type_IN='r', ES = 'r', N = 'N') 

# Omega3_Depression
# Grosso (2014).  Role of omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of depressive disorders
# Findings are for Omega 3 predicting DSM major depression improvement - Fig 2, top portion, p. 9
# input data = group means, SDs, & Ns
             grp1_mn = 'Cmn', grp1_sd = 'Csd', grp1_n = 'CN', 
             grp2_mn = 'Emn', grp2_sd = 'Esd', grp2_n = 'EN') 

# paired samples             
# input data = raw data
             rawdata_type = 'paired_samples',
             paired_samples_ES_type = 'SMCRH') 

# PopulationR.02 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = .02
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Ermacora (2012). Unnecessary ping-pong

# PopulationR.10 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = .10
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Ermacora (2012). Unnecessary ping-pong

# PopulationR.11 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = .11
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Khattar (2022). Controversies regarding null hypothesis testing

# PopulationR.20 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = .20
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Ermacora (2012). Unnecessary ping-pong

# PopulationR.32 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = .32
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Khattar (2022). Controversies regarding null hypothesis testing

# PopulationR.57 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = .57
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Khattar (2022). Controversies regarding null hypothesis testing

# PopulationR.077 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = .077
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Khattar (2022). Controversies regarding null hypothesis testing

# PopulationRneg.04 - generated data for 2 variables with a population r = -04
# input data = raw data
# O'Connor & Khattar (2022). Controversies regarding null hypothesis testing

# SelfEsteem_Depression
# input data = r & N for each study
# 2013 Sowislo - Does Low Self-Esteem Predict Depression and Anxiety  r = .57
NO.PING.PONG(data_NPP$SelfEsteem_Depression, ES_type_IN='r', 
             ES = 'rSED', N = 'N') 

[Package NO.PING.PONG version Index]