ht {NNbenchmark}R Documentation

Concatenates head() and tail() in vector, list, matrix, data.frame, array


Concatenates head(n) and tail(n) rows and subset with m columns. Works also with array, list and matrix in data.frame. Keeps the data.table format (and add a timezone by default). See the matsindf package for matrix(ces) in tibble.


ht(x, n = 3, m = 4, p = 2, l = 2, names = TRUE, LTT = c("x", "L",
  "N", "M", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T"))

ht9(x, n = 3, m = 9999, p = 2, l = 2, names = TRUE, LTT = c("x",
  "L", "N", "M", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T"))



vector, matrix, data.frame, array or list.


integer. Cut in the first dimension.


integer. Cut in the second dimension.


integer. Cut in the third and the next dimensions.


integer. Cut for a list and for data.frame with matrix inside.


logical. Provide names and numbers for undefined dimnames.


character. The letter used in each dimension (vector, list, array).


An object of the same class than x but much shorter.


### Vector, data.frame, array
ht(1:100, names = FALSE)
ht(1:100, LTT = "z")

ht9(mtcars); dim(mtcars)

arr4 <- array(1:1680, c(8,7,6,5))
ht(arr4, n=1, p=1, names = FALSE)
ht(arr4, n=1, p=1, names = TRUE, LTT = c("x","L","X","Y","Z","T"))

### List of matrices
lstmat <- rep(list(matrix(1:100, 10)), 8)
for (i in seq_along(lstmat)) lstmat[[i]] <- lstmat[[i]] *i
ht(lstmat, n = 2, m = 2, l = 2, names = FALSE)
ht(lstmat, n = 2, m = 3, l = 1, names = TRUE)
ht(lstmat, n = 2, m = 3, l = 1, LTT = c("x","L","X","Y","Z"))

### Data.frame with matrices inside.
### See For instance data("gasoline", package = "pls")

## Colnames on matrix B but not on matrix C. Protected data.frame.
B <- matrix(101:160, 10); colnames(B) <- paste0(1:6, "b"); B
C <- matrix(101:160, 10); C
dfrmat <- data.frame(A = 1:10, B = I(B), C = I(C), D = 11:20); dfrmat

## Matrix columns are controlled by m.
## Unnamed C matrix columns have old values but new names. Be aware!
ht(dfrmat, n = 2, m = 1, l = 2, names = FALSE) # Original C.6 is now C.2
ht(dfrmat, n = 2, m = 1, l = 2, names = TRUE)  # Names keep original ranks

## Data.frame columns are controlled by l.
ht(dfrmat, n = 3, m = 2, l = 1, names = TRUE)

[Package NNbenchmark version 3.2.0 Index]