Preparation, Checking and Post-Processing Data for PK/PD Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘NMdata’ version 0.1.6

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addOmegaCorr add Omega correlations to a parameter table
addTAPD Add time since previous dose to data, time of previous dose, most recent dose amount, cumulative number of doses, and cumulative dose amount.
cbind.NMdata Basic arithmetic on NMdata objects
cc Create character vectors without quotation marks
cl Define a vector with factor levels in the same order as occurring in the vector.
colLabels Extract column labels as defined in SAS
compareCols Compare elements in lists with aim of combining
dimnames.NMdata Basic arithmetic on NMdata objects
dims Get dimensions of multiple objects
dt2mat Convert a data.table of parameter estimates to a matrix
editCharCols Replace strings in character character columns of a data set
egdt Expand grid of data.tables
findCovs Extract columns that vary within values of other columns
findVars Extract columns that vary within values of other columns in a data.frame
flagsAssign Assign exclusion flags to a dataset based on specified table
flagsCount Create an overview of number of retained and discarded datapoints.
fnAppend paste something before file name extension.
fnExtension Change file name extension
is.NMdata Check if an object is 'NMdata'
listMissings List rows with missing values across multiple columns
mat2dt upper or lower triangle or all values of a matrix as long-format
merge.NMdata Basic arithmetic on NMdata objects
mergeCheck Merge, order, and check resulting rows and columns.
NMcheckColnames Compare $INPUT in control stream to column names in input data
NMcheckData Check data for Nonmem compatibility or check control stream for data compatibility
NMdataConf Configure default behavior of NMdata functions
NMdataOperations Basic arithmetic on NMdata objects
NMexpandDoses Transform repeated dosing events (ADDL/II) to individual dosing events
NMextractDataFile Extract the data file used in a control stream
NMextractText Versatile text extractor from Nonmem (input or output) control streams
NMgenText Generate text for INPUT and possibly DATA sections of NONMEM control streams.
NMgetSection Extract sections of Nonmem control streams
NMinfo Get metadata from an NMdata object
NMisNumeric Test if a variable can be interpreted by Nonmem
NMorderColumns Standardize column order in Nonmem input data
NMreadCov Read in data file
NMreadCsv Read input data formatted for Nonmem
NMreadExt Read information from Nonmem ext files
NMreadParsText Read comments to parameter definitions in Nonmem control streams
NMreadPhi Read information from Nonmem phi files
NMreadSection Extract sections of Nonmem control streams
NMreadShk Read Shrinkage data reported by Nonmem
NMreadTab Read an output table file from Nonmem
NMreplaceDataFile Replace data file used in Nonmem control stream
NMscanData Automatically find Nonmem input and output tables and organize data
NMscanInput Find and read input data and optionally translate column names according to the $INPUT section
NMscanMultiple Run NMscanData on multiple models and stack results
NMscanTables Find and read all output data tables in Nonmem run
NMstamp stamp a dataset or any other object
NMwriteData Write dataset for use in Nonmem (and R)
NMwriteSection Replace ($)sections of a Nonmem control stream
print.summary_NMdata print method for NMdata summaries
rbind.NMdata Basic arithmetic on NMdata objects
renameByContents Rename columns matching properties of data contents
summary.NMdata summary method for NMdata objects
t.NMdata Basic arithmetic on NMdata objects
uniquePresent Extract unique non-missing value from vector
unNMdata Remove NMdata class and discard NMdata meta data