NMRphasing {NMRphasing} | R Documentation |
Phase error correction wrap up function
absorptionOnly = FALSE,
method = c("NLS", "MPC_DANM", "MPC_EMP", "MPC_AAM", "MPC_DSM", "SPC_DANM", "SPC_EMP",
withBC = TRUE
specDatIn |
Input spectrum data, which can be one of the four formats: a vector of absorption spectrum; a complex vector; a data matrix or a data frame with two columns of spectrum data, which 1st column is for absorption spectrum, and 2nd column is for dispersion spectrum |
absorptionOnly |
A logical variable to tell us if specDatIn is a a vector of absorption specrtrum, default is false |
method |
One of phase correction and baseline correction methods. There are nine available choices, which are "NLS", "MPC_DAOM", "MPC_EMP", "MPC_AAM", "MPC_DSM", "SPC_DAOM", "SPC_EMP", "SPC_AAM", "SPC_DSM", with "NLS", non-linear shrinkage as default. |
withBC |
A logical parameter that enables/disables baseline correction after baseline correction |
This is a wrap function to process phase error correction and baseline correction with nine different choices.
A numeric vector of phase corrected absorption spectrum
Aixiang Jiang
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Liland KH, Almøy T, Mevik B (2010), Optimal Choice of Baseline Correction for Multivariate Calibration of Spectra, Applied Spectroscopy 64, pp. 1007-1016.
nls_phased <- NMRphasing(specDatIn = fdat$frequency_domain, method = "NLS")