Fundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NIST

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Documentation for package ‘NISTunits’ version 1.0.1

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CompactFactorNames compact the factor names to camelCase
CompactPhysicalConstantNames compact the physical constant names to camelCase

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FixFactorNames Replaces unicode with ASCII in factor names

-- K --

kNIST2010alphaParticleElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010alphaParticleMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010alphaParticleMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010alphaParticleMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010alphaParticleMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010alphaParticleMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010alphaParticleProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010AngstromStar NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassConstantEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassConstantEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassUnitElectronVoltRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassUnitHartreeRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassUnitHertzRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassUnitInverseMeterRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassUnitJouleRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassUnitKelvinRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicMassUnitKilogramRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOf1stHyperpolarizability NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOf2ndHyperpolarizability NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfAction NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfCharge NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfChargeDensity NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfCurrent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfElectricDipoleMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfElectricField NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfElectricFieldGradient NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfElectricPolarizability NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfElectricPotential NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfElectricQuadrupoleMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfEnergy NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfForce NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfLength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfMagDipoleMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfMagFluxDensity NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfMagnetizability NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfMomUm NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfPermittivity NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfTime NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010atomicUnitOfVelocity NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010AvogadroConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BohrMagneton NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BohrMagnetonInEVT NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BohrMagnetonInHzT NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BohrMagnetonInInverseMetersPerTesla NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BohrMagnetonInKT NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BohrRadius NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BoltzmannConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BoltzmannConstantInEVK NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BoltzmannConstantInHzK NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010BoltzmannConstantInInverseMetersPerKelvin NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010characteristicImpedanceOfVacuum NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010classicalElectronRadius NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010ComptonWavelength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010ComptonWavelengthOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010conductanceQuantum NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010conventionalValueOfJosephsonConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010conventionalValueOfVonKlitzingConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010CuXUnit NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronElectronMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronGFactor NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronNeutronMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010deuteronRmsChargeRadius NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electricConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronChargeToMassQuotient NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronDeuteronMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronDeuteronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronGFactor NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronGyromagRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronGyromagRatioOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronHelionMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMagMomAnomaly NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMuonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronMuonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronNeutronMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronNeutronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronTauMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronToAlphaParticleMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronToShieldedHelionMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronToShieldedProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronTritonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVolt NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVoltAtomicMassUnitRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVoltHartreeRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVoltHertzRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVoltInverseMeterRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVoltJouleRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVoltKelvinRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010electronVoltKilogramRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010elementaryCharge NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010elementaryChargeOverH NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010FaradayConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010FaradayConstantForConventionalElectricCurrent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010FermiCouplingConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010fineStructureConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010firstRadiationConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010firstRadiationConstantForSpectralRadiance NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hartreeAtomicMassUnitRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hartreeElectronVoltRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010HartreeEnergy NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010HartreeEnergyInEV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hartreeHertzRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hartreeInverseMeterRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hartreeJouleRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hartreeKelvinRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hartreeKilogramRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionGFactor NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010helionProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hertzAtomicMassUnitRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hertzElectronVoltRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hertzHartreeRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hertzInverseMeterRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hertzJouleRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hertzKelvinRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010hertzKilogramRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseFineStructureConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseMeterAtomicMassUnitRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseMeterElectronVoltRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseMeterHartreeRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseMeterHertzRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseMeterJouleRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseMeterKelvinRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseMeterKilogramRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010inverseOfConductanceQuantum NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010JosephsonConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010jouleAtomicMassUnitRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010jouleElectronVoltRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010jouleHartreeRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010jouleHertzRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010jouleInverseMeterRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010jouleKelvinRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010jouleKilogramRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kelvinAtomicMassUnitRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kelvinElectronVoltRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kelvinHartreeRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kelvinHertzRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kelvinInverseMeterRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kelvinJouleRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kelvinKilogramRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kilogramAtomicMassUnitRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kilogramElectronVoltRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kilogramHartreeRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kilogramHertzRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kilogramInverseMeterRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kilogramJouleRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010kilogramKelvinRelationship NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010latticeParameterOfSilicon NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010latticeSpacingOfSilicon NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010LoschmidtConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010magConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010magFluxQuantum NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010molarGasConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010molarMassConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010molarMassOfCarbon12 NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010molarPlanckConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010molarPlanckConstantTimesC NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010molarVolumeOfIdealGas NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010molarVolumeOfSilicon NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010MoXUnit NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonComptonWavelength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonComptonWavelengthOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonGFactor NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMagMomAnomaly NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonNeutronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010muonTauMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfAction NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfActionInEVS NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfEnergy NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfEnergyInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfLength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfMomUm NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfMomUmInMeVc NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfTime NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010naturalUnitOfVelocity NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronComptonWavelength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronComptonWavelengthOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronElectronMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronGFactor NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronGyromagRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronGyromagRatioOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronMuonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronProtonMassDifference NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronProtonMassDifferenceEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronProtonMassDifferenceEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronProtonMassDifferenceInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronTauMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010neutronToShieldedProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010NewtonianConstantOfGravitation NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010NewtonianConstantOfGravitationOverHBarC NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010nuclearMagneton NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010nuclearMagnetonInEVT NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010nuclearMagnetonInInverseMetersPerTesla NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010nuclearMagnetonInKT NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010nuclearMagnetonInMHzT NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckConstantInEVS NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckConstantOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckConstantOver2PiInEVS NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckConstantOver2PiTimesCInMeVFm NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckLength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckMassEnergyEquivalentInGeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckTemperature NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010PlanckTime NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonChargeToMassQuotient NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonComptonWavelength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonComptonWavelengthOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonGFactor NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonGyromagRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonGyromagRatioOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMagShieldingCorrection NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonMuonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonNeutronMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonNeutronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonRmsChargeRadius NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010protonTauMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010quantumOfCirculation NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010quantumOfCirculationTimes2 NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010RydbergConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010RydbergConstantTimesCInHz NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010RydbergConstantTimesHcInEV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010RydbergConstantTimesHcInJ NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010SackurTetrodeConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010secondRadiationConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedHelionGyromagRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedHelionGyromagRatioOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedHelionMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedHelionMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedHelionMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedHelionToProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedHelionToShieldedProtonMagMomRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedProtonGyromagRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedProtonGyromagRatioOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedProtonMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedProtonMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010shieldedProtonMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010speedOfLightInVacuum NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010standardAccelerationOfGravity NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010standardAtmosphere NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010standardStatePressure NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010StefanBoltzmannConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauComptonWavelength NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauComptonWavelengthOver2Pi NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauMuonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauNeutronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tauProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010ThomsonCrossSection NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonElectronMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonGFactor NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMagMom NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMagMomToBohrMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMagMomToNuclearMagnetonRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMassEnergyEquivalent NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMassInU NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonMolarMass NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010tritonProtonMassRatio NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010unifiedAtomicMassUnit NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010vonKlitzingConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010weakMixingAngle NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010WienFrequencyDisplacementLawConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNIST2010WienWavelengthDisplacementLawConstant NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOf1stHyperpolarizability NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOf2ndHyperpolarizability NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfAction NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfCharge NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfChargeDensity NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfCurrent NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfElectricDipoleMoment NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfElectricField NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfElectricFieldGradient NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfElectricPolarizability NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfElectricPotential NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfElectricQuadrupoleMoment NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfEnergy NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfLength NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfMagneticDipoleMoment NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfMagneticFluxDensity NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfMagnetizability NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfMass NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfMomentum NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfPermittivity NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfTime NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOfVelocity NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIelectronVolt NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfAction NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfActionInEVS NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfEnergy NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfEnergyInMeV NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfLength NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfMass NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfMomentum NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfMomentumInMeVc NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSInaturalUnitOfTime NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIPlanckConstantOver2PiTimesCInMeVFm NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIspeedOfLightInVacuum NIST Physical Constants
kNISTnonSIunifiedAtomicMassUnit NIST Physical Constants

-- N --

NISTabampereTOampere Convert abampere to ampere
NISTabcoulombTOcoulomb Convert abcoulomb to coulomb
NISTabfaradTOfarad Convert abfarad to farad
NISTabhenryTOhenry Convert abhenry to henry
NISTabmhoTOsiemens Convert abmho to siemens
NISTabohmTOohm Convert abohm to ohm
NISTabvoltTOvolt Convert abvolt to volt
NISTaccelOfFreeFallStdTOmeterPerSecSqrd Convert acceleration of free fall, standard to meter per second squared
NISTacreFtTOcubMeter Convert acre foot 7 to cubic meter
NISTacreTOsqrMeter Convert acre 7 to square meter
NISTampereHourTOcoulomb Convert ampere hour to coulomb
NISTamperePerMeterTOoersted Convert ampere per meter to oersted
NISTampereTOabampere Convert ampere to abampere
NISTampereTObiot Convert ampere to biot
NISTampereToEMUOfCurrent Convert ampere to EMU of current
NISTampereToESUOfCurrent Convert ampere to ESU of current
NISTampereTOgilbert Convert ampere to gilbert
NISTampereTOstatampere Convert ampere to statampere
NISTangstromTOmeter Convert angstrom to meter
NISTangstromTOnanometer Convert angstrom to nanometer
NISTareTOsqrMeter Convert are to square meter
NISTastronomicalUnTOmeter Convert astronomical unit to meter
NISTatmosphereStdTOkpascal Convert atmosphere, standard to kilopascal
NISTatmosphereStdTOpascal Convert atmosphere, standard to pascal
NISTatmosphereTechnicalTOkpascal Convert atmosphere, technical 8 to kilopascal
NISTatmosphereTechnicalTOpascal Convert atmosphere, technical 8 to pascal
NISTbarnTOsqrMeter Convert barn to square meter
NISTbarrelTOcubMeter Convert barrel to cubic meter
NISTbarrelTOliter Convert barrel to liter
NISTbarTOkpascal Convert bar to kilopascal
NISTbarTOpascal Convert bar to pascal
NISTbecquerelTOcurie Convert becquerel to curie
NISTbiotTOampere Convert biot to ampere
NISTbushelTOcubMeter Convert bushel to cubic meter
NISTbushelTOliter Convert bushel to liter
NISTcal15CtOjoule Convert calorie to joule
NISTcal20CtOjoule Convert calorie to joule
NISTcalITKgTOjoule Convert calorieIT, kilogram 11 to joule
NISTcalITPerGramDegCtOjoulePerKgK Convert calorieIT per gram degree Celsius to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTcalITPerGramKtOjoulePerKgK Convert calorieIT per gram kelvin to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTcalITPerGramTOjoulePerKg Convert calorieIT per gram to joule per kilogram
NISTcalITtOjoule Convert calorieIT 10 to joule
NISTcalKgTOjoule Convert calorie , kilogram 11 to joule
NISTcalthKgTOjoule Convert calorieth , kilogram 11 to joule
NISTcalthPerCmSecDegCtOwattPerMeterK Convert calorieth per centimeter second degree Celsius to watt per meter kelvin
NISTcalthPerGramDegCtOjoulePerKgK Convert calorieth per gram degree Celsius to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTcalthPerGramKtOjoulePerKgK Convert calorieth per gram kelvin to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTcalthPerGramTOjoulePerKg Convert calorieth per gram to joule per kilogram
NISTcalthPerMinTOwatt Convert calorieth per minute to watt
NISTcalthPerSecTOwatt Convert calorieth per second to watt
NISTcalthPerSqrCmMinTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert calorieth per square centimeter minute to watt per square meter
NISTcalthPerSqrCmSecTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert calorieth per square centimeter second to watt per square meter
NISTcalthPerSqrCmTOjoulePerSqrMeter Convert calorieth per square centimeter to joule per square meter
NISTcalthTOjoule Convert calorieth 10 to joule
NISTcalTOjoule Convert calorie to joule
NISTcandelaPerSqrInchTOcandelaPerSqrMeter Convert candela per square inch to candela per square meter
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOcandelaPerSqrInch Convert candela per square meter to candela per square inch
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOftlambert Convert candela per square meter to footlambert
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOlambert Convert candela per square meter to lambert 17
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOstilb Convert candela per square meter to stilb
NISTcaratSItOgram Convert carat, metric to gram
NISTcaratSItOkg Convert carat, metric to kilogram
NISTcentipoiseTOpascalSec Convert centipoise to pascal second
NISTcentistokesTOmeterSqrdPerSec Convert centistokes to meter squared per second
NISTchainTOmeter Convert chain 7 to meter
NISTcircularMilTOsqrMeter Convert circular mil to square meter
NISTcircularMilTOsqrMillimeter Convert circular mil to square millimeter
NISTcloTOsqrMeterKPerWatt Convert clo to square meter kelvin per watt
NISTcmOfMercuryConvtnlTOkpascal Convert centimeter of mercury, conventional 12 to kilopascal
NISTcmOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal Convert centimeter of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTcmOfMercuryTOkpascal Convert centimeter of mercury 12 to kilopascal
NISTcmOfMercuryTOpascal Convert centimeter of mercury 12 to pascal
NISTcmOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal Convert centimeter of water, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTcmOfWaterTOpascal Convert centimeter of water 12 to pascal
NISTcmTOinch Convert centimeter to inch
NISTcordTOcubMeter Convert cord to cubic meter
NISTcoulombMeterTOdebye Convert coulomb meter to debye
NISTcoulombPerKgTOroentgen Convert coulomb per kilogram to roentgen
NISTcoulombTOabcoulomb Convert coulomb to abcoulomb
NISTcoulombTOampereHour Convert coulomb to ampere hour
NISTcoulombTOfaraday Convert coulomb to faraday
NISTcoulombTOfranklin Convert coulomb to franklin
NISTcoulombTOstatcoulomb Convert coulomb to statcoulomb
NISTcubFtPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec Convert cubic foot per minute to cubic meter per second
NISTcubFtPerMinTOliterPerSec Convert cubic foot per minute to liter per second
NISTcubFtPerSecTOcubMeterPerSec Convert cubic foot per second to cubic meter per second
NISTcubFtTOcubMeter Convert cubic foot to cubic meter
NISTcubInchPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec Convert cubic inch per minute to cubic meter per second
NISTcubInchTOcubMeter Convert cubic inch 13 to cubic meter
NISTcubMeterPerJouleTOgallonPerHorsepowerHour Convert cubic meter per joule to gallon per horsepower hour
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubFtPerMin Convert cubic meter per second to cubic foot per minute
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubFtPerSec Convert cubic meter per second to cubic foot per second
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubInchPerMin Convert cubic meter per second to cubic inch per minute
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubYardPerMin Convert cubic meter per second to cubic yard per minute
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOgallonPerDay Convert cubic meter per second to gallon per day
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOgallonPerMin Convert cubic meter per second to gallon per minute
NISTcubMeterTOacreFt Convert cubic meter to acre foot 7
NISTcubMeterTObarrel Convert cubic meter to barrel
NISTcubMeterTObushel Convert cubic meter to bushel
NISTcubMeterTOcord Convert cubic meter to cord
NISTcubMeterTOcubFt Convert cubic meter to cubic foot
NISTcubMeterTOcubInch Convert cubic meter to cubic inch 13
NISTcubMeterTOcubMile Convert cubic meter to cubic mile
NISTcubMeterTOcubYard Convert cubic meter to cubic yard
NISTcubMeterTOcup Convert cubic meter to cup
NISTcubMeterTOfluidOunce Convert cubic meter to fluid ounce
NISTcubMeterTOgallon Convert cubic meter to gallon
NISTcubMeterTOgallonImperial Convert cubic meter to gallon
NISTcubMeterTOgill Convert cubic meter to gill
NISTcubMeterTOgillImperial Convert cubic meter to gill
NISTcubMeterTOliter Convert cubic meter to liter 19
NISTcubMeterTOounce Convert cubic meter to ounce
NISTcubMeterTOounceImperial Convert cubic meter to ounce
NISTcubMeterTOpeck Convert cubic meter to peck
NISTcubMeterTOpintUSdry Convert cubic meter to pint
NISTcubMeterTOpintUSliquid Convert cubic meter to pint
NISTcubMeterTOquartUSdry Convert cubic meter to quart
NISTcubMeterTOquartUSliquid Convert cubic meter to quart
NISTcubMeterTOstere Convert cubic meter to stere
NISTcubMeterTOtablespoon Convert cubic meter to tablespoon
NISTcubMeterTOteaspoon Convert cubic meter to teaspoon
NISTcubMeterTOtonRegister Convert cubic meter to ton, register
NISTcubMileTOcubMeter Convert cubic mile to cubic meter
NISTcubYardPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec Convert cubic yard per minute to cubic meter per second
NISTcubYardTOcubMeter Convert cubic yard to cubic meter
NISTcupTOcubMeter Convert cup to cubic meter
NISTcupTOliter Convert cup to liter
NISTcupTOml Convert cup to milliliter
NISTcurieTObecquerel Convert curie to becquerel
NISTdarcyTOmeterSqrd Convert darcy 14 to meter squared
NISTdaySiderealTOsec Convert day to second
NISTdayTOsec Convert day to second
NISTdebyeTOcoulombMeter Convert debye to coulomb meter
NISTdegCentigradeTOdegC Convert degree centigrade 15 to degree Celsius
NISTdegCentigradeTOdegCinterval Convert degree centigrade temperature interval to degree Celsius
NISTdegCtOdegCentigrade Convert degree Celsius to degree centigrade 15
NISTdegCtOdegCentigradeInterval Convert degree Celsius temperature interval to degree centigrade
NISTdegCtOdegF Convert degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit
NISTdegCtOdegFinterval Convert degree Celsius temperature interval to degree Fahrenheit
NISTdegCtOk Convert degree Celsius to kelvin
NISTdegCtOkInterval Convert degree Celsius temperature interval to kelvin
NISTdegFHourPerUkThUnITtOkPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unitIT to kelvin per watt
NISTdegFHourPerUkThUnthTOkPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unitth to kelvin per watt
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnITInchTOmeterKPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitIT inch to meter kelvin per watt
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnITtOsqrMeterKPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitIT to square meter kelvin per watt
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnthInchTOmeterKPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitth inch to meter kelvin per watt
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnthTOsqrMeterKPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitth to square meter kelvin per watt
NISTdegFSecPerUkThUnITtOkPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unitIT to kelvin per watt
NISTdegFSecPerUkThUnthTOkPerWatt Convert degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unitth to kelvin per watt
NISTdegFtOdegC Convert degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius
NISTdegFtOdegCinterval Convert degree Fahrenheit temperature interval to degree Celsius
NISTdegFtOk Convert degree Fahrenheit to kelvin
NISTdegFtOkInterval Convert degree Fahrenheit temperature interval to kelvin
NISTdegRankineTOk Convert degree Rankine to kelvin
NISTdegRankineTOkInterval Convert degree Rankine temperature interval to kelvin
NISTdegTOgon Convert degree to gon
NISTdegTOmil Convert degree to mil
NISTdegTOradian Convert degree to radian
NISTdenierTOgramPerMeter Convert denier to gram per meter
NISTdenierTOkgPerMeter Convert denier to kilogram per meter
NISTdyneCmTOnewtonMeter Convert dyne centimeter to newton meter
NISTdynePerSqrCmTOpascal Convert dyne per square centimeter to pascal
NISTdyneTOnewton Convert dyne to newton
NISTelectronvoltTOjoule Convert electronvolt to joule
NISTEMUOfCapacitanceTOfarad Convert EMU of capacitance to farad
NISTEMUOfCurrentTOampere Convert EMU of current to ampere
NISTEMUOfElectricPotentialTOvolt Convert EMU of electric potential to volt
NISTEMUOfInductanceTOhenry Convert EMU of inductance to henry
NISTEMUOfResistanceTOohm Convert EMU of resistance to ohm
NISTergPerSecTOwatt Convert erg per second to watt
NISTergPerSqrCmSecTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert erg per square centimeter second to watt per square meter
NISTergTOjoule Convert erg to joule
NISTESUOfCapacitanceTOfarad Convert ESU of capacitance to farad
NISTESUOfCurrentTOampere Convert ESU of current to ampere
NISTESUOfElectricPotentialTOvolt Convert ESU of electric potential to volt
NISTESUOfInductanceTOhenry Convert ESU of inductance to henry
NISTESUOfResistanceTOohm Convert ESU of resistance to ohm
NISTfaradayTOcoulomb Convert faraday to coulomb
NISTfaradTOabfarad Convert farad to abfarad
NISTfaradToEMUOfCapacitance Convert farad to EMU of capacitance
NISTfaradToESUOfCapacitance Convert farad to ESU of capacitance
NISTfaradTOstatfarad Convert farad to statfarad
NISTfathomTOmeter Convert fathom 7 to meter
NISTfemtometerTOfermi Convert femtometer to fermi
NISTfermiTOfemtometer Convert fermi to femtometer
NISTfermiTOmeter Convert fermi to meter
NISTfluidOunceTOcubMeter Convert fluid ounce to cubic meter
NISTfluidOunceTOml Convert fluid ounce to milliliter
NISTfranklinTOcoulomb Convert franklin to coulomb
NISTft4thPowerTOmeter4thPower Convert foot to the fourth power 16 to meter to the fourth power
NISTftcandleTOlux Convert footcandle to lux
NISTftlambertTOcandelaPerSqrMeter Convert footlambert to candela per square meter
NISTftOfMercuryConvtnlTOkpascal Convert foot of mercury, conventional 12 to kilopascal
NISTftOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal Convert foot of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTftOfWaterConvtnlTOkpascal Convert foot of water, conventional 12 to kilopascal
NISTftOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal Convert foot of water, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTftOfWaterTOkpascal Convert foot of water 12 to kilopascal
NISTftOfWaterTOpascal Convert foot of water 12 to pascal
NISTftPerHourTOmeterPerSec Convert foot per hour to meter per second
NISTftPerMinTOmeterPerSec Convert foot per minute to meter per second
NISTftPerSecSqrdTOmeterPerSecSqrd Convert foot per second squared to meter per second squared
NISTftPerSecTOmeterPerSec Convert foot per second to meter per second
NISTftPoundalTOjoule Convert foot poundal to joule
NISTftPoundForcePerHourTOwatt Convert foot pound-force per hour to watt
NISTftPoundForcePerMinTOwatt Convert foot pound-force per minute to watt
NISTftPoundForcePerSecTOwatt Convert foot pound-force per second to watt
NISTftPoundForceTOjoule Convert foot pound-force to joule
NISTftTOmeter Convert foot to meter
NISTftUSsurveyTOmeter Convert foot 7 to meter
NISTgallonImperialTOcubMeter Convert gallon to cubic meter
NISTgallonImperialTOliter Convert gallon to liter
NISTgallonPerDayTOcubMeterPerSec Convert gallon per day to cubic meter per second
NISTgallonPerDayTOliterPerSec Convert gallon per day to liter per second
NISTgallonPerHorsepowerHourTOcubMeterPerJoule Convert gallon per horsepower hour to cubic meter per joule
NISTgallonPerHorsepowerHourTOliterPerJoule Convert gallon per horsepower hour to liter per joule
NISTgallonPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec Convert gallon per minute to cubic meter per second
NISTgallonPerMinTOliterPerSec Convert gallon per minute to liter per second
NISTgallonTOcubMeter Convert gallon to cubic meter
NISTgallonTOliter Convert gallon to liter
NISTgalTOmeterPerSecSqrd Convert gal to meter per second squared
NISTgammaTOtesla Convert gamma to tesla
NISTgaussTOtesla Convert gauss to tesla
NISTgilbertTOampere Convert gilbert to ampere
NISTgillImperialTOcubMeter Convert gill to cubic meter
NISTgillImperialTOliter Convert gill to liter
NISTgillTOcubMeter Convert gill to cubic meter
NISTgillTOliter Convert gill to liter
NISTgonTOdeg Convert gon to degree
NISTgonTOradian Convert gon to radian
NISTgrainPerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter Convert grain per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTgrainPerGallonTOmilligramPerLiter Convert grain per gallon to milligram per liter
NISTgrainTOkg Convert grain to kilogram
NISTgrainTOmilligram Convert grain to milligram
NISTgramForcePerSqrCmTOpascal Convert gram-force per square centimeter to pascal
NISTgramPerCubCmTOkgPerCubMeter Convert gram per cubic centimeter to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTgramPerLiterTOounceImperialPerGallon Convert gram per liter to ounce per gallon
NISTgramPerLiterTOouncePerGallon Convert gram per liter to ounce per gallon
NISTgramPerMeterTOdenier Convert gram per meter to denier
NISTgramTOcaratSI Convert gram to carat, metric
NISTgramTOounceAvoirdupois Convert gram to ounce
NISTgramTOounceTroy Convert gram to ounce
NISTgramTOpennyweight Convert gram to pennyweight
NISTgramTOtonAssay Convert gram to ton, assay
NISTgrayTOrad Convert gray to rad
NISThectareTOsqrMeter Convert hectare to square meter
NISThenryTOabhenry Convert henry to abhenry
NISThenryToEMUOfInductance Convert henry to EMU of inductance
NISThenryToESUOfInductance Convert henry to ESU of inductance
NISThenryTOstathenry Convert henry to stathenry
NISThorsepowerBoilerTOwatt Convert horsepower to watt
NISThorsepowerElectricTOwatt Convert horsepower to watt
NISThorsepowerImperialTOwatt Convert horsepower to watt
NISThorsepowerSItOwatt Convert horsepower to watt
NISThorsepowerTOwatt Convert horsepower to watt
NISThorsepowerWaterTOwatt Convert horsepower to watt
NISThourSiderealTOsec Convert hour to second
NISThourTOsec Convert hour to second
NISThundredweightLongTOkg Convert hundredweight to kilogram
NISThundredweightShortTOkg Convert hundredweight to kilogram
NISTinch4thPowerTOmeter4thPower Convert inch to the fourth power 16 to meter to the fourth power
NISTinchOfMercury32FtOkpascal Convert inch of mercury 12 to kilopascal
NISTinchOfMercury32FtOpascal Convert inch of mercury 12 to pascal
NISTinchOfMercury60FtOkpascal Convert inch of mercury 12 to kilopascal
NISTinchOfMercury60FtOpascal Convert inch of mercury 12 to pascal
NISTinchOfMercuryConvtnlTOkpascal Convert inch of mercury, conventional 12 to kilopascal
NISTinchOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal Convert inch of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTinchOfWater39.2FtOpascal Convert inch of water 12 to pascal
NISTinchOfWater60FtOpascal Convert inch of water 12 to pascal
NISTinchOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal Convert inch of water, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTinchPerSecSqrdTOmeterPerSecSqrd Convert inch per second squared to meter per second squared
NISTinchPerSecTOmeterPerSec Convert inch per second to meter per second
NISTinchTOcm Convert inch to centimeter
NISTinchTOmeter Convert inch to meter
NISTjoulePerCubMeterTOukThUnITPerCubFt Convert joule per cubic meter to British thermal unitIT per cubic foot
NISTjoulePerCubMeterTOukThUnthPerCubFt Convert joule per cubic meter to British thermal unitth per cubic foot
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalITPerGramDegC Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieIT per gram degree Celsius
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalITPerGramK Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieIT per gram kelvin
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalthPerGramDegC Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieth per gram degree Celsius
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalthPerGramK Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieth per gram kelvin
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnITPerPoundDegF Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitIT per pound degree Fahrenheit
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnITPerPoundDegRankine Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitIT per pound degree Rankine
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnthPerPoundDegF Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitth per pound degree Fahrenheit
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnthPerPoundDegRankine Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitth per pound degree Rankine
NISTjoulePerKgTOcalITPerGram Convert joule per kilogram to calorieIT per gram
NISTjoulePerKgTOcalthPerGram Convert joule per kilogram to calorieth per gram
NISTjoulePerKgTOukThUnITPerPound Convert joule per kilogram to British thermal unitIT per pound
NISTjoulePerKgTOukThUnthPerPound Convert joule per kilogram to British thermal unitth per pound
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnITPerDegF Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitIT per degree Fahrenheit
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnITPerDegRankine Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitIT per degree Rankine
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnthPerDegF Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitth per degree Fahrenheit
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnthPerDegRankine Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitth per degree Rankine
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOcalthPerSqrCm Convert joule per square meter to calorieth per square centimeter
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOlangley Convert joule per square meter to langley
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOukThUnITPerSqrFt Convert joule per square meter to British thermal unitIT per square foot
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFt Convert joule per square meter to British thermal unitth per square foot
NISTjouleTOcal Convert joule to calorie
NISTjouleTOcal15C Convert joule to calorie
NISTjouleTOcal20C Convert joule to calorie
NISTjouleTOcalIT Convert joule to calorieIT 10
NISTjouleTOcalITKg Convert joule to calorieIT, kilogram 11
NISTjouleTOcalKg Convert joule to calorie , kilogram 11
NISTjouleTOcalth Convert joule to calorieth 10
NISTjouleTOcalthKg Convert joule to calorieth , kilogram 11
NISTjouleTOelectronvolt Convert joule to electronvolt
NISTjouleTOerg Convert joule to erg
NISTjouleTOftPoundal Convert joule to foot poundal
NISTjouleTOftPoundForce Convert joule to foot pound-force
NISTjouleTOkilocal Convert joule to kilocalorie
NISTjouleTOkilocalIT Convert joule to kilocalorieIT
NISTjouleTOkilocalth Convert joule to kilocalorieth
NISTjouleTOkilowattHour Convert joule to kilowatt hour
NISTjouleTOquad Convert joule to quad 11
NISTjouleTOthermEC Convert joule to therm 24
NISTjouleTOthermUS Convert joule to therm 24
NISTjouleTOtonOfTNT Convert joule to ton of TNT 25
NISTjouleTOukThUn Convert joule to British thermal unit
NISTjouleTOukThUn39F Convert joule to British thermal unit
NISTjouleTOukThUn59F Convert joule to British thermal unit
NISTjouleTOukThUn60F Convert joule to British thermal unit
NISTjouleTOukThUnIT Convert joule to British thermal unitIT 9
NISTjouleTOukThUnth Convert joule to British thermal unitth 9
NISTjouleTOwattHour Convert joule to watt hour
NISTjouleTOwattSec Convert joule to watt second
NISTkayserTOreciprocalMeter Convert kayser to reciprocal meter
NISTkgForceMeterTOnewtonMeter Convert kilogram-force meter to newton meter
NISTkgForcePerSqrCmTOkpascal Convert kilogram-force per square centimeter to kilopascal
NISTkgForcePerSqrCmTOpascal Convert kilogram-force per square centimeter to pascal
NISTkgForcePerSqrMeterTOpascal Convert kilogram-force per square meter to pascal
NISTkgForcePerSqrMillimeterTOmpascal Convert kilogram-force per square millimeter to megapascal
NISTkgForcePerSqrMillimeterTOpascal Convert kilogram-force per square millimeter to pascal
NISTkgForceSecSqrdPerMeterTOkg Convert kilogram-force second squared per meter to kilogram
NISTkgForceTOnewton Convert kilogram-force to newton
NISTkgMeterSqrdTOpoundFtSqrd Convert kilogram meter squared to pound foot squared
NISTkgMeterSqrdTOpoundInchSqrd Convert kilogram meter squared to pound inch squared
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOgrainPerGallon Convert kilogram per cubic meter to grain per gallon
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOgramPerCubCm Convert kilogram per cubic meter to gram per cubic centimeter
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOounceImperialPerGallon Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ounce per gallon
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOouncePerCubInch Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ounce per cubic inch
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOouncePerGallon Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ounce per gallon
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerCubFt Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per cubic foot
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerCubInch Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per cubic inch
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerCubYard Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per cubic yard
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerGallon Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per gallon
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerGallonImperial Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per gallon
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOslugPerCubFt Convert kilogram per cubic meter to slug per cubic foot
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOtonLongPerCubYard Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ton, long, per cubic yard
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOtonShortPerCubYard Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ton, short, per cubic yard
NISTkgPerJouleTOpoundPerHorsepowerHour Convert kilogram per joule to pound per horsepower hour
NISTkgPerLiterTOpoundPerGallon Convert kilogram per liter to pound per gallon
NISTkgPerLiterTOpoundPerGallonImperial Convert kilogram per liter to pound per gallon
NISTkgPerMeterTOdenier Convert kilogram per meter to denier
NISTkgPerMeterTOpoundPerFt Convert kilogram per meter to pound per foot
NISTkgPerMeterTOpoundPerInch Convert kilogram per meter to pound per inch
NISTkgPerMeterTOpoundPerYard Convert kilogram per meter to pound per yard
NISTkgPerMeterTOtex Convert kilogram per meter to tex
NISTkgPerPascalSecMeterTOpermInch0C Convert kilogram per pascal second meter to perm inch
NISTkgPerPascalSecMeterTOpermInch23C Convert kilogram per pascal second meter to perm inch
NISTkgPerPascalSecSqrMeterTOperm0C Convert kilogram per pascal second square meter to perm
NISTkgPerPascalSecSqrMeterTOperm23C Convert kilogram per pascal second square meter to perm
NISTkgPerSecTOpoundPerHour Convert kilogram per second to pound per hour
NISTkgPerSecTOpoundPerMin Convert kilogram per second to pound per minute
NISTkgPerSecTOpoundPerSec Convert kilogram per second to pound per second
NISTkgPerSecTOtonShortPerHour Convert kilogram per second to ton, short, per hour
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOouncePerSqrFt Convert kilogram per square meter to ounce per square foot
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOouncePerSqrInch Convert kilogram per square meter to ounce per square inch
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOouncePerSqrYard Convert kilogram per square meter to ounce per square yard
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOpoundPerSqrFt Convert kilogram per square meter to pound per square foot
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOpoundPerSqrInch Convert kilogram per square meter to pound per square inch
NISTkgTOcaratSI Convert kilogram to carat, metric
NISTkgTOgrain Convert kilogram to grain
NISTkgTOhundredweightLong Convert kilogram to hundredweight
NISTkgTOhundredweightShort Convert kilogram to hundredweight
NISTkgTOkgForceSecSqrdPerMeter Convert kilogram to kilogram-force second squared per meter
NISTkgTOounceAvoirdupois Convert kilogram to ounce
NISTkgTOounceTroy Convert kilogram to ounce
NISTkgTOpennyweight Convert kilogram to pennyweight
NISTkgTOpoundAvoirdupois Convert kilogram to pound 22
NISTkgTOpoundTroy Convert kilogram to pound
NISTkgTOslug Convert kilogram to slug
NISTkgTOtonAssay Convert kilogram to ton, assay
NISTkgTOtonLong Convert kilogram to ton, long
NISTkgTOtonne Convert kilogram to tonne
NISTkgTOtonShort Convert kilogram to ton, short
NISTkgTOtonSI Convert kilogram to ton, metric
NISTkilocalITtOjoule Convert kilocalorieIT to joule
NISTkilocalthPerMinTOwatt Convert kilocalorieth per minute to watt
NISTkilocalthPerSecTOwatt Convert kilocalorieth per second to watt
NISTkilocalthTOjoule Convert kilocalorieth to joule
NISTkilocalTOjoule Convert kilocalorie to joule
NISTkilonewtonTOkip Convert kilonewton to kip
NISTkilonewtonTOtonForce Convert kilonewton to ton-force
NISTkilopondTOnewton Convert kilopond to newton
NISTkilowattHourTOjoule Convert kilowatt hour to joule
NISTkilowattHourTOmegajoule Convert kilowatt hour to megajoule
NISTkipPerSqrInchTOkpascal Convert kip per square inch to kilopascal
NISTkipPerSqrInchTOpascal Convert kip per square inch to pascal
NISTkipTOkilonewton Convert kip to kilonewton
NISTkipTOnewton Convert kip to newton
NISTkmPerHourTOmeterPerSec Convert kilometer per hour to meter per second
NISTkmPerHourTOmilePerHour Convert kilometer per hour to mile per hour
NISTkmPerLiterTOmilePerGallon Convert kilometer per liter to mile per gallon
NISTkmTOmile Convert kilometer to mile
NISTkmTOmileUSsurvey Convert kilometer to mile 7
NISTknotTOmeterPerSec Convert knot to meter per second
NISTkpascalTOatmosphereStd Convert kilopascal to atmosphere, standard
NISTkpascalTOatmosphereTechnical Convert kilopascal to atmosphere, technical 8
NISTkpascalTObar Convert kilopascal to bar
NISTkpascalTOcmOfMercury Convert kilopascal to centimeter of mercury 12
NISTkpascalTOcmOfMercuryConvtnl Convert kilopascal to centimeter of mercury, conventional 12
NISTkpascalTOftOfMercuryConvtnl Convert kilopascal to foot of mercury, conventional 12
NISTkpascalTOftOfWater Convert kilopascal to foot of water 12
NISTkpascalTOftOfWaterConvtnl Convert kilopascal to foot of water, conventional 12
NISTkpascalTOinchOfMercury32F Convert kilopascal to inch of mercury 12
NISTkpascalTOinchOfMercury60F Convert kilopascal to inch of mercury 12
NISTkpascalTOinchOfMercuryConvtnl Convert kilopascal to inch of mercury, conventional 12
NISTkpascalTOkgForcePerSqrCm Convert kilopascal to kilogram-force per square centimeter
NISTkpascalTOkipPerSqrInch Convert kilopascal to kip per square inch
NISTkpascalTOmillibar Convert kilopascal to millibar
NISTkpascalTOpoundForcePerSqrInch Convert kilopascal to pound-force per square inch
NISTkpascalTOpsi Convert kilopascal to psi
NISTkPerWattTOdegFHourPerUkThUnIT Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unitIT
NISTkPerWattTOdegFHourPerUkThUnth Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unitth
NISTkPerWattTOdegFSecPerUkThUnIT Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unitIT
NISTkPerWattTOdegFSecPerUkThUnth Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unitth
NISTkTOdegC Convert kelvin to degree Celsius
NISTkTOdegCinterval Convert kelvin temperature interval to degree Celsius
NISTkTOdegF Convert kelvin to degree Fahrenheit
NISTkTOdegFinterval Convert kelvin temperature interval to degree Fahrenheit
NISTkTOdegRankine Convert kelvin to degree Rankine
NISTkTOdegRankineInterval Convert kelvin temperature interval to degree Rankine
NISTlambertTOcandelaPerSqrMeter Convert lambert 17 to candela per square meter
NISTlangleyTOjoulePerSqrMeter Convert langley to joule per square meter
NISTlightYearTOmeter Convert light year 18 to meter
NISTliterPer100KmTOmilePerGallon Convert liter per 100 kilometer to mile per gallon 21
NISTliterPerJouleTOgallonPerHorsepowerHour Convert liter per joule to gallon per horsepower hour
NISTliterPerSecTOcubFtPerMin Convert liter per second to cubic foot per minute
NISTliterPerSecTOgallonPerDay Convert liter per second to gallon per day
NISTliterPerSecTOgallonPerMin Convert liter per second to gallon per minute
NISTliterTObarrel Convert liter to barrel
NISTliterTObushel Convert liter to bushel
NISTliterTOcubMeter Convert liter 19 to cubic meter
NISTliterTOcup Convert liter to cup
NISTliterTOgallon Convert liter to gallon
NISTliterTOgallonImperial Convert liter to gallon
NISTliterTOgill Convert liter to gill
NISTliterTOgillImperial Convert liter to gill
NISTliterTOpeck Convert liter to peck
NISTliterTOpintUSdry Convert liter to pint
NISTliterTOpintUSliquid Convert liter to pint
NISTliterTOquartUSdry Convert liter to quart
NISTliterTOquartUSliquid Convert liter to quart
NISTlumenPerSqrFtTOlux Convert lumen per square foot to lux
NISTluxTOftcandle Convert lux to footcandle
NISTluxTOlumenPerSqrFt Convert lux to lumen per square foot
NISTluxTOphot Convert lux to phot
NISTmaxwellTOweber Convert maxwell to weber
NISTmegajouleTOkilowattHour Convert megajoule to kilowatt hour
NISTmeter4thPowerTOft4thPower Convert meter to the fourth power to foot to the fourth power 16
NISTmeter4thPowerTOinch4thPower Convert meter to the fourth power to inch to the fourth power 16
NISTmeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnITInch Convert meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitIT inch
NISTmeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnthInch Convert meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitth inch
NISTmeterPerCubMeterTOmilePerGallon Convert meter per cubic meter to mile per gallon
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOaccelOfFreeFallStd Convert meter per second squared to acceleration of free fall, standard
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOftPerSecSqrd Convert meter per second squared to foot per second squared
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOgal Convert meter per second squared to gal
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOinchPerSecSqrd Convert meter per second squared to inch per second squared
NISTmeterPerSecTOftPerHour Convert meter per second to foot per hour
NISTmeterPerSecTOftPerMin Convert meter per second to foot per minute
NISTmeterPerSecTOftPerSec Convert meter per second to foot per second
NISTmeterPerSecTOinchPerSec Convert meter per second to inch per second
NISTmeterPerSecTOkmPerHour Convert meter per second to kilometer per hour
NISTmeterPerSecTOknot Convert meter per second to knot
NISTmeterPerSecTOmilePerHour Convert meter per second to mile per hour
NISTmeterPerSecTOmilePerMin Convert meter per second to mile per minute
NISTmeterPerSecTOmilePerSec Convert meter per second to mile per second
NISTmeterSqrdPerSecTOcentistokes Convert meter squared per second to centistokes
NISTmeterSqrdPerSecTOstokes Convert meter squared per second to stokes
NISTmeterSqrdTOdarcy Convert meter squared to darcy 14
NISTmeterTOangstrom Convert meter to angstrom
NISTmeterTOastronomicalUn Convert meter to astronomical unit
NISTmeterTOchain Convert meter to chain 7
NISTmeterTOfathom Convert meter to fathom 7
NISTmeterTOfermi Convert meter to fermi
NISTmeterTOft Convert meter to foot
NISTmeterTOftUSsurvey Convert meter to foot 7
NISTmeterTOinch Convert meter to inch
NISTmeterTOlightYear Convert meter to light year 18
NISTmeterTOmicroinch Convert meter to microinch
NISTmeterTOmicron Convert meter to micron
NISTmeterTOmil Convert meter to mil
NISTmeterTOmile Convert meter to mile
NISTmeterTOmileNautical Convert meter to mile, nautical 20
NISTmeterTOmileUSsurvey Convert meter to mile 7
NISTmeterTOparsec Convert meter to parsec
NISTmeterTOpicaComputer Convert meter to pica
NISTmeterTOpicaPrinter Convert meter to pica
NISTmeterTOpointComputer Convert meter to point
NISTmeterTOpointPrinter Convert meter to point
NISTmeterTOrod Convert meter to rod 7
NISTmeterTOyard Convert meter to yard
NISTmhoTOsiemens Convert mho to siemens
NISTmicroinchTOmeter Convert microinch to meter
NISTmicroinchTOmicrometer Convert microinch to micrometer
NISTmicrometerTOmicroinch Convert micrometer to microinch
NISTmicrometerTOmicron Convert micrometer to micron
NISTmicronTOmeter Convert micron to meter
NISTmicronTOmicrometer Convert micron to micrometer
NISTmileNauticalTOmeter Convert mile, nautical 20 to meter
NISTmilePerGallonTOkmPerLiter Convert mile per gallon to kilometer per liter
NISTmilePerGallonTOliterPer100Km Convert mile per gallon 21 to liter per 100 kilometer
NISTmilePerGallonTOmeterPerCubMeter Convert mile per gallon to meter per cubic meter
NISTmilePerHourTOkmPerHour Convert mile per hour to kilometer per hour
NISTmilePerHourTOmeterPerSec Convert mile per hour to meter per second
NISTmilePerMinTOmeterPerSec Convert mile per minute to meter per second
NISTmilePerSecTOmeterPerSec Convert mile per second to meter per second
NISTmileTOkm Convert mile to kilometer
NISTmileTOmeter Convert mile to meter
NISTmileUSsurveyTOkm Convert mile 7 to kilometer
NISTmileUSsurveyTOmeter Convert mile 7 to meter
NISTmillibarTOkpascal Convert millibar to kilopascal
NISTmillibarTOpascal Convert millibar to pascal
NISTmilligramPerLiterTOgrainPerGallon Convert milligram per liter to grain per gallon
NISTmilligramTOgrain Convert milligram to grain
NISTmillimeterOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal Convert millimeter of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTmillimeterOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal Convert millimeter of water, conventional 12 to pascal
NISTmillimeterTOmil Convert millimeter to mil
NISTmillimeterTOpicaComputer Convert millimeter to pica
NISTmillimeterTOpicaPrinter Convert millimeter to pica
NISTmillimeterTOpointComputer Convert millimeter to point
NISTmillimeterTOpointPrinter Convert millimeter to point
NISTmillinewtonMeterTOounceForceInch Convert millinewton meter to ounce -force inch
NISTmilTOdeg Convert mil to degree
NISTmilTOmeter Convert mil to meter
NISTmilTOmillimeter Convert mil to millimeter
NISTmilTOradian Convert mil to radian
NISTminSiderealTOsec Convert minute to second
NISTminTOradian Convert minute to radian
NISTminTOsec Convert minute to second
NISTmlTOcup Convert milliliter to cup
NISTmlTOfluidOunce Convert milliliter to fluid ounce
NISTmlTOounce Convert milliliter to ounce
NISTmlTOounceImperial Convert milliliter to ounce
NISTmlTOtablespoon Convert milliliter to tablespoon
NISTmlTOteaspoon Convert milliliter to teaspoon
NISTmpascalTOkgForcePerSqrMillimeter Convert megapascal to kilogram-force per square millimeter
NISTnanometerTOangstrom Convert nanometer to angstrom
NISTnanosecTOshake Convert nanosecond to shake
NISTnewtonMeterPerMeterTOpoundForceFtPerInch Convert newton meter per meter to pound-force foot per inch
NISTnewtonMeterPerMeterTOpoundForceInchPerInch Convert newton meter per meter to pound-force inch per inch
NISTnewtonMeterTOdyneCm Convert newton meter to dyne centimeter
NISTnewtonMeterTOkgForceMeter Convert newton meter to kilogram-force meter
NISTnewtonMeterTOounceForceInch Convert newton meter to ounce -force inch
NISTnewtonMeterTOpoundForceFt Convert newton meter to pound-force foot
NISTnewtonMeterTOpoundForceInch Convert newton meter to pound-force inch
NISTnewtonPerKgTOpoundForcePerPound Convert newton per kilogram to pound-force per pound
NISTnewtonPerMeterTOpoundForcePerFt Convert newton per meter to pound-force per foot
NISTnewtonPerMeterTOpoundForcePerInch Convert newton per meter to pound-force per inch
NISTnewtonTOdyne Convert newton to dyne
NISTnewtonTOkgForce Convert newton to kilogram-force
NISTnewtonTOkilopond Convert newton to kilopond
NISTnewtonTOkip Convert newton to kip
NISTnewtonTOounceForce Convert newton to ounce -force
NISTnewtonTOpoundal Convert newton to poundal
NISTnewtonTOpoundForce Convert newton to pound-force 23
NISTnewtonTOtonForce Convert newton to ton-force
NISToerstedTOamperePerMeter Convert oersted to ampere per meter
NISTohmCircularMilPerFtTOohmMeter Convert ohm circular-mil per foot to ohm meter
NISTohmCircularMilPerFtTOohmSqrMillimeterPerMeter Convert ohm circular-mil per foot to ohm square millimeter per meter
NISTohmCmTOohmMeter Convert ohm centimeter to ohm meter
NISTohmMeterTOohmCircularMilPerFt Convert ohm meter to ohm circular-mil per foot
NISTohmMeterTOohmCm Convert ohm meter to ohm centimeter
NISTohmSqrMillimeterPerMeterTOohmCircularMilPerFt Convert ohm square millimeter per meter to ohm circular-mil per foot
NISTohmTOabohm Convert ohm to abohm
NISTohmToEMUOfResistance Convert ohm to EMU of resistance
NISTohmToESUOfResistance Convert ohm to ESU of resistance
NISTohmTOstatohm Convert ohm to statohm
NISTounceAvoirdupoisTOgram Convert ounce to gram
NISTounceAvoirdupoisTOkg Convert ounce to kilogram
NISTounceForceInchTOmillinewtonMeter Convert ounce -force inch to millinewton meter
NISTounceForceInchTOnewtonMeter Convert ounce -force inch to newton meter
NISTounceForceTOnewton Convert ounce -force to newton
NISTounceImperialPerGallonTOgramPerLiter Convert ounce per gallon to gram per liter
NISTounceImperialPerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter Convert ounce per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTounceImperialTOcubMeter Convert ounce to cubic meter
NISTounceImperialTOml Convert ounce to milliliter
NISTouncePerCubInchTOkgPerCubMeter Convert ounce per cubic inch to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTouncePerGallonTOgramPerLiter Convert ounce per gallon to gram per liter
NISTouncePerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter Convert ounce per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTouncePerSqrFtTOkgPerSqrMeter Convert ounce per square foot to kilogram per square meter
NISTouncePerSqrInchTOkgPerSqrMeter Convert ounce per square inch to kilogram per square meter
NISTouncePerSqrYardTOkgPerSqrMeter Convert ounce per square yard to kilogram per square meter
NISTounceTOcubMeter Convert ounce to cubic meter
NISTounceTOml Convert ounce to milliliter
NISTounceTroyTOgram Convert ounce to gram
NISTounceTroyTOkg Convert ounce to kilogram
NISTparsecTOmeter Convert parsec to meter
NISTpascalSecTOcentipoise Convert pascal second to centipoise
NISTpascalSecTOpoise Convert pascal second to poise
NISTpascalSecTOpoundalSecPerSqrFt Convert pascal second to poundal second per square foot
NISTpascalSecTOpoundForceSecPerSqrFt Convert pascal second to pound-force second per square foot
NISTpascalSecTOpoundForceSecPerSqrInch Convert pascal second to pound-force second per square inch
NISTpascalSecTOpoundPerFtHour Convert pascal second to pound per foot hour
NISTpascalSecTOpoundPerFtSec Convert pascal second to pound per foot second
NISTpascalSecTOslugPerFtSec Convert pascal second to slug per foot second
NISTpascalTOatmosphereStd Convert pascal to atmosphere, standard
NISTpascalTOatmosphereTechnical Convert pascal to atmosphere, technical 8
NISTpascalTObar Convert pascal to bar
NISTpascalTOcmOfMercury Convert pascal to centimeter of mercury 12
NISTpascalTOcmOfMercuryConvtnl Convert pascal to centimeter of mercury, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOcmOfWater Convert pascal to centimeter of water 12
NISTpascalTOcmOfWaterConvtnl Convert pascal to centimeter of water, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOdynePerSqrCm Convert pascal to dyne per square centimeter
NISTpascalTOftOfMercuryConvtnl Convert pascal to foot of mercury, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOftOfWater Convert pascal to foot of water 12
NISTpascalTOftOfWaterConvtnl Convert pascal to foot of water, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOgramForcePerSqrCm Convert pascal to gram-force per square centimeter
NISTpascalTOinchOfMercury32F Convert pascal to inch of mercury 12
NISTpascalTOinchOfMercury60F Convert pascal to inch of mercury 12
NISTpascalTOinchOfMercuryConvtnl Convert pascal to inch of mercury, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOinchOfWater39.2F Convert pascal to inch of water 12
NISTpascalTOinchOfWater60F Convert pascal to inch of water 12
NISTpascalTOinchOfWaterConvtnl Convert pascal to inch of water, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOkgForcePerSqrCm Convert pascal to kilogram-force per square centimeter
NISTpascalTOkgForcePerSqrMeter Convert pascal to kilogram-force per square meter
NISTpascalTOkgForcePerSqrMillimeter Convert pascal to kilogram-force per square millimeter
NISTpascalTOkipPerSqrInch Convert pascal to kip per square inch
NISTpascalTOmillibar Convert pascal to millibar
NISTpascalTOmillimeterOfMercuryConvtnl Convert pascal to millimeter of mercury, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOmillimeterOfWaterConvtnl Convert pascal to millimeter of water, conventional 12
NISTpascalTOpoundalPerSqrFt Convert pascal to poundal per square foot
NISTpascalTOpoundForcePerSqrFt Convert pascal to pound-force per square foot
NISTpascalTOpoundForcePerSqrInch Convert pascal to pound-force per square inch
NISTpascalTOpsi Convert pascal to psi
NISTpascalTOtorr Convert pascal to torr
NISTpeckTOcubMeter Convert peck to cubic meter
NISTpeckTOliter Convert peck to liter
NISTpennyweightTOgram Convert pennyweight to gram
NISTpennyweightTOkg Convert pennyweight to kilogram
NISTperm0CtOkgPerPascalSecSqrMeter Convert perm to kilogram per pascal second square meter
NISTperm23CtOkgPerPascalSecSqrMeter Convert perm to kilogram per pascal second square meter
NISTpermInch0CtOkgPerPascalSecMeter Convert perm inch to kilogram per pascal second meter
NISTpermInch23CtOkgPerPascalSecMeter Convert perm inch to kilogram per pascal second meter
NISTphotTOlux Convert phot to lux
NISTpicaComputerTOmeter Convert pica to meter
NISTpicaComputerTOmillimeter Convert pica to millimeter
NISTpicaPrinterTOmeter Convert pica to meter
NISTpicaPrinterTOmillimeter Convert pica to millimeter
NISTpintUSdryTOcubMeter Convert pint to cubic meter
NISTpintUSdryTOliter Convert pint to liter
NISTpintUSliquidTOcubMeter Convert pint to cubic meter
NISTpintUSliquidTOliter Convert pint to liter
NISTpointComputerTOmeter Convert point to meter
NISTpointComputerTOmillimeter Convert point to millimeter
NISTpointPrinterTOmeter Convert point to meter
NISTpointPrinterTOmillimeter Convert point to millimeter
NISTpoiseTOpascalSec Convert poise to pascal second
NISTpoundalPerSqrFtTOpascal Convert poundal per square foot to pascal
NISTpoundalSecPerSqrFtTOpascalSec Convert poundal second per square foot to pascal second
NISTpoundalTOnewton Convert poundal to newton
NISTpoundAvoirdupoisTOkg Convert pound 22 to kilogram
NISTpoundForceFtPerInchTOnewtonMeterPerMeter Convert pound-force foot per inch to newton meter per meter
NISTpoundForceFtTOnewtonMeter Convert pound-force foot to newton meter
NISTpoundForceInchPerInchTOnewtonMeterPerMeter Convert pound-force inch per inch to newton meter per meter
NISTpoundForceInchTOnewtonMeter Convert pound-force inch to newton meter
NISTpoundForcePerFtTOnewtonPerMeter Convert pound-force per foot to newton per meter
NISTpoundForcePerInchTOnewtonPerMeter Convert pound-force per inch to newton per meter
NISTpoundForcePerPoundTOnewtonPerKg Convert pound-force per pound to newton per kilogram
NISTpoundForcePerSqrFtTOpascal Convert pound-force per square foot to pascal
NISTpoundForcePerSqrInchTOkpascal Convert pound-force per square inch to kilopascal
NISTpoundForcePerSqrInchTOpascal Convert pound-force per square inch to pascal
NISTpoundForceSecPerSqrFtTOpascalSec Convert pound-force second per square foot to pascal second
NISTpoundForceSecPerSqrInchTOpascalSec Convert pound-force second per square inch to pascal second
NISTpoundForceTOnewton Convert pound-force 23 to newton
NISTpoundFtSqrdTOkgMeterSqrd Convert pound foot squared to kilogram meter squared
NISTpoundInchSqrdTOkgMeterSqrd Convert pound inch squared to kilogram meter squared
NISTpoundPerCubFtTOkgPerCubMeter Convert pound per cubic foot to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTpoundPerCubInchTOkgPerCubMeter Convert pound per cubic inch to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTpoundPerCubYardTOkgPerCubMeter Convert pound per cubic yard to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTpoundPerFtHourTOpascalSec Convert pound per foot hour to pascal second
NISTpoundPerFtSecTOpascalSec Convert pound per foot second to pascal second
NISTpoundPerFtTOkgPerMeter Convert pound per foot to kilogram per meter
NISTpoundPerGallonImperialTOkgPerCubMeter Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTpoundPerGallonImperialTOkgPerLiter Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per liter
NISTpoundPerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTpoundPerGallonTOkgPerLiter Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per liter
NISTpoundPerHorsepowerHourTOkgPerJoule Convert pound per horsepower hour to kilogram per joule
NISTpoundPerHourTOkgPerSec Convert pound per hour to kilogram per second
NISTpoundPerInchTOkgPerMeter Convert pound per inch to kilogram per meter
NISTpoundPerMinTOkgPerSec Convert pound per minute to kilogram per second
NISTpoundPerSecTOkgPerSec Convert pound per second to kilogram per second
NISTpoundPerSqrFtTOkgPerSqrMeter Convert pound per square foot to kilogram per square meter
NISTpoundPerSqrInchTOkgPerSqrMeter Convert pound per square inch to kilogram per square meter
NISTpoundPerYardTOkgPerMeter Convert pound per yard to kilogram per meter
NISTpoundTroyTOkg Convert pound to kilogram
NISTpsiTOkpascal Convert psi to kilopascal
NISTpsiTOpascal Convert psi to pascal
NISTquadTOjoule Convert quad 11 to joule
NISTquartUSdryTOcubMeter Convert quart to cubic meter
NISTquartUSdryTOliter Convert quart to liter
NISTquartUSliquidTOcubMeter Convert quart to cubic meter
NISTquartUSliquidTOliter Convert quart to liter
NISTradianPerSecTOrevolutionPerMin Convert radian per second to revolution per minute
NISTradianPerSecTOrpm Convert radian per second to rpm
NISTradianTOdeg Convert radian to degree
NISTradianTOgon Convert radian to gon
NISTradianTOmil Convert radian to mil
NISTradianTOmin Convert radian to minute
NISTradianTOrevolution Convert radian to revolution
NISTradianTOsec Convert radian to second
NISTradTOgray Convert rad to gray
NISTreciprocalMeterTOkayser Convert reciprocal meter to kayser
NISTreciprocalPascalSec1TOrhe Convert reciprocal pascal second -1 to rhe
NISTremTOsievert Convert rem to sievert
NISTrevolutionPerMinTOradianPerSec Convert revolution per minute to radian per second
NISTrevolutionTOradian Convert revolution to radian
NISTrheTOreciprocalPascalSec1 Convert rhe to reciprocal pascal second -1
NISTrodTOmeter Convert rod 7 to meter
NISTroentgenTOcoulombPerKg Convert roentgen to coulomb per kilogram
NISTrpmTOradianPerSec Convert rpm to radian per second
NISTsecTOday Convert second to day
NISTsecTOdaySidereal Convert second to day
NISTsecTOhour Convert second to hour
NISTsecTOhourSidereal Convert second to hour
NISTsecTOmin Convert second to minute
NISTsecTOminSidereal Convert second to minute
NISTsecTOradian Convert second to radian
NISTsecTOsec Convert second to second
NISTsecTOshake Convert second to shake
NISTsecTOyear Convert second to year
NISTsecTOyearSidereal Convert second to year
NISTsecTOyearTropical Convert second to year
NISTshakeTOnanosec Convert shake to nanosecond
NISTshakeTOsec Convert shake to second
NISTsiemensTOabmho Convert siemens to abmho
NISTsiemensTOmho Convert siemens to mho
NISTsiemensTOstatmho Convert siemens to statmho
NISTsievertTOrem Convert sievert to rem
NISTslugPerCubFtTOkgPerCubMeter Convert slug per cubic foot to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTslugPerFtSecTOpascalSec Convert slug per foot second to pascal second
NISTslugTOkg Convert slug to kilogram
NISTsqrCmTOsqrInch Convert square centimeter to square inch
NISTsqrFtPerHourTOsqrMeterPerSec Convert square foot per hour to square meter per second
NISTsqrFtPerSecTOsqrMeterPerSec Convert square foot per second to square meter per second
NISTsqrFtTOsqrMeter Convert square foot to square meter
NISTsqrInchTOsqrCm Convert square inch to square centimeter
NISTsqrInchTOsqrMeter Convert square inch to square meter
NISTsqrKmTOsqrMile Convert square kilometer to square mile
NISTsqrKmTOsqrMileUSsurvey Convert square kilometer to square mile 7
NISTsqrMeterKPerWattTOclo Convert square meter kelvin per watt to clo
NISTsqrMeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnIT Convert square meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitIT
NISTsqrMeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnth Convert square meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unitth
NISTsqrMeterPerSecTOsqrFtPerHour Convert square meter per second to square foot per hour
NISTsqrMeterPerSecTOsqrFtPerSec Convert square meter per second to square foot per second
NISTsqrMeterTOacre Convert square meter to acre 7
NISTsqrMeterTOare Convert square meter to are
NISTsqrMeterTObarn Convert square meter to barn
NISTsqrMeterTOcircularMil Convert square meter to circular mil
NISTsqrMeterTOhectare Convert square meter to hectare
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrFt Convert square meter to square foot
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrInch Convert square meter to square inch
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrMile Convert square meter to square mile
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrMileUSsurvey Convert square meter to square mile 7
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrYard Convert square meter to square yard
NISTsqrMileTOsqrKm Convert square mile to square kilometer
NISTsqrMileTOsqrMeter Convert square mile to square meter
NISTsqrMileUSsurveyTOsqrKm Convert square mile 7 to square kilometer
NISTsqrMileUSsurveyTOsqrMeter Convert square mile 7 to square meter
NISTsqrMillimeterTOcircularMil Convert square millimeter to circular mil
NISTsqrYardTOsqrMeter Convert square yard to square meter
NISTstatampereTOampere Convert statampere to ampere
NISTstatcoulombTOcoulomb Convert statcoulomb to coulomb
NISTstatfaradTOfarad Convert statfarad to farad
NISTstathenryTOhenry Convert stathenry to henry
NISTstatmhoTOsiemens Convert statmho to siemens
NISTstatohmTOohm Convert statohm to ohm
NISTstatvoltTOvolt Convert statvolt to volt
NISTstereTOcubMeter Convert stere to cubic meter
NISTstilbTOcandelaPerSqrMeter Convert stilb to candela per square meter
NISTstokesTOmeterSqrdPerSec Convert stokes to meter squared per second
NISTtablespoonTOcubMeter Convert tablespoon to cubic meter
NISTtablespoonTOml Convert tablespoon to milliliter
NISTteaspoonTOcubMeter Convert teaspoon to cubic meter
NISTteaspoonTOml Convert teaspoon to milliliter
NISTteslaTOgamma Convert tesla to gamma
NISTteslaTOgauss Convert tesla to gauss
NISTtexTOkgPerMeter Convert tex to kilogram per meter
NISTthermECtOjoule Convert therm 24 to joule
NISTthermUStOjoule Convert therm 24 to joule
NISTtonAssayTOgram Convert ton, assay to gram
NISTtonAssayTOkg Convert ton, assay to kilogram
NISTtonForceTOkilonewton Convert ton-force to kilonewton
NISTtonForceTOnewton Convert ton-force to newton
NISTtonLongPerCubYardTOkgPerCubMeter Convert ton, long, per cubic yard to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTtonLongTOkg Convert ton, long to kilogram
NISTtonneTOkg Convert tonne to kilogram
NISTtonOfRefrigerationTOwatt Convert ton of refrigeration to watt
NISTtonOfTNTtOjoule Convert ton of TNT 25 to joule
NISTtonRegisterTOcubMeter Convert ton, register to cubic meter
NISTtonShortPerCubYardTOkgPerCubMeter Convert ton, short, per cubic yard to kilogram per cubic meter
NISTtonShortPerHourTOkgPerSec Convert ton, short, per hour to kilogram per second
NISTtonShortTOkg Convert ton, short to kilogram
NISTtonSItOkg Convert ton, metric to kilogram
NISTtorrTOpascal Convert torr to pascal
NISTukThUn39FtOjoule Convert British thermal unit to joule
NISTukThUn59FtOjoule Convert British thermal unit to joule
NISTukThUn60FtOjoule Convert British thermal unit to joule
NISTukThUnITFtPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK Convert British thermal unitIT foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per meter kelvin
NISTukThUnITInchPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK Convert British thermal unitIT inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per meter kelvin
NISTukThUnITInchPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK Convert British thermal unitIT inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per meter kelvin
NISTukThUnITPerCubFtTOjoulePerCubMeter Convert British thermal unitIT per cubic foot to joule per cubic meter
NISTukThUnITPerDegFtOjoulePerK Convert British thermal unitIT per degree Fahrenheit to joule per kelvin
NISTukThUnITPerDegRankineTOjoulePerK Convert British thermal unitIT per degree Rankine to joule per kelvin
NISTukThUnITPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK Convert British thermal unitIT per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per square meter kelvin
NISTukThUnITPerHourTOwatt Convert British thermal unitIT per hour to watt
NISTukThUnITPerPoundDegFtOjoulePerKgK Convert British thermal unitIT per pound degree Fahrenheit to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTukThUnITPerPoundDegRankineTOjoulePerKgK Convert British thermal unitIT per pound degree Rankine to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTukThUnITPerPoundTOjoulePerKg Convert British thermal unitIT per pound to joule per kilogram
NISTukThUnITPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK Convert British thermal unitIT per second square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per square meter kelvin
NISTukThUnITPerSecTOwatt Convert British thermal unitIT per second to watt
NISTukThUnITPerSqrFtHourTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitIT per square foot hour to watt per square meter
NISTukThUnITPerSqrFtSecTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitIT per square foot second to watt per square meter
NISTukThUnITPerSqrFtTOjoulePerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitIT per square foot to joule per square meter
NISTukThUnITtOjoule Convert British thermal unitIT 9 to joule
NISTukThUnthFtPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK Convert British thermal unitth foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per meter kelvin
NISTukThUnthInchPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK Convert British thermal unitth inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per meter kelvin
NISTukThUnthInchPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK Convert British thermal unitth inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per meter kelvin
NISTukThUnthPerCubFtTOjoulePerCubMeter Convert British thermal unitth per cubic foot to joule per cubic meter
NISTukThUnthPerDegFtOjoulePerK Convert British thermal unitth per degree Fahrenheit to joule per kelvin
NISTukThUnthPerDegRankineTOjoulePerK Convert British thermal unitth per degree Rankine to joule per kelvin
NISTukThUnthPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK Convert British thermal unitth per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per square meter kelvin
NISTukThUnthPerHourTOwatt Convert British thermal unitth per hour to watt
NISTukThUnthPerMinTOwatt Convert British thermal unitth per minute to watt
NISTukThUnthPerPoundDegFtOjoulePerKgK Convert British thermal unitth per pound degree Fahrenheit to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTukThUnthPerPoundDegRankineTOjoulePerKgK Convert British thermal unitth per pound degree Rankine to joule per kilogram kelvin
NISTukThUnthPerPoundTOjoulePerKg Convert British thermal unitth per pound to joule per kilogram
NISTukThUnthPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK Convert British thermal unitth per second square foot degree Fahrenheit to watt per square meter kelvin
NISTukThUnthPerSecTOwatt Convert British thermal unitth per second to watt
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtHourTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitth per square foot hour to watt per square meter
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtMinTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitth per square foot minute to watt per square meter
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtSecTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitth per square foot second to watt per square meter
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtTOjoulePerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitth per square foot to joule per square meter
NISTukThUnthPerSqrInchSecTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert British thermal unitth per square inch second to watt per square meter
NISTukThUnthTOjoule Convert British thermal unitth 9 to joule
NISTukThUnTOjoule Convert British thermal unit to joule
NISTunPoleTOweber Convert unit pole to weber
NISTvoltTOabvolt Convert volt to abvolt
NISTvoltToEMUOfElectricPotential Convert volt to EMU of electric potential
NISTvoltToESUOfElectricPotential Convert volt to ESU of electric potential
NISTvoltTOstatvolt Convert volt to statvolt
NISTwattHourTOjoule Convert watt hour to joule
NISTwattPerMeterKtOcalthPerCmSecDegC Convert watt per meter kelvin to calorieth per centimeter second degree Celsius
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnITFtPerHourSqrFtDegF Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnITInchPerHourSqrFtDegF Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnITInchPerSecSqrFtDegF Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnthFtPerHourSqrFtDegF Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitth foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnthInchPerHourSqrFtDegF Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitth inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnthInchPerSecSqrFtDegF Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitth inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerSqrCmTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert watt per square centimeter to watt per square meter
NISTwattPerSqrInchTOwattPerSqrMeter Convert watt per square inch to watt per square meter
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnITPerHourSqrFtDegF Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnITPerSecSqrFtDegF Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnthPerHourSqrFtDegF Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal unitth per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnthPerSecSqrFtDegF Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal unitth per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOcalthPerSqrCmMin Convert watt per square meter to calorieth per square centimeter minute
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOcalthPerSqrCmSec Convert watt per square meter to calorieth per square centimeter second
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOergPerSqrCmSec Convert watt per square meter to erg per square centimeter second
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnITPerSqrFtHour Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitIT per square foot hour
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnITPerSqrFtSec Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitIT per square foot second
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFtHour Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per square foot hour
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFtMin Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per square foot minute
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFtSec Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per square foot second
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrInchSec Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per square inch second
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOwattPerSqrCm Convert watt per square meter to watt per square centimeter
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOwattPerSqrInch Convert watt per square meter to watt per square inch
NISTwattSecTOjoule Convert watt second to joule
NISTwattTOcalthPerMin Convert watt to calorieth per minute
NISTwattTOcalthPerSec Convert watt to calorieth per second
NISTwattTOergPerSec Convert watt to erg per second
NISTwattTOftPoundForcePerHour Convert watt to foot pound-force per hour
NISTwattTOftPoundForcePerMin Convert watt to foot pound-force per minute
NISTwattTOftPoundForcePerSec Convert watt to foot pound-force per second
NISTwattTOhorsepower Convert watt to horsepower
NISTwattTOhorsepowerBoiler Convert watt to horsepower
NISTwattTOhorsepowerElectric Convert watt to horsepower
NISTwattTOhorsepowerImperial Convert watt to horsepower
NISTwattTOhorsepowerSI Convert watt to horsepower
NISTwattTOhorsepowerWater Convert watt to horsepower
NISTwattTOkilocalthPerMin Convert watt to kilocalorieth per minute
NISTwattTOkilocalthPerSec Convert watt to kilocalorieth per second
NISTwattTOtonOfRefrigeration Convert watt to ton of refrigeration
NISTwattTOukThUnITPerHour Convert watt to British thermal unitIT per hour
NISTwattTOukThUnITPerSec Convert watt to British thermal unitIT per second
NISTwattTOukThUnthPerHour Convert watt to British thermal unitth per hour
NISTwattTOukThUnthPerMin Convert watt to British thermal unitth per minute
NISTwattTOukThUnthPerSec Convert watt to British thermal unitth per second
NISTweberTOmaxwell Convert weber to maxwell
NISTweberTOunPole Convert weber to unit pole
NISTyardTOmeter Convert yard to meter
NISTyearSiderealTOsec Convert year to second
NISTyearTOsec Convert year to second
NISTyearTropicalTOsec Convert year to second

-- S --

ShortenLongNames Shorten long names for physical constants
ShortenTitles Shorten titles for factor help files

-- T --

tableNIST2010 Fundamental Physical Constants
tableNISTfactors Factors for Unit Conversion
tableNISTnonSI Fundamental Physical Constants non-SI