pwncut {NCutYX} | R Documentation |
Cluster the Columns of X into K Clusters by Giving a Weighted Cluster Membership while shrinking Weights Towards Each Other.
This function will output K channels of variables.
pwncut(X, K = 2, B = 3000, L = 1000, scale = TRUE, lambda = 1,
epsilon = 0, nstarts = 3, start = "default", dist = "gaussian",
sigma = 0.1, beta = 1)
X |
is a n x p matrix of p variables and n observations. |
K |
is the number of clusters. |
B |
is the number of iterations in the simulated annealing algorithm. |
L |
is the temperature coefficient in the simulated annealing algorithm. |
scale |
equals TRUE if data X is to be scaled with mean 0 and variance 1. |
lambda |
the tuning parameter of the penalty. Larger values shrink the weighted cluster membership closer together (default = 1). |
epsilon |
values in the similarity matrix less than epsilon are set to 0 (default = 0). |
nstarts |
the number of starting values also corresponding how many times simulated annealing is run. Larger values provide better results but takes longer. |
start |
if it equals 'default' then the starting value for all weights is 1/K. If 'random' then weights are sampled from a uniform distribution and then scaled to sum 1 per variable. |
dist |
specifies the distance metric used for constructing the similarity matrix. Options are 'gaussian', 'correlation' and 'euclidean' (default = 'gaussian'). |
sigma |
is the bandwidth parameter when the dist metric chosen is 'gaussian' (default = 0.1). |
beta |
when dist='correlation', beta is the exponent applied to each entry of the similarity matrix. |
The algorithm minimizes a modified version of NCut through simulated annealing. The clusters correspond to partitions that minimize this objective function.
Sebastian J. Teran Hidalgo, Mengyun Wu and Shuangge Ma. Penalized and weighted clustering of gene expression data using PWNCut. (Submitted.)
# This sets up the initial parameters for the simulation.
n <- 100 # Sample size
p <- 100 # Number of columns of Y.
K <- 3
C0 <- matrix(0,p,K)
C0[1:25,1] <- matrix(1,25,1)
C0[26:75,1:3] <- matrix(1/3,50,3)
C0[76:100,3] <- matrix(1,25,1)
A0 <- C0[ ,1]%*%t(C0[ ,1]) + C0[ ,2]%*%t(C0[ ,2]) +
C0[ ,3]%*%t(C0[ ,3])
A0 <- A0 - diag(diag(A0)) + diag(p)
Z1 <- rnorm(n,0,2)
Z2 <- rnorm(n,0,2)
Z3 <- rnorm(n,0,2)
Y <- matrix(0,n,p)
Y[ ,1:25] <- matrix(rnorm(n*25, 0, 2), n, 25) + matrix(Z1, n, 25, byrow=FALSE)
Y[ ,26:75] <- matrix(rnorm(n*50, 0, 2), n, 50) + matrix(Z1, n, 50, byrow=FALSE) +
matrix(Z2, n, 50, byrow=FALSE) + matrix(Z3, n, 50, byrow=FALSE)
Y[ ,76:100] <- matrix(rnorm(n*25, 0, 2), n, 25) + matrix(Z3, n, 25, byrow=FALSE)
trial <- pwncut(Y,
K = 3,
B = 10000,
L = 1000,
lambda = 1.5,
start = 'default',
scale = TRUE,
nstarts = 1,
epsilon = 0,
dist = 'correlation',
sigma = 10)
A1 <- trial[[2]][ ,1]%*%t(trial[[2]][ ,1]) +
trial[[2]][ ,2]%*%t(trial[[2]][ ,2]) +
trial[[2]][ ,3]%*%t(trial[[2]][ ,3])
A1 <- A1 - diag(diag(A1)) + diag(p)
plot(trial[[1]], type='l')
errorL <- sum(abs(A0-A1))/p^2