NCmisc-package {NCmisc} | R Documentation |
Miscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and Scripts
A set of handy functions. Includes a versatile one line progress bar, one line function timer with detailed output, time delay function, text histogram, object preview, CRAN package search, simpler package installer, Linux command install check, a flexible Mode function, top function, simulation of correlated data, and more.
Package: | NCmisc |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.2.0 |
Date: | 2022-10-14 |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
A package of general purpose functions that might save time or help tidy up code. Some of these functions are similar to existing functions but are simpler to use or have more features (e.g, timeit and loop.tracker reduce an initialisation, 'during' and close three-line call structure, to a single function call. Also, some of these functions are useful for building packages and pipelines, for instance: Header(), to provide strong visual deliniation between procedures in console output, by an ascii bordered heading; loop.tracker() to track the progress of loops (called with only 1 line of code), with the option to periodically backup a key object during the loop; estimate.memory() to determine whether the object may exceed some threshold before creating it, timeit(), a one line wrapper for proftools which gives a detailed breakdown of time taken, and time within each function called during a procedure; and check.linux.install() to verify installation status of terminal commands before using system(), top() to examine current memory and CPU usage [using the system 'top' command]. prv() is useful for debugging as it allows a detailed preview of objects, and is as easy as placing print statements within loops/functions but gives more information, and gives compact output for large objects. For testing sim.cor() provides a simple way to simulate a correlated data matrix, as often this is more realistic than completely random data. Otherwise summarise.r.datasets gives a list of all available datasets and their structure and dimensionality.
List of key functions:
check.linux.install Check whether a given system command is installed (e.g, bash)
comma.list Nicely format output lists with comma separation and length control
comify Function to add commas for large numbers
cor.with simulate a variable with a specified correlation to an existing variable
Dim same as dim() function but works for more objects, including vectors
dup.pairs Obtain an ordered index of all instances of values with duplicates
estimate.memory Estimate the memory required for an object
exists.not.function same as exists() function but ignores functions
extend.pc Extend an interval by percentage
fakeLines Create randomized lines of text for testing
force.percentage Force argument to be a decimal percentage
force.scalar Force argument to be a scalar
get.distinct.cols Return up to 22 distinct colours
getRepositories Return list of available repositories
has.method Determine whether a function can be applied to an S4 class/object
headl A good way to preview large lists
Header Print heading text with a border
is.vec.logical Test whether vector is logical independent of type
is.vec.numeric Test whether vector is numeric independent of type Show all functions used in an R script file, by package Inserts new variables in current environment from a named list
loess.scatter Draw a scatterplot with a fit line
loop.tracker Creates a progess bar within a loop with only 1 line
Mode Find the mode(s) of a vector
must.use.package Do everything possible to load an R package
narm Return an object with missing values removed Similar to base match function but picks nearest instead of exact match
Numerify Convert only suitable columns to numeric format in data.frame
out.of Simplify outputting fractions/percentages Convert p-values to Z-scores
packages.loaded quietly test whether packages are loaded without using require
pad.left Print a vector with appropriate padding so each has equal char length
pctile Find data thresholds corresponding to percentiles
ppa Posterior probability for p-values
preview same as prv, but enter arguments as strings
prv.large tidy representation for large matrices/data.frames
prv compact preview of objects (more complete than 'print')
replace.missing.df replace missing values in data.frame automatically
Rfile.index Create an index file for an R function file
rmv.names Remove names from object
rmv.spc Remove leading and trailing spaces (or other character)
search.cran Search all CRAN packages for those containing keyword(s)
sim.cor simulate a correlated dataset generate a string with compact summary of date/time
spc Print a character a specified number of times
standardize Convert a numeric vector to Z-scores
Substitute multivariable version of substitute (base)
summary2 Extension of base:summary that adds SD, SE and keeps names fixed and cleaner
summarise.r.datasets show and summarise all available example datasets
table2d Extension of base:table that forces fixed rows and columns
textogram Make an ascii histogram in the console
timeit Times an expression, with breakdown of time spent in functions
toheader Return a string with each first letter of each word in upper case
top report on CPU and memory usage, overall or by process
Unlist Unlist a list, starting only from a set depth
wait Wait for a period of time
which.outlier Return indexes of univariate outliers Convert Z-scores to p-values
Nicholas Cooper
Maintainer: Nicholas Cooper <>
See Also
#text histogram suited to working from a console without GUI graphics
# wait 0.2 seconds
# see whether a system command is installed
# a nice progress bar
max <- 100; for (cc in 1:max) { loop.tracker(cc,max); wait(0.004,"s") }
# nice header
Header(c("SPACE","The final frontier"))
# memory req'd for proposed or actual object
# a mode function (there isn't one included as part of base)
# search for packages containing text, eg, 'misc'
search.cran("misc", repos="")
# simulate a correlated dataset
corDat <- sim.cor(200,5)
cor(corDat) # show correlation matrix
prv(corDat) # show compact preview of matrix
# Dim() versus dim()
Dim(1:10); dim(1:10)
# find nearest match in a vector:, 50.5)