exact.nb.test {NBPSeq}R Documentation

Exact Negative Binomial Test for Differential Gene Expression


exact.nb.test performs the Robinson and Smyth exact negative binomial (NB) test for differential gene expression on each gene and summarizes the results using p-values and q-values (FDR).


exact.nb.test(obj, grp1, grp2, print.level = 1)



output from estimate.disp.


Identifier of group 1. A number, character or string (should match at least one of the obj$grp.ids).


Identifier of group 2. A number, character or string (should match at least one of the obj$grp.ids).


a number. Controls the amount of messages printed: 0 for suppressing all messages, 1 for basic progress messages, larger values for more detailed messages.


The negative binomial (NB) distribution offers a more realistic model for RNA-Seq count variability and still permits an exact (non-asymptotic) test for comparing expression levels in two groups.

For each gene, let S1S_1, S2S_2 be the sums of gene counts from all biological replicates in each group. The exact NB test is based on the conditional distribution of S1S1+S2S_1|S_1+S_2: a value of S1S_1 that is too big or too small, relative to the sum S1+S2S_1+S_2, indicates evidence for differential gene expression. When the effective library sizes are the same in all replicates and the dispersion parameters are known, we can determine the probability functions of S1S_1, S2S_2 explicitly. The exact p-value is computed as the total conditional probability of all possible values of (S1,S2)(S_1, S_2) that have the same sum as but are more extreme than the observed values of (S1,S2)(S_1, S_2).

Note that we assume that the NB dispersion parameters for the two groups are the same and library sizes (column totals of the count matrix) are the same.


the list obj from the input with the following added components:


same as input.


same as input.


estimated pooled mean of relative count frequencies in the two groups being compared.


a matrix of estimated gene expression levels as indicated by mean relative read frequencies. It has three columns grp1, grp2, pooled corresponding to the two treatment groups and the pooled mean.


base 2 log fold change in mean relative frequency between two groups.


p-values of the exact NB test applied to each gene (row).


q-values (estimated FDR) corresponding to the p-values.


Before calling exact.nb.test, the user should call estimate.norm.factors to estimate normalization factors, call prepare.nbp to adjust library sizes, and call estimate.disp to fit a dispersion model. The exact NB test will be performed using pseudo.counts in the list obj, which are normalized and adjusted to have the same effective library sizes (column sums of the count matrix, multiplied by normalization factors).

Users not interested in fine tuning the underlying statistical model should use nbp.test instead. The all-in-one function nbp.test uses sensible approaches to normalize the counts, estimate the NBP model parameters and test for differential gene expression.

A test will be performed on a row (a gene) only when the total row count is nonzero, otherwise an NA value will be assigned to the corresponding p-value and q-value.

See Also



## Load Arabidopsis data

## Specify treatment groups
## grp.ids = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2); # Numbers or strings are both OK
grp.ids = rep(c("mock", "hrcc"), each=3);

## Estimate normalization factors
norm.factors = estimate.norm.factors(arab);

## Prepare an NBP object, adjust the library sizes by thinning the
## counts. For demonstration purpose, only use the first 100 rows of
## the arab data.
obj = prepare.nbp(arab[1:100,], grp.ids, lib.size=colSums(arab), norm.factors=norm.factors);

## Fit a dispersion model (NBQ by default)
obj = estimate.disp(obj);

## Perform exact NB test
## grp1 = 1;
## grp2 = 2;
grp1 = "mock";
grp2 = "hrcc";

obj = exact.nb.test(obj, grp1, grp2);

## Print and plot results

[Package NBPSeq version 0.3.1 Index]